Enlightenment in Every Household
Pradeep Krishnan meets Shri Guruji, a management professional turned spiritual guru, to find out how one can bridge the gap between enterprise and enlightenment Reading about the inspiring life of Shri Guruji motivated me to meet him. It is about the transformation of Shri Vidyaraj R, a senior management professional, into a spiritual guru.
Born on November 13, 1978, in Kottayam, Kerala, Shri Vidyaraj received spiritual initiation in the subtle dimension from Brahmashri Shiva Prabhakara Siddha Yogi (known to have lived for over 700 years) and acquired the knowledge of different Vedantic systems from several guru paramparas. While doing sadhana at the Arunachala hills, Tiruvannamalai, he became enlightened and, in due course, relinquished his corporate life in 2017, to deeply immerse himself in spirituality full time.
Soon, people who sought his guidance started addressing him as Shri Guruji. In 2021, he founded the Jnanagram Foundation, a modern ashram in Hyderabad, as a place for seekers to attain self-transformation and for individuals to connect with like-minded souls and engage in meaningful discussions. The Shri Guru School of Meditation and Transformative Studies (SGSMTS), the training and education wing of the ashram, provides training and knowledge of management services based on ancient yogic wisdom traditions. He provides personal consultation to individuals on mundane and spiritual matters.
Through the project ‘Ashoka,’ the foundation aims to plant 10 million saplings of banyan, neem, and Ashoka trees in two and a half lakh villages across India. Recognising the importance of connecting ashrams and spiritual centres around the world, Shri Guruji recently launched a platform, ‘Ashram Connect,’ which provides seekers with authentic information on guru lineages, spiritual centres, and methodologies.
Below are excerpts from the online interaction Pradeep Krishnan had with Sri Guruji:
Guruji, please tell us about your journey of transformation. How did Vidyaraj become spiritual guru Shri Guruji?
My journey from a corporate life to a spiritual life, traversing several paths has been wonderful. From the age of 13 or 14, a questioning within constantly troubled me: What happens to this life after death? What happens to the something inside that gives one the liveliness, the freshness, that feeling of presence to every living being after one’s death? Whether after leaving the body, would the feeling of presence remain without a body or would it lose its identity totally? Luckily, I never posed these troubling questions to anyone, for any answer would have killed my innate questioning. Not knowing it as a spiritual inquiry of the highest order, it remained with me for a long time, and I grew with that. But, when I took to the path of Jnana Marga, I understood that my questions had been the spiritual enquiry practice of ‘Who am I,’ expounded by Shri Ramana Maharshi.
I led a normal family and professional life along with the spiritual life, and others were unaware of my spiritual pursuits: enquiries, journeys, readings, and practices. I moved from one path to another, covering several yogamargas and spiritual lineages available in India, reading the books of Shri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda, moving along the Bhakti Marga, and finally, after several years, took Kriya Yoga initiation in Kolkata.
After an excellent academic career, having completed my BTech, (Information Technology) and MTech (Technology Management), for several years, I worked in the corporate sector, in business management, travelling all over India and abroad, gaining rich and diverse professional experience. I had a good family life too with my wife and daughter. However, considering my family and corporate life as a parallel journey, I delved deep into spiritual pursuits, as my ultimate aim and primary driving force was to understand ‘Who am I in the real sense?’
After working in an MNC and teaching in an engineering college, what made you quit your profession to dedicate your life to spirituality? pinned their hopes on me. I fear that I may disappoint them because I don’t have anything extra to offer.
Along with vyavahara [worldly life], I was engaged in spiritual pursuit, doing sadhana regularly for five hours a day and, on auspicious occasions, even clocking twelve hours! As teaching had always been my passion, later, after qualifying for the GATE examination, I completed the MTech course from the University of Kerala, securing the second rank. Then I quit my 12-year-old corporate career and worked in a private engineering college as an assistant professor of computer science and, a year later, switched over to my own consultation and training practice.
After a chance meeting with a Sufi guru in Delhi, in the year 2017, my spiritual journey came to a culmination, ending my long quest. On returning to Kerala, I could only see the sad and depressed faces of people belonging to different strata of society; whether rich or poor, all were without any joy and happiness.
Noticing that people, by and large, were living in disappointment and mental agony, I felt that they must be made to understand life, birth, and death, and the ultimate aim of any spiritual practice, often described as enlightenment, or atmasakshaatkar, as it is beautifully termed in Sanskrit.
It is not a new state that one has to achieve; rather, it is a sakshaatkar, a realisation, of one’s true nature, which one has forgotten and drifted away from. All practices are aimed at bringing one back to the core, the centre, to make them understand their real nature and help them lead a happy life. Everyone, irrespective of age, gender, or profession needs to be educated about the benefits of living a life of enlightenment or liberation to sail through life in a happy, joyful, and contented way. After contemplating and seeing that people are not able to fathom the happiness and bliss deep within their self and after persuasion from people around me who immensely benefited from my learning and meditation teachings, I quit my career and started meeting people, urging them to look upon spirituality as a tool to lead a meaningful life.
