Aakash Mudra: The ultimate detoxifier
Abhaykumar Shah explains how Aakash Mudra treats various ailments by balancing the space within our body, thereby facilitating its proper functioning
Being one of the Five Elements, Aakash (space) plays a vital role in the human body. Our body has many hollow parts: the heart, the sinuses, the thin space between the brain and the skull, the lungs, the mouth, all the tubular apparatus like the veins and the wind and food pipes, both the intestines, the liver, the rectum, the ears, and many others.
Our 72000 billion cells also have space within the walls of each cell. Keeping hollowness in all these parts is very essential. The heart has to be emptied with every pumping action for the incoming blood to be purified. So also, the lungs for taking in the oxygen. Waste matter in the intestines turns toxic if not eliminated in a timely manner and makes us diseased. Sinuses filled with phlegm cause much discomfort, and the air clogged in the gap under the skull can cause heavy headache. The Aakash Element is connected with the sense of sound, and thus with the ear. Balancing this Element can keep all these organs healthy by removing the blockages and emptying the spaces within for their proper functioning. This can be achieved with the help of Aakash Mudra.
How to form this mudra: Connect the tips of the middle finger and the thumb. Keep the remaining three fingers comfortably straight and rest your hands on the knees or on the thighs.
Aakash Mudra works slowly but steadily and surely. It takes about 15 days to manifest its results.
• It detoxifies the body by eliminating waste. Our metabolic waste is thrown out through sweat, breath, urine, and stools.
• Heaviness and discomfort caused by overeating can be overcome with Aakash Mudra.
• Sinusitis can be treated.
• Headache due to migraine or sinusitis can be cleared.
• Any congestion in the chest, even due to asthma or infection can be eliminated.
• Ear ailments like infection and tinnitus are treatable with Aakash Mudra.
• Pulse and blood pressure can be regulated.
• Chest pain related to angina pectoris can be relieved.
• Calcium levels in the body can be elevated, thus making the bones and teeth strong.
• The side effects of steroid intake can be reduced.
• Toothache can be relieved.
• Vertigo can be treated.
• The sense of space is increased.
• Our body balances well while walking and climbing up and down.
Spiritual benefits of Aakash Mudra:
• Improves the quality of meditation.
• Increases one-pointedness.
• Reduces worldly desires and drives the meditator towards positive, noble thoughts.
• Improves the power of intuition and increases alertness.
• Eliminates waste from our mind and purifies emotions and thoughts.
• With regular and sufficient practice of Aakash Mudra, one can feel vibrations at the Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra and divine white light at the Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra.
Caution: Aakash Mudra increases alertness. Thus it is advised not to practice it at night. It disturbs sleep. The best time to practice Aakash Mudra is at dawn.
Abhaykumar Shah is a mechanical engineer, who has learnt Mudra Shastra from experts and established his own method of using this science correctly, and in the modern context. abhayshah.kd@gmail.com
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