Life Positive July 2018

Issue description

Lead Story-Hit The Bullseye, Sharpen your concentration to achieve your goals, says Jamuna Rangachari. A journey to the heart - Discovers the meaning and purpose of heartfullness meditation and the benefits and staying in tune with nature, in an interviw with Kamlesh Patil( Daaaji), Punya srivastava. Try yoga for diabetes by MalvikaAaggarwal. Food for the vata type - Explains the vata dasha type according to Ayurveda and recommends appropriate foods for this type of person, along with some delicious recipes. Only love can change the world - Dadasreeji shares the beautiful message of divine love, without witch all wordly pursuits fail to make us realise the that we all are ONE. Spiritual showers in Coimbatore by Anuradha sahu. Do not displace - Megha bajaj explains how disciplining emotions is harmful to you, as well as your relationships and suggests ways to tackle this.. Inside the a healers world - Do you wish to become a healer? Punya srivastava learn about the various challenges he