November 2014
Every soul in this universe is always in a search to find that one person that makes you feel complete or should I say accepts completely. For us to find that one person we put in so much effort to be perfect, to look perfect or to be appreciated.
Some try to stay in shape, some try to be more interesting or a total makeover because we want that person to find us perfect. But is that really possible? Can we be that perfect? When we find that person, we portray ourselves as the best. It is a natural human tendency proven by science that a person tries to look attractive and alluring in order to attract the other. This may help you catch the fish; things may go beyond by just being acquaintances. The time when that portrayed image fades away; when the other can see your imperfections, your drawbacks. The other person will try to understand and analyse whether he or she can accept what they think of it as flaws, whether he or she can ignore it or absolutely reject. What I feel is that since we have been surviving without that special one till now, we do not we need someone to complete us. We need that person, the person who we think is cut-out just for us the one who makes you feel you or may be more special to actually accept us completely, to accept us with those loopholes, those tiny flaws that we try to airbrush. You are incomplete when that person is not the part of your life anymore because that person was the only one who squeezed through those small ajar of your heart that you had been protecting it for an aeon time. That is when you are incomplete because you just lost a piece from your puzzle. Since we need to fill those gaps, we begin on a new quest, a new adventure and a new treasure hunt to find that treasured one.
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