Order in chaos
Dear Reader,
As the turbulent 2020 inches to a close, it gives us all a lot to wonder about and think over. Though we are still two months away from stepping into 2021, we cannot help but observe that this year has been a turning point for almost everyone on the planet.
Suddenly, we can no longer take our everyday life for granted, as most of us have either been jolted into reconsidering our priorities or taking a hard look at the neglected corners of our lives.
Though all might seem topsy-turvy, thankfully, there is order in this chaos.
Since divine will is working behind the scene, orchestrating these changes, this is a great time to connect with the Divine and seek His help and guidance. Many have found their respective teachers, mentors, or gurus during this period and subsequently been able to rediscover the beauty of life.
The lead story for November is on the power of having the right attitude. Right attitude is so many things. It is having wisdom, self-control, presence of mind, and the gift of the gab. It is also about being witty, cheerful, clever, and thinking creatively to solve problems, as well as being confident and resilient.
However, all of these qualities can be clubbed together under the category of ‘positive attitude.’ Once we consciously decide to change our attitude towards being positive, plenty of realisations come to our aid, and gradually, a new person gets birthed from the ashes of the old one.
We also have an in-depth interview with Suma Varughese, former editor of Life Positive. As she touches new horizons of success and spirituality, we see many exciting revelations about life and death dawning upon her. She freely shares these realisations with the readers of Life Positive to aid them in their journey of life. Wishing you happy reading.
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