Lead Story
The COVID classroom
Using exemplary instances of altruism, Jamuna Rangachari shows that we can create a better world for ourselves if we approach adversities as opportunities to learn and grow from
Close Encounter
“You will see an awakening”
The pandemic may have been the single most disruptive phenomenon anyone living on the planet has ever experienced, but it is also compelling us to wake up, says Sri Anish
Queen of her empire
Jyoti Marianne Bahri’s battle with the devastating effects of COVID thrusts her into the lap of the Divine Mother, where she truly belongs
Go loco over Cocoa
Ttry a helping of cocoa the next time you want to indulge and stay healthy
Meditation: More practical than you think!
How meditation can benefit us immensely in our everyday life
Energy rules the world
Rishidev Narendraji helps spiritual seekers identify the root cause of their sufferings, and heals them holistically with missionary zeal
Regular Columns
Response 08
Mandala 10
Yoga 12
Revelations 24
Journey 60
Aha-moments 40
Mudras 58
Spirit 63
Banyan Tree 64
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