October 2002
By Roy Eugene Davis
You can always be in the flow of resources, supportive opportunities and relationships that will help you attain the highest good. Extracted from The Spiritual Basis of Real Prosperity (New Age Books) are eight success principles that can make possible the fulfillment of all of your life’s purposes.
When engaged in the performance of our duties and involved in relationships, we may sometimes forget that our most important duty is to successfully fulfil the higher purposes for which we were born into this world. It is important for us to remember that it is only when we are spiritually awake, healthy-minded, and creatively functional that we are most fully alive and our actions are most beneficial.
Although the natural principles or laws that enable us to prosper cannot be confined to a fixed number, I have chosen to emphasize eight fundamental principles which, when applied, make possible the fulfillment of all of life’s purposes.
The divine influence that empowers
Inspiration is an infusion into the mind and body of spiritual influence arising from within the soul. Every soul has an innate urge to have its capacities enlarged, its potential released, its qualities unfolded, its abilities unrestricted, and its awareness clarified and restored to wholeness.
Inspiration energizes the mind and body, enables us to perceive possibilities, improves powers of intellectual discernment, unveils intuition that provides insight, and causes us to want to be skillful and accomplished-to express excellence in all our actions, relationships and circumstances.
Inspiration often occurs spontaneously because of the soul’s impulse to express its qualities. A spark of inspiration may be ignited when we read a book, listen to a song, hear someone speak, or see something that appeals to and arouses the soul.
Because inspiration expands our awareness, when we are influenced by it we may feel ourselves to be more than a mind or personality and believe that situations which were formerly considered to be limiting are no longer so. Inspiration draws from within us the best of which we are capable of expressing.
When our goals and purposes are clearly defined, inspiration energizes and motivates us to accomplish them. It cleanses the mind of confusion, banishes pessimism, evokes self-confidence, and strengthens our resolve to discover and investigate higher realities.
Nurture inspiration by maintaining an optimistic mental attitude; prayer and meditation; daily reading of scriptures or other sources of helpful, consciousness-illuminating information; association with others who are inspired and purposeful; and by constant practice of the presence of God.
Maintain good health habits. Inspiration flows more freely when the mind and body are receptive and responsive and realistic short-term and long-term goals are being successfully achieved.
Affirm with conviction
A free-flowing current of inspiration energises and illumines my mind, purifies my intellect, unveils my intuition, enlivens my body, and empowers my wisely chosen, skillfully performed actions.
Inspired desire to accomplish purpose
To aspire to achieve meaningful goals and purposes is to rise to a higher level of thinking and action. Do your best to improve your skills and live constructively so that these four primary purposes of life will be accomplished:
a) Learn what your role in life is and play it well. Ask, ”What is life for?”, ”Why am I in this world?” and ”What can I do to be fulfilled and make a useful contribution to others and the planet?” Use your knowledge and abilities wisely. Aspire to excellence-to the very best of which you are capable of being, doing, and experiencing.
b) Learn to have your life-enhancing desires easily fulfilled. You have basic needs that should be satisfied so that you can be healthy, happy, and fuctional. Satisfying them should not involve all of your time and resources. You are not in this world to struggle to merely survive: you are here to live – to participate, learn, and grow to your full potential. Fulfil the desires that enhance your life and enjoy your learning and growing experiences.
c) Be affluent: In a continuous flow of resources and supportive events and relationships because of your sustained prosperity consciousness and wisely chosen, appropriate actions.
d) Be spiritually awake. Aspire to be Self-realized, fully enlightened, with your awareness liberated from all delusions and illusions. Don’t wait until your physical needs are satisfied before aspiring to be Self-realized and engaging in spiritual practices. Integrate (unify, bring together) your thought and actions so that all four of the primary purposes of your life can be accomplished as quickly as possible.
As often as necessary, remind yourself that you are a spiritual being-that it is your destiny to be healthy, happy, unrestricted, effective in all of your actions, prosperous and successful. If you have thoughts or feelings that are in opposition to your aspirations, use your powers of intellectual discernment. Exercise will power. Change the way you think and behave.
Do what you can to quickly accomplish your purposes. If you do not know what to do, visualize your personal circumstances as you desire them to be. Cultivate and creatively use your powers of imagination.
If creative ideas arise in your mind, apply them. If you can immediately do something or can begin to do something to fulfill your desire, do it. If you do not know what to do, maintain the subjective state of being fulfilled and let the universe bring into your life all that is needed for you to experience the unfoldment of your highest good.
Concentrate only on what is essential to the accomplishment of your purposes. Avoid thoughts, feelings, relationships, conversations and behaviors which do not directly relate to your goals. There is an enlivening Power that nurtures the universe and we can learn to cooperate with it.
That Power expresses through us to the degree that we are receptive and responsive to IT. Speak only constructive words which clearly define and declare your aspiration.
Affirm with conviction
I am always fully awake to the truth of my Being and my relationship to the Infinite. Because I remain in tune with the rhythms of Nature