Being Abundance
When Suma Varughese learnt that she was abundance, her insecurity reduced and her capacity to give increased.
No sooner did I begin to assert that I was abundance and that I attracted it into my life ethically through known and unknown sources, than I began to relax and my capacity to give grew. I had many years ago understood that abundance lay in the recognition that if you had enough resources for the moment, it was enough. To expect resources to last you
I have always been a victim of insecurity, which showed up in many ways, but particularly so when it came to my financial future. I have been saving money for this alleged future for many years, but even so, a persistent sense of ‘not enough’ would gnaw at me, especially when my resources began to dwindle.
Eventually, I tired of it and decided to face my financial situation head-on and see if I could manage to sustain my present lifestyle with my savings. My financial consultant, who is also a dear friend, pressed one of his associates into service to help me figure this out. The young man came over and after a few calculations gave me the cheery news that even if I never worked at all, I would still be able to sustain my lifestyle into my 80s. And if I did manage to make a modest income of Rs 1.5 lakh per annum for the next five years, my financial comfort would be assured for the rest of my life.
That helped me considerably to reduce my sense of insecurity, but as usual, the real work has to be done from within. While striving to heal my gut issues through deep inner work, I had become more and more aware that my body was fundamentally whole and perfect, and that it was only the fears and anxieties that were causing the stomach muscles to constrict and become ineffective. The more I freed myself of the fears, the more easily the stomach settled down and began to resume its activities.
If that was true of the body, why not of my mind? After all, 30 years ago, an inner experience had shown me that I was whole and perfect, and had always had been so. It was the conditioning of the ego that had created the illusion that I was limited, flawed and not enough. This being so, my very nature was abundance. Abundance flowed through me and all I really had to do was to get the limiting beliefs, thoughts and feelings out of the way.
for your whole lifetime was to take on a job that did not belong to you – it belonged to God. My job was to live in the moment and to live abundantly. The future would take care of itself. Strangely enough, my income also shot up substantially.
I also decided that I was going to treat myself better, and not suppress my legitimate desires. I would apportion a certain amount of money annually for a holiday and to participate in enriching workshops and learning programmes. Or even to buy things I had been wanting to for a long time, like a pair of binoculars, for instance.
I am learning not to worry about whether I have enough. I know that I do. What is better, I know that I am enough.
Suma Varughese is a teacher of words and wisdom. She broadcasts spiritual truths and a love for writing in her various capacities as columnist, writer, writing coach, and the founder-facilitator of the popular Zen of Good Writing Course. She is the former editor of Life Positive and Society magazines. She has authored Travelling Light, Travelling Lighter, and 50 Life Lessons. She can be contacted at
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