Payal K Talwar shares how Bach flower therapy—a holistic and alternative modality that uses flower extracts—transformed her life.
Flower Power 47
The stress caused by my yearning for a child for many years, and the subsequent treatments I underwent, played havoc with my physical and mental health. My body was getting stiff and prone to constant spasms, rendering me immobile for days on end. What followed was pain and discomfort all over the body. The pain was getting unbearable, and so was the mental anguish. I was asked to leave an esteemed educational institution where I was working. Despite being in this condition, I pushed myself no end to prove myself as a citizen journalist; a few months after leaving my school job, I took up writing. On one hand, I was excited to see the bylines, and on the other, my health kept deteriorating. Running from pillar to post had become second nature. I had severe health challenges for which solutions were not forthcoming. I felt lost and disappointed.
Around this time, about six years ago, my husband and I decided to shift residence. During the process, one early morning, my husband was helping me get out of bed to stand on my feet. As I walked in pain, with one hand interlocked in his and the other taking support of the walls, I saw myself in the mirror. My heart ached to see myself like that.
After completing the morning chores, my hand habitually reached out for the box full of medication. I just kept staring at it, and I completely broke down. This time, I didn’t take them and told myself, Payal, you cannot continue taking this all your life, and you cannot enter your new house with this box.
That was it! I threw all the medicines in the dustbin. I even told myself that, henceforth, I would be free of all side effects. Suddenly, after many years, something changed inside me. The will was in place, but the journey was far from being smooth.
In the following years, I tried several alternative therapies. Nothing worked. I started to get disappointed again. I felt that my life was going nowhere in terms of my health as well as my career. I felt directionless. That’s when my friend enlightened me that there is a flower remedy which could guide me to my purpose. I decided to take a consultation and began to see subtle changes in my emotions, especially fear and panic, which I had developed over the years. And then, there was no looking back.
I got so intrigued with this simple, subtle healing system that after six months of taking it, I thought it worthwhile to become a practitioner myself. Today, I am a Bach flower therapist and consultant who has positively influenced over 200 people.
Power of Bach flower therapy
As I delved deeper, inspired to learn everything that flower remedies offered, I realised why I behave the way I do: I was not approving of myself, and that made me push myself so much constantly. I understood my personality type and my sensitive nature. Slowly and steadily, I got a deeper understanding of emotions. This has now become a constant study that has taught me so much thanks to the scores of client cases that I have encountered over the past four years.
I could also see why people behave in a certain way and what emotional state they are in, and that understanding has only made my life better and more fulfilling. Thanks to Bach flowers, my relationship with my spouse and close ones has grown deeper and has transformed me as a person.
How do Bach flower remedies work? According to Edward Bach, the founder of Bach flower therapy, “The actions of certain flowers, shrubs, and trees that grow in the wild raise our vibrations and open our channels for the reception of the Spiritual Self to flood our natures with the particular virtue we need and wash out from us the fault that is causing the harm. They cure not by attacking the disease but by flooding the bodies with the beautiful vibrations of higher nature, in the presence of which disease melts away as snow in the sunshine.”
How does the therapist diagnose?
Bach flowers treat emotions, and that’s what a therapist takes into account. For instance, a few days ago, my domestic help, Pragati Chauhan, was in tears after having argued with her sibling. Two days later, she had a headache and was coughing incessantly. I treated her after understanding her emotional state. By the next day, her cough had reduced considerably, and by the third day, she hugged me, exclaiming, “Thank you, Bhabhi, khansi gayaa (the cough has disappeared)!”
In cases such as this one where the symptoms were recent, flower remedies work very quickly. Chronic issues usually take longer to heal, and you would need to take the remedy for a few weeks to experience its benefits. As for autoimmune conditions and even illnesses like cancer, Bach flowers help you deal with the emotional disturbances that accompany the condition.
Fifty-five-year-old homemaker, Sapna Nagpal, whose life was on a downward spiral, took to Bach flowers and benefited immensely. “I had begun to realise that I was in an emotional trap where I felt disconnected completely from everything—cooking, watching television, etc. I had sleepless nights and felt I was going crazy. Counselling didn’t help much. Allopathy made me restless, and I felt drowsy most of the time. That’s when I reached out for a consultation. Within a few days, I started to get a hold of my life. After continuous treatment, I regained my motivation and started doing all the daily chores. Today, I am feeling good. During the course, I also wanted to address my claustrophobia, for which the remedies are currently helping me.”