Could you please share your thoughts on enlightenment?
Enlightenment, liberation, Self-realisation, or atmasakshatkar, is not an event; rather, it is a series of events culminating into that ultimate experience. Actually, it is not an experience either, but for the sake of communication, we use that word. It is synonymous with the ripening of a fruit. One can never say when the mango on the tree will ripen and fall. The ripening process happens inside, and one fine day, the mango falls. That is exactly how enlightenment happens.
Working on the mind is an unlearning process, and it signifies going beyond one’s mind
through tested practices and methods. One fine day, exactly like the fruit dropping from the tree, the ego-mind drops. It’s an irreversible process, like a drop of water merging into the vast ocean, losing its self-identity as a result. But this process can be accelerated multifold with proper guidance from a guru who is an adept. The guidance works as a catalyst, speeding up the entire ripening process. In my case, the awakening experience which happened in Tiruvannamalai in 2017 was the culmination of a decade-long intense spiritual journey.
Jnana Marga, the path of wisdom, is an unlearning process without the active involvement of the mind faculty, when one actually begins to disengage from practices. One day, the seeker recognises how one’s limited mind can be detached and transcended.
How did your connection with Prabhakara Siddha Yogi, a saint who is believed to have lived for over 700 years, happen?
I was at the far end of my spiritual journey when I came to learn about Prabhakara Siddha Yogi. I was in Chennai in 2015 or 2016, to meet an acquaintance who had been with the spiritual master, Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj, during his last three years (1978– 1981) in Bombay [now Mumbai]. As we had some free time, we decided to visit some Jeevasamadhis nearby, one of my interests in those days. As you are aware, such places are energy centres, and they help boost one’s spiritual progress. Chennai is known to have the largest number of Jeevasamadhis in the world. We went to the Jeevasamadhi of Sadananda Swami, located near the place where we were staying.
While checking the names of all the Jeevasamadhis and their location details, my eyes fell on a name, Prabhakara Siddha Yogi,
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of Kerala, who had reportedly lived for 723 years in the human body, and his samadhi was shown to be in the Pathanamthitta district in Kerala. I was surprised to learn that the place was very near to the engineering college where I had studied.
On returning from Chennai, I straightaway went to the Jeevasamadhi of this great yogi and learnt more about him. I went to all the places connected with his life, including his birthplace at Kaladi, and also met families who had seen and interacted with him, and gathered information about him and his life.
Later, with his Grace, I could regularly interact with him, not in the physical plane, but in a subtle, Sukshma Sharira dimension, in the form of guidance and messages, which directed and enriched my spiritual life and progress.
What were your experiences while earnestly pursuing Kriya Yoga, pranayama, Siddha Yoga, Dhyana Meditation, Sufism, etc.?
There was no planning as such. I was on an
uncharted spiritual quest, guided by my chetana (consciousness), and with the help of existence, guiding me from time to time, I just progressed by knowing and practising all the yogamargas and dhyana paramparas.
I started with Kriya Yoga, taking deeksha (initiation) in Antarmukhi Pranayama from a householder guru, a school teacher, in Kolkata, belonging to the Netai Charan Baba lineage of Lahiri Mahasaya. I practised Kriya for nearly three years, for up to five hours a day, that too along with family and professional responsibilities, which were demanding in those times.
One fine morning, I woke up with two names on my lips: ‘Tiruvannamalai’ and ‘Ramana Maharshi.’ Immediately, I remembered that a guru brother from Andhra Pradesh had mentioned this place to me a couple of months ago. I decided to visit it immediately. Spending a few days at the ashram, I read a lot of literature gathered from there and spent
Prabhakara Siddha Yogi, of Kerala, who lived for 723 years in the human body
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It occurred to me that more than the final goal, which is enlightenment or liberation, the by-products of this spiritual journey are good enough to handle and mitigate all the problems surfacing in their work, relationships, and life.
time in meditation in and around the area where the Maharshi himself had meditated. On returning, I immersed myself fully in the Jnana Marga, and my Kriya Yoga sadhana abruptly ceased one day.
Meanwhile, I also met my Jnana Guru, a householder based in Telangana, who helped me in the following years to understand the Jnana Marga better and go deeper into spirituality. Later, when I visited Siddhashram, Vadakara, Kerala, founded by Sivananda Paramahamsa, I took direct initiation in Siddha Vidya.
Please share some of your memorable moments spent with gurus and masters. I met several masters and realised souls in awe and admiration, with a quest to know the true nature of life. A Siddha guru in Tamil Nadu, who usually interacted only with his key followers once a year, granted me permission to meet him on my very first request. Similarly, several Avadhutas, whom I met, have helped and guided me on the path. I was blessed to have met a lot of realised Avadhutas, mostly in South India. My last guru, Prabhakara Siddha
Yogi, mastering the art of kayakalpa (yogic practice of reversing the ageing process and living extended years in the same body) lived for 723 years in the human body.
