By Dr. G. Alagar Ramanujam
April 2001
Coimbatore-based Vethathiri Maharishi merges philosophy with science to unveil the secrets of the universe and teaches a systematized science of living
Since time immemorial, hundreds of saints and sages have traversed the length and breadth of this land. While elsewhere mankind lived solely on the physical plane of hunger and passion, supreme jnana or knowledge reigned in India. The rishis spoke of evolution, the ultimate reality, the panchmahabhutas of the manifest universe and the unmanifest primordial cause of the same, all thanks to an extensive knowledge of the physical universe and a revelatory insight into the unmanifest cause.
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Vethathiri Maharishi is the latest in a long list of enlightened masters. He was born in 1911, the eighth of nine children in an indigent weaver’s family, in Guduvancheri, 30 km south of Chennai. Though he hardly had any formal schooling, in his later life, he became a qualified physician in ayurveda, siddha and homoeopathy.
In 1946, he went back to the weaving trade where his business acumen brought in great material prosperity. All along, he also pursued his deep desire for self-realization. Several years of intense meditation led to enlightenment at the age of 35. He was constrained to close his textile weaving concern in 1961. He decided that it was a sign to change his lifestyle entirely and took up the task of teaching and writing to help others with sincere spiritual inclinations, sharing his experience and divine revelations of Truth.
Since his enlightenment, Vethathiri Maharishi has been declaring the noblest Truths about the origin and function of the cosmos and all life. He avers with a scientific conviction that the core of all religions is the same, exhorting mankind to lead a spiritual existence.
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Today, at the age of 90, Maharishi is spreading his revolutionary thoughts, adding new dimensions to contemporary philosophy, science and literature. He has formulated a complete science of living for the betterment of mankind: a five-fold path for the individual and a 14-fold virtuous path (Vethathirium) for entire mankind. Maharishi’s thought is based on sustained research of traditional Tamil Siddha philosophy, meditation on the Self and his concern for mankind. He asserts that training of the mind, introspection and reformation of negative habits are absolutely necessary for achieving success, health, peace, happiness and wisdom.
For this, he has systematized a science of living through:
• Physical exercises
• Kaya Kalpa Yoga
• Simplified Kundalini Yoga meditation
• Introspection and Self-realization
Physical exercise ensures the proper flow of blood, heat, air, energy and bio-magnetic circulation, leading to better health and general well being. The system comprises seven sections dealing with every part of the body. They are simple enough to be practiced daily by anyone from eight to eighty.
Kaya means ‘body’ and Kalpa means ‘immortal’. Kaya Kalpa Yoga has a threefold objective:
• Retarding the ageing process
• Maintaining youthfulness and good health
• Delaying death until one reaches spiritual perfection.
Through this, sexual energy is transmuted into spiritual energy by directing it to the crown chakra and beyond. As this practice is a natural restructuring process of the body, no medicines are involved, unlike the ayurvedic kaya kalpa. Kaya Kalpa Yoga imparts significant health and spiritual benefits keeping the practitioner free from many troubles associated with ageing.
This is a form of meditation to merge the mind with the subtle life force. This practice reduces the frequency of brain waves, enhances awareness, intelligence and understanding. Sincere practice can advance one from limited body consciousness to cosmic consciousness. This meditation includes a separate technique to strengthen the resistance of the mind and body to adverse effects of planetary positions. This system includes practices to understand and increase one’s personal bio-magnetism for optimum physical and mental strength. One is also taught to use bio-magnetism for healing others by passing energy.
Meant for purification of the self, it includes self-analysis to sublimate the personality. To enjoy peace, prosperity, health and happiness, one must eliminate undesirable aspects of one’s personality. Introspection is a valuable guide for selecting desirable habits of thought, word and deed and rejecting the unwanted ones.
The five primary aspects of introspection are:
• Moralization of desires
• Neutralization of anger
• Eradication of worries
• Analysis of thoughts
• Realization of Self
This way, one can suitably alter one’s personality for the best and make optimum use of one’s potential.
For the past five decades, Maharishi has taught his philosophy in a simple, rational manner using modern terminology to make it easily understood by the majority. He has also published many books in English and Tamil. Maharishi makes us understand that we are at an evolutionary stage of the Supreme Being-the Space-and through practical teaching methods makes us understand the oneness running through the entire universe and beyond. The realization of this oneness is liberation. Only a liberated person can understand the scriptures, which say:
• My father and I are one—The Bible
• Form is emptiness; emptiness is form—Buddhism
• Aham Brahmasmi (I am Brahman)—Vedas
Only such a person would be able to imbibe in himself the mindfulness of the Buddhist, the ahimsa of the Jain, the service to humanity of the Muslim and the love and tolerance of the Hindu. When this comprehensive knowledge spreads among people, harmony and peace in society will be enhanced through every individual’s understanding of the realities and functions of the microcosm and the macrocosm.
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In 1958, Maharishi founded the World Community Service Center in Chennai. He has been invited abroad many times and has taught extensively in the USA, Malaysia, Singapore, Mexico, South Korea and Japan. In 1974, he was invited to the United Nations to give a talk on the value of yoga and meditation.
For the past five decades, he has dedicated himself to promoting harmony and peace in the world. Towards this end, he has constituted a global trust called the Brain Trust. This is a grand experiment to transform individuals worldwide into healthier, loving and self-realised citizens radiating peace and positive thought.
In order to introduce people to his philosophy, regular training sessions are conducted at the Temple of Consciousness, situated in natural surroundings on a 20-acre campus at Aliyar, 25 km south of Pollachi near Coimbatore, India. There are auditoria, classrooms, dormitories and guest rooms for the convenience of the trainees. Annually, 15 days are set aside for observing silence and in praying for world peace. Courses on personality development and Brahma Gnana are conducted regularly. Kaya Kalpa and Introspection courses are held every month.
Attracted by the life and message of Maharishi, persons from various walks of life with international repute visit Aliyar to meet Maharishi. Recently, on March 13-14, Reverend Alex Orbito of Philippines, an internationally renowned psychic surgeon, accompanied by D.R. Karthikeyan (former director, CBI), and others visited Aliyar. The meeting of Rev. Orbito with Maharishi was a memorable event—two great minds meeting for the benefit of mankind.
Vethathiri Maharishi Kundalini Yoga
and Kaya Kalpa Research Foundation,
Temple of Consciousness,
Aliyar, Pollachi 642101,
Coimbatore, India.
Tel: 91-04253-68733/755
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Science and religion had drifted apart in the western world till Einstein said: ”Religion without science is blind and science without religion is lame.” The gap between the two has been further reduced through the message of Vethathiri Maharishi. While Einstein moved science towards Vedic philosophy through his unified field approach, Maharishi has merged science and philosophy into a single system of jnana—the Brahma Jnana—which portrays how the primordial cause evolved into the present physical universe. The primordial cause—which Maharishi calls pure space, or Allah or Almighty Father or Brahman—is of both consciousness and energy, with an inherent quivering and a self-compressive surrounding force. Thus far, the concept of self-compressive surrounding force is missing in science, resulting in incompleteness of both.