June 2016
By Megha Bajaj
Megha Bajaj reflects on the truth that no matter how hard we try from the outside, we will see results only when we change our inside!
Education came and went in my life without my experiencing too many moments that actually left me feeling inspired. One such moment was when I read a story in the eighth standard that still stays with me. It seems there was a young boy who was too fond of sugar. To break him out of this habit, his mother took him to meet his idol: Mahatma Gandhi. But Gandhiji refused to give advice. Instead he said, “Please come back after two weeks.” Disappointed, and yet hopeful, the mother returned in two weeks with her son. To him, Gandhiji said, “Young boy, sugar is not good for you. Give it up!” The boy nodded instantly and promised to do so. The amazed mother asked why Gandhiji had not given the same advice two weeks ago. Gandhiji replied, “When you first came to me, I, too, had a sweet tooth. It took me these two weeks to give up sugar. Now that I am living it, I can preach it!”
Somehow this story made me think. A lot. It inspired me to read more about Gandhiji, the little man who played such a crucial role in gifting freedom to India. I realised that looks didn’t matter in creating a revolution. I realised size and height didn’t matter in creating a revolution. I realised one didn’t need to have any extraordinary talent to create a revolution. I realised one didn’t have to be a billionaire to create a revolution. It shattered a lot of my myths and preconceived notions as it dawned upon me – the most required thing to create a revolution was a rock-strong, calm and controlled inner being.
My guru often utters a beautiful thought that I love. He says, “When it comes from an evolved soul with a silent mind, even a thought becomes a command to the Universe.”
Whenever we see an issue in our health, wealth or relationship – the very first response is to start finding a solution outside of us. People trying to lose weight will join gyms, go on diets and yet often fail. As within, so without. Do you think like a fat person or a thin person? When you close your eyes do you visualise someone obese or slim? If a mental correction is made and worked upon – then everything one does outside will give the right results.
Even with wealth. Being extremely independent, I have never seen my parents’ or my husband’s money as my own. I have always wanted to see abundance for myself, by myself. For quite some time I struggled with this, and then I realised I was doing everything right on the outside with my work, but the within was still trained to think with scarcity. I wouldn’t buy the best for myself. I wouldn’t feel abundant within, and hence no efforts gave satisfactory results. Over time, with self-affirmations, and re-training my thinking, I am, for the first time, seeing financial breakthroughs that are awe-inspiring. As within, so without.
Everything is within. We are the answers to all our problems. My mantra for the month, and possibly life: As within – so without.
So true in relationships too. No matter how we behave with each other on the surface, it’s the deepest thoughts, feelings and beliefs that ultimately define our relationship with our self, others and God. I meditate a lot on love these days – and I am beginning to see it trickle into my life. The flooding is yet to happen – but at least the journey has begun.
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About the author: Megha is, above all, a seeker. These days she is attempting to find herself in the role of a teacher through the online writing course designed by her. You can know more about her on www.wonderofwords.org
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