Teaching story
The elephant and the fly
A disciple once asked his teacher, “Why are most people’s mind restless and why do only few possess a calm mind? What can one do to still the mind?” The teacher looked at the disciple, smiled, and said, “Once, an elephant was picking leaves from a tree. A small fly came by flying and buzzing near its ear. The elephant drove it away with its long ears. Then the fly came again, and the elephant drove it away once more. When this repeatedly happened several times, the elephant asked the fly, “Why are you so restless and noisy? Why can’t you stay just for a while in one place?” The fly replied, “I am attracted to whatever I see, hear, or smell. My five senses, and everything that happens around me, pull me constantly in all directions, and I cannot resist them. What is your secret? How can you stay so calm and still?” The elephant stopped eating and said, “My five senses do not rule my attention. I am in control of my attention, and I can direct it wherever I want. This helps me to get immersed in whatever I do and therefore, keep my mind focused and calm. I control my attention; it’s not the other way around, and this helps me stay peaceful.” Upon hearing these words, the disciple's eyes opened wide and a smile appeared on his face.
- Remez Sasson
Mother Teresa
This I know
Let us always meet each other with a smile, for a smile is the beginning of love.
God is the friend of silence. See how trees, flowers and grass grow in silence. See how the stars, the moon, and the sun move in silence. We need silence to be able to touch souls.
Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.
Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.
Joy is prayer; joy is strength; joy is love. Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.
I have discovered the paradox that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt—only more love.
We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked, and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.
Spread love wherever you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.
If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
Just for laughs
Two men meet on the street. “How are you?” asks one. The other replies, “I’m fine, thanks.” “And how’s your son? Is he still unemployed?” “Yes, he is. But he is meditating now.” “Meditating? What’s that?” “I don’t know. But it’s better than sitting around doing nothing!”
A prayer for the day
Dear God, so far today, I’ve done all right. I haven’t gossiped, and I haven’t lost my temper. I haven’t been grumpy, nasty, or selfish, and I’m really glad for that. But in a few minutes, God, I’m going to get out of bed. From then on, I’m probably going to need a lot of help. Thank you!
Forget each kindness that you do
As soon as you have done it.
Forget the praise that falls on you
The moment you have won it.
Forget the slander that you hear
Before you can repeat it.
Forget each slight, each spite, each sheer
Wherever you may meet it.
Remember every kindness done
To you, whate'er its measure.
Remember praise by others won
And pass it on with pleasure.
Remember every promise made
And keep it to the letter.
Remember those who lend you aid
And be a grateful debtor.
Remember all the happiness
That comes your way in living.
Forget each worry and distress;
Be hopeful and forgiving.
Remember good, remember truth,
Remember Heaven’s above you,
And you will find, through age and youth,
True joys and hearts to love you.
- Priscilla Leonard
It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.
- Eckhart Tolle
one-minute wisdom
The Master once remarked, “See how the fish keep darting about as they please. That’s what they really enjoy.” A stranger overhearing that remark said, “How do you know what fish enjoy? You’re not a fish.” The disciples gasped at what they took for impudence. The Master smiled at what he recognised as a fearless spirit of enquiry. He replied affably, “And how do you know I am not a fish, my friend? Are you not I?” The disciples laughed, taking this to be a well-deserved rebuff. Only the stranger was struck by its depth. All day he pondered over it, then came to the monastery to say, “Maybe you are not as different from the fish as I thought. Or I from you.”
- Anthony de Mello
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