October 2015
The zipper displaces the button and a man lacks just that much time to think while dressing at dawn, a philosophical hour and thus a melancholy hour.
Connection - it's all about widening one's own circles so as to incorporate more and more of those people that matter or those that come with the tag of the future possibility of them being resourceful to us.This,thus enables us to take leaps ahead - that one goal that the whole life of ours is centered around and those that can play a part in the accelaration of the achievement of the same - �can only be kept high on the pedestal of desirability. Relationships and networking have indeed been most essential and the fuel for everybody's lives these days,if they are of the lot that seek immense happiness and satisfaction at all instances,further also holding that inherent desire of self - actualization either at an individual level or with the awareness of them being a part of that race that the human species has newly orchastrated - intentionally or not. However,the fellow homo sapiens are never faltering on following it rather blindly with that perennial trust sincerely established on the belief of what's right - not guided by the sanction of the Higher self and not conditioned by those priceless elements derived out of introspection - that which enlarges the awareness and the capability to instill all that which is beyond the achievement of the human race out of the practical context. But such an achievement is surely positive and a girdle of hope and the desire to go on inculcating the urge to love,the urge to help and more importantly,the urge to know and educate in those disciplines that have always been short of being pervasive in terms of the reach of their enriching contents,sadly. Yet in all these case the significance attached to the ideology and the concept of introspection has seen a deterioration in the most consistent manner as the people around indeed are attached to chains and those whose ends are within the control of the group of the people that claim about solidarity being a part of that ingroup identity. However,such a solidarity is found to have a spurious existence - that which is futile to the very purpose of life and a life that seeks holistic growth - engineering the transformation of the organism in a way that leaves the world is in a trance. The human of this nature formulates a new yearned inspiration whose rays cannot be restricted from engulfing into it all those that are deprived of the goodness within. Introspection and the power and the skills to develop an insight into the whole realm of treasurable elements inside that have only witnessed suppression into the sub - conscious and hence in an escapade on a consistent basis from the conscious self. Establishing a linkage with that deep - seated phenomenon ensures the chance to look deep and know of the real desires and of all the positivity within. A rather strange phenomenon,but immensely true at the same time, is the fact that the discovery of all those enriching aspects do influence the nature of receptions that we conduct with the social.All such experiences gained seem to be highly positive and fraught with goodness and in a way as it seems that the cognitions have been infused with a guiding attribute of positive energy. Such a reflection within causes one to influence the conduction of the external experiences and interactions in a way that's nothing short of nourishing and it is indeed such experiences that guide the choices made. Considering that indeed the choices influence the direction that one is to undertake in life,it then becomes obvious that source that triggers the ability to make an informed choice must in itself be activated in a way that it showers wisdom or atleast causes to hold the aspiration to be wise. Glory is that which is the possession of the organism that has mastered the art of knowing at all levels -knowing the self and the energies within,which further extract an approach that is simply natural in it's core,but the only problem being, - it waits to be discovered.
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