Once there lived a cowardly man who was very fearful of making any decisions. He lived his life on autopilot and always chose only what was readily available. This gave him a life full of misery, sorrow, failure, and poverty. He saw absolutely no way to overcome it. So he approached the wise village priest to seek some answers and told him his life story. The priest, on hearing everything, said, “Courage is not always doing something big and dramatic all at once. Courage begins with taking small steps, one at a time. It starts with taking action. You have not yet overcome the inertia and laziness of your mind, which always poses hurdles in front of you and keeps you from taking up challenges in life that might have brought you real progress and humongous personal development. Get over your mental sloth, and you will be just fine. A sluggish mind can’t think or act out of stagnancy. Do what you are supposed to do. Take action. Make it your mantra to MOVE, even physically, as then the mind too will follow and comply with the body, especially when you feel stuck somewhere.”
The man followed this valuable advice given to him by the priest, and within the first six months of applying it daily in his practice, he could see tremendous growth in almost all aspects of his life. He was finally full of happiness and gratitude towards everyone and everything.
• In life, every moment is an act of letting go.
• Whenever you get so confused analysing your own feelings, just drop it.
• Grace dawns when we are devoted, calm, centred, and when our consciousness is like a flower.
• Having an attitude of gratefulness for all that we have received in life resolves karma.
• When you face different situations in Life, the peace and stability you have depend upon the amount of faith you have.
• Passion for transformation and dispassion for momentary pleasure can make you a strong and sincere person.
• Don’t be stuck with words; your worries are words, your ideas are words, but wisdom is beyond the words.
• The best form of worship is to be happy, to be grateful.
• There is freedom when you realise that you are just a witness to all that is happening.
A day of Silence
Can be a pilgrimage in itself.
A day of Silence
Can help you listen
To the Soul play
In marvellous lute and drum.
Is not most talking
A crazed defence of a crumbling fort?
I thought we came here
To surrender in Silence,
To yield to Light and Happiness,
To dance within
In celebration of love's victory!
Translation from I Heard God Laughing by Daniel Ladinsky
A man would always bring questions and problems to his guru and the latter would advise him to stay silent and go within to find solutions. The man never understood this. His guru tried to explain to him about the nature of mind by drawing an example: “The storm-churned sea is silent and still, twenty feet below the surface. So also is the mind. To achieve equanimity and wisdom in life, dive into your mind. Be still. All that you need to know will reveal itself to you.” The man goes back home with clarity and peace.
Once an author and parenting coach is asked what he would like to say about all his work over the years. He answers, “I have eight children. Before I had eight children, I had eight theories on how to raise children, and now I have eight children and no theories about how to raise children.”
He also shares about his eleven-year-old daughter who always complained about his fathering skills. He was so fed up with listening to her complaints all the time, that one day, he told her, “Listen, if you don’t like the kind of father I am then you shouldn’t be blaming me but asking yourself why in the world you would pick me to be your father.” His daughter rolled her eyes back and said, “You are telling me that I actually picked you to be my father!” and he answered, “Yes, in the subtle world, our consciousness actually chooses who our parents are going to be before we show up in the world of form. When you are making important decisions like that, you should be really careful.” She responds, “Well, then I must have been in a hurry.”
“You can either be a host to God or a hostage to your ego.”
—Dr Wayne Dyer, PhD
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