Guruji, what is unique about your teaching? Before meeting the Sufi saint, being involved in my spiritual practices and my profession, I could not see what was happening in the world. But in 2017, I got interested in doing so. When I looked around, surprisingly, I could see only grim faces with stress and disappointment. On analysing deeply, it occurred to me that more than the final goal, which is enlightenment or liberation, the by-products of this spiritual journey are good enough to handle and mitigate all the problems surfacing in their work, relationships, and life. I thought it important to convey to people the key message: there is an alternative life possible to cope with problems by knowing and changing the mindset about life and the world. So, it is imperative to simplify the spiritual practices from our tradition and modify them in such a way that they integrate with the current lifestyle. My mission is to enable one to lead a happy, joyful, and blissful life.
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Nowadays, people do not have the luxury of engaging in long meditation sessions and practices spanning several hours. My mission is to bring about beneficial results by spending less time and by scientifically teaching the seeker, deciphering the true essence of yoga and dhyana. Thereby, one can lead a happy, peaceful, and joyful life without the hindrance created by the mind faculties.
What are the aims and objectives of Jnanagram?
The Jnanagram Foundation has been envisaged as a global society for conscious living, where people, irrespective of religion, caste, creed, and background, can lead a more aware life. It aims to give them a more liberated life in this very lifetime. Not a hope or promise for tomorrow, but something to achieve today. Wherever they are and whatever work they are engaged in, they can live a life of fulfilment and total contentment. Jnanagram philosophy is an amalgamation of Eastern and Western thought, seeking to harmonise the insights of the ancient sages with the
discoveries of modern science. We believe that true wisdom lies at the intersection of tradition and innovation, and it is from this tapestry that we draw inspiration.
Our foundation stands as a beacon, illuminating the path towards holistic well being, environmental stewardship, and societal transformation. In the timeless wisdom of our ancestors, we find the keys to unlocking the mysteries of existence. Through education, we empower minds to soar to new heights, transcending limitations and embracing boundless possibilities. Our commitment to environmental conservation stems from a deep reverence for Mother Nature, our greatest teacher and nurturer. By planting trees, promoting sustainable living, and preserving local handicrafts, we honour the interconnectedness of all life and strive to leave a legacy of harmony and abundance for future generations. At the heart of our foundation lies a profound understanding of holistic well-being, encompassing the body, mind, and soul. Here, amidst the embrace of nature and the guidance of ancient practices, we discover the innate wisdom that resides within each of us. Beloved seekers, as you embark on this journey with us, know that you are not alone.
Is it not a paradox that while advocating spiritual empowerment of the individual you also offer courses that cater to the needs of corporates to enhance their productivity and help business families attain success?
I want to change the notion that to follow a spiritual path, one should discard the worldly life. Spirituality, being an inward journey of practices aimed at one’s self and dealing with one’s mind, has nothing to do with discarding worldly possessions and attachments to the family, business, and career.
My aim is to scientifically explain and practically show the science behind all the core practice formats. When you do pranayama or chant mantras what happens within you? What alters within? If you chant a mantra just mechanically, even after repeating it ten thousand times, there will not be any significant change in your psyche. People still haven’t understood the science behind the practice of yoga, which they are involved in, as stated in ‘Jnana Pana’ (Pot of Wisdom), the famous Malayalam devotional song that contains the essence of Advaita, chanted in many Kerala homes since decades. Since spirituality is connected with life, it is about functioning consciously and bringing awareness into whatever activity one is engaged in. In the programmes, I speak about developing conscious leadership and entrepreneurship. When you bring consciousness into your work, study, or business, you can see a spike in productivity because of increased attention. As this has personally helped me in my profession and work equally, these programmes are tailor-made for different sections of society, stitching together spirituality and life.
Message to the readers?
I am humbled and honoured to walk on this sacred journey of Self-discovery and conscious living. Seekers, together, we are co-creators of a world where consciousness reigns supreme, where compassion flows freely, and where every individual is empowered to shine their light brightly. May the wisdom of the ages guide your steps, may the love of the Universe embrace your heart, and may the light of Truth illuminate your path. With boundless gratitude and infinite blessings.
Quotes of Shri Guruji
• What Shankara and Buddha saw was not different from what we all see. It’s just that you are not present in the moment. • Living a life of freedom is everyone’s birthright. This freedom is not from anything outside but from your own thoughts. • All will come to you at the right time. • Be ready to receive.
• Life can be a celebration if you know the art of living from moment to moment.
• You can get peace only when you know how you lost peace, if at all you lost it at some point. • My vision is to bring enlightenment to every household. After all, it is everyone’s birthright. I don’t give it to you but make you realise it within you.
• Spiritual acceleration depends on how soon one can discard the known knowledge.
Pradeep Krishnan is a student of consciousness, based in Kerala. A seeker by nature, he is deeply attracted to the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi and Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
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