Forging ahead in the new year
Dear Reader,
Change is the unchangeable law of time. This holds true for everything, including the Life Positive magazine. Since the release of the first issue in 1996, the magazine has undergone many changes in terms of content, policy, design, readers, writers, and editors. However, time has forced another big change upon us, i.e., to do away with the print magazine, much to the dismay of some of our very loyal readers who eagerly await its arrival every month. As the editor of this reputed publication, I too should be feeling sad about this development, but life has made me extremely resilient and adaptable to change. I see every change as a tremendous possibility for growth and development.
Life has a way of nudging and pushing you forward, and if you resist its force, you suffer. This new change is compelling me to learn more about the digital world, its algorithms, and the changing preferences of the new generation. It is helping me add new skill sets to my repertoire and empower myself. I also get to interact and learn from the younger generation, which is extremely skilled in using online mediums. No doubt, the process of learning something new requires you to go through some initial discomfort, but if you persist, it goes away within no time.
Gurus are the ones we can learn a lot from in such matters. They are the first to adapt to new technologies. Most gurus are online today, dispensing their gyan to an audience which is more readily found there than in in-person satsangs. Even the elderly are hooked to social media because of their ease of access. Those with a failing eyesight can simply listen to podcasts and keep themselves updated about current affairs and their favourite subjects.
So instead of mourning the loss of the print magazine, let’s thank the Universe for making us familiar with the new world and helping us make positive contributions to it. Wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
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