June 2017
By Malvika Dadoo Agarwal
This International Yoga Day resolve to make these eight yogasanas a permanent part of your daily regimen for greater health and happiness, says Malvika Dadoo Agarwal
It's the month of June and the International Yoga Day is just around the corner. If you are a yoga enthusiast, then it's time to celebrate your passion for yoga with the international community. But if you are an irregular practitioner, then there cannot be a better time to pull up your socks and determine to become more committed to the practice. The advantage of yoga over other exercise regimens is that it is holistic in nature. Not only does it give you a toned body, which you can proudly flaunt, but also increases stamina and facilitates greater control over your unruly emotions. With your body and mind at your command, how far can the spirit be left behind? It happily toes the line and lo and behold, you have become what you always wanted. An awakened individual with all her faculties functioning optimally. Let's make this easy for you. Follow these simple yoga exercises everyday for a more beautiful, fitter, healthier, and happier you. Here below are eight simple stretches which you can do everyday and which have immense benefits:
Start with Tadasana
reath in, pull yourself up, focus at a point and hold. Work those calves, stretch your rectusabdominal muscles and intestines . Lower your heels while breathing out and bring the hands down from the side.
Tone your body with Trikonasana
Stand straight with your feet more than shoulder distance apart. Turn the right foot to the right side. Inhale and stretch the arms sideways at shoulder level to form a straight line. Exhale and bend to the right side caring not to bend forward, and touching your right hand to your right foot. Repeat the movement on the other side. This, if regularly practised, will not only tone your whole body but will alleviate nervous depression, improve digestion, strengthen the pelvic area, tone the reproductive organ and reduce waistline fat.
Increase your blood flow with Parvatasana
Another easy asana that strengthens the nerves and muscles in the limbs and back. It helps to increase height, and improves blood circulation.
If you have nailed these, try the Vyaghrasana
From the mountain pose, bend your knees and rest them on the mat. Arching the back downwards, straighten the right leg, stretching it up and back. Bend the right knee, look up and bring the toes towards the back of your head. Hold your breath for a few seconds in this position, then straighten the knee and swing the leg under the hip. Simultaneously arch the back up, bend the head down bringing the knee towards the nose.Vyaghrasana or tiger pose relaxes the sciatic nerve, tones the female reproductive organs, promotes digestion and stimulates blood circulation.
Exhale and rest in Shashankasana (hare pose)
This will strengthen the back muscles, and release the pressure on the disc.
Give your lungs room to breathe with Bhujangasana
Lie flat on your stomach with legs straight, and feet together. Place your palms flat on the floor, on the side of the shoulder with the fingers together and pointing forward. Position the arms so that the elbows point backwards and are close to the sides of the body. Breath in and straighten the elbow and arch the back. The pubic bone remains in contact with the mat and the navel is raised to a maximum of three cm. Hold this position for a few seconds. Slowly release the breath and return to the starting position. Bhujangasana can help to remove backache, tone the ovaries and uterus, stimulate appetite, alleviate constipation and benefit all the abdominal organs, especially the liver and kidneys.
Move to Parivritta Janu Sirshasana
This one is not as easy as the others but not too difficult either.
Sit with legs about a meter apart. Bend the left knee and place the heel against the perineum. Exhale and bend forward, inclining the body to the right to hold the right foot with the right hand. Bring the left arm over the head and grasp the right foot with the left hand. Hold the pose for a comfortable length of time. Slowly return to the upright position and repeat the movement on the other side. This asana gives a lateral stretch to the body and prepares the body for long hours of sitting in meditation asanas.
Relax in Shavasana
ie flat on the back with the arms about 15 cm away from the body, and palms facing the sky. Move the feet slightly apart to a comfortable position and close the eyes.Relax the whole body and stop all physical movement. Become aware of the natural breath and allow it to become rhythmic and relaxed. After some time become aware of the body and surroundings, and gently and smoothly release the posture. This asana relaxes the whole psychophysiological system. When the body is completely relaxed, awareness of the mind increases.
Malvika D Agarwal is a yoga therapist, and
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