Ditto with Delhi-based lawyer, Mehak Bakshi (name changed), who feels that the flower remedies have introduced her to herself. She says, “I appeared bold and confident in front of people, but I felt very unconfident and confused inside. I had self-doubt. During my childhood, I had been surrounded by people who instructed me about what to do. I used to get hurt easily. That’s when a cousin recommended Bach flower remedies. Along with the remedies and constant hand holding, I received an in-depth understanding of myself. I learnt how to draw boundaries, and I understood that I had a fear of rejection and self-acceptance. Today, I feel confident. I feel more connected with myself and have started taking responsibility for my actions rather than blaming others. Believe me, flower remedies work wonders as they work on the root of the issue.”
Social activist Dipesh Tank agrees with what Mehak shared a n d adds, “In October 2020, my entire family, i n c l u d i n g
me, was down with C O V I D . Post that, I faced some issues on the professional and personal front because of which I was feeling depressed. I didn’t want to jump to taking medication and opted for Bach flower therapy. Within a week, I felt relaxed and composed. I could focus on my work better and, slowly, I was back to being my usual self.”
Flowers remedies work wonders as they work on the root of the issue.They cure not by attacking the disease but by flooding the bodies with the beautiful vibrations of higher nature, in the presence of which disease melts away as snow in the sunshine.
In the Bach flower system, there is no direct mapping of remedies to any physical issue or disease. The practitioner takes into account your emotion, behaviour, and personality, and based on that information, prepares a flower remedy combination that will address the challenges you are facing.
Being honest with your therapist by sharing your emotional upheavals in detail and establishing their trust goes a long way in preparing the combination of remedies to heal you. Compassionate listening and an in-depth consultation combined with the diligence of the patient in taking those remedies in the prescribed manner ensures the best path to healing.
Bach flowers are safe and for everyone
Right from humans to pets and plants, Bach flowers can be administered to anyone. There is a remedy for every emotional condition you experience as a human being. These remedies are non-habit-forming and have no side effects.
Bach flowers—A placebo?
Critics often point out that Bach flower remedies work as placebos. A placebo is a simple inert substance (e.g., sugar pills or water), which when consumed with the belief that it will heal, does end up healing. – what is referred to as ‘false positives’. This phenomenon is well researched and documented.
So, is Bach flower remedy a placebo? The proof of the pudding is in the eating. A placebo can work once in a while, but in the case of Bach flowers, it works most of the time if the diagnosis is correct and the patient takes the remedies religiously. Given that it is emotional healing, establishing scientific validity to the Bach flower system is challenging. When anyone poses this question to me, I suggest they try it to experience its miraculous benefits.
Origin of Bach flower remedies
Dr Edward Bach, a physician and homeopath, who believed that emotional well-being was critical to general health, founded the system of plant- and flower-based treatments in the 1930s. Dr Bach dedicated his entire life to researching the use of flowers and plants to bring about a more basic, natural, and gentler approach to emotional harmony. He discovered that the dew present on flower petals retains the plant’s alleged medicinal powers.
The treatments are brandy and water mixtures, with the water containing extremely diluted flower material.
The 38 Bach flower remedies
Dr Bach discovered 38 remedies, each one for a different emotional or mental state. For example, White Chestnut is a treatment for those seeking tranquillity. It aids in the removal of unhelpful, recurrent thoughts. White Chestnut’s positive potential is peace of mind, and it is ideal for persons who are overly critical of some part of their looks or attitude.
Elm’s treatment will make you feel less overwhelmed, put your problem into perspective, and let you do things as per your capacity. Elm’s positive potential is self-assurance and maintaining perspective. Similarly, other therapies are effective in treating other types of emotional problems.
Rescue remedy
This is a one-of-a-kind combination of five flowers that serves as a first-aid kit and aids in dealing with crises such as shock, terror, and dread. It is an all-purpose, fast-acting stress reliever, which can be used for symptomatic alleviation. It is sometimes referred to as a crisis remedy.
Payal K Talwris the founder of Eufloria which utilizes flower es sences to promote emotional well being and holistic healing.
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