About Mrs. Sanyukta Gulati

About Mrs. Sanyukta Gulati

Sanyukta is a Reiki Grand Master, Theta Healer, Internationally Certified Workshop Leader and a Life Coach. She leads independent workshops and training programs ranging from 3 hours to intensive two-day transformational workshops on inner expansion and self-love.

Sanyukta Gulati is a Reiki Grand Master and a member of the International Center for Reiki Training USA. She is also a Karuna Reiki & a Magnified Healing Master She has been practicing and teaching Usui Reiki for last 20 years.

Sanyukta is now an entrepreneur and founder of Wintogether. She is a Leading-Edge Catalyst offering metaphysical solutions to her clients. Here’s a glimpse of her journey into the Metaphysical world.

Her story in her own words

I am a dreamer since my childhood; little did I know back then that dreaming will take me where I am now! I was a quiet and pensive child, second born to my loving parents who encouraged my aspirations in whatever field I chose to pursue. There was a low phase in my life in my early twenties when as a family we were struggling to keep my father sober.

That was the time when a blessed soul introduced me to my Reiki Sensei and I studied under her to become a Reiki Grandmaster. This was almost 20 years ago and I haven't looked back since then. Since my journey in the Metaphysical Realm has been an empowering one; I love to tell my story to anyone who's a keen time traveler like me.
Real empowerment came when I found my soul mate and married him. Blessed with a child, we are the three musketeers literally! I continued my metaphysical education side by side working in the corporate.

It was the year 2016 that I felt an inertia setting in my career. I realized that there was a comfort zone in which I had settled in which most definitely required stepping out.

Fortunately, at that time, I was working on a project with one of the leaders in my then organization and he recommended my name for an upcoming project to which I readily consented.

What happened after that my friends is a human story of resilience sprinkled with a generous amount of challenges garnished with innovative solutions and ultimately putting the cherry on top of that cake with winning that battle. Unlike a war-weary soldier, I look at those 2 years 2017 and 2018 as a turning point in my life; they helped me in stepping out of yet another comfort zone- this time it was my job.

Since I possessed a keen interest in the metaphysical realm and alongside my corporate career had been training in various alternate modalities; that’s where I found my peace and rest joyfully now.

Her accomplishments

 Reiki Grandmaster and an Affiliate Member of ICRT USA
 Karuna Reiki & a Magnified Healing Master
 Theta Healer with certifications in multiple workshops from THInK® USA
 Licensed Heal Your Life Workshop Leader based on Louise Hay’s mind-body
healing philosophy
 Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach
She has launched herself into the Digital space with her leading-edge courses:
 Decoding the Alignment Blueprint 3-day course
 Decoding the Alignment Challenge 30 days course
 Reiki Level I & II Mastery course
 Reiki Level III-A & B Mastery course
Her note of gratitude

She is immensely thankful to her Gurus, Spirit Guides, the Creator and the Source for their constant guidance in channeling & facilitating the simple yet empowering sessions and classes for her clients and students.

She is grateful to her loving family, friends, students, participants & clients for giving her this invaluable gift of being a source of metaphysical healing for self and others. She believes that the various metaphysical modalities have helped her in experiencing releasing of her own non-serving thought patterns and writing her new life story. She feels deeply that there is nothing better than witnessing the healing of a soul, watching the inner transformation translate into a more meaningful, successful life.

Her Mission:

Her goal is to reach out to people and help in transforming their lives through harnessing IHP (Inner Horse Power) and aligning their Wealth, Health, Relationships & Happiness goals.

Through her effective mentoring, she enables her audience to tap into their inner reservoir and regain their balance in life thereby becoming better employees, leaders, partners; most of all accountable citizens who take responsibility for their own wellbeing.


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