June 2023 issue

Issue description

The June 2023 issue of Life Positive is an engrossing and a highly useful one. If people dying of sudden heart attacks concern you, then the lead story, Tending your ticker addresses this very important issue. The close-encounter Teaching in tandem traces the journey of a successful businessman’s movement into spirituality and then to subsequent enlightenment. The article Boost your brainpower talks about accessing brain waves that carry the secret to achieving phenomenal success in life. The article Cut the Carbon discusses ways through which we can make our eating habits more earth- friendly. And finally, The article When the hills beckon gives you a sneak-peek into the five-day retreat organised by Life Positive at Ramgarh, Nainital, a place full of natural beauty to help you heal your body, mind, and life. So book your place NOW! Call us - +91-9560803144, +91 9312191587.