Eco-Therapy on Campus: Enhancing Mental Health Through Green Spaces

Eco-Therapy on Campus: Enhancing Mental Health Through Green Spaces

As colleges continue to explore comprehensive wellness strategies for their students, the concept of eco-therapy—using nature as a tool to improve mental heal. . .

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Emotional Balance in College: How Meditation Helps Students Manage Academic Stressors

Emotional Balance in College: How Meditation Helps Students Manage Academic Stressors

College life is like being in a whirlwind of deadlines, late-night study sessions, financial responsibilities, and the pressure to fit in. Maintaining emotional. . .

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Define your valentine

I am kind of averse to trends. Especially when it comes to fashion and celebrating the so-called days. I always follow my heart in these matters. But this Valentine’s Day I wanted it to be a memo. . .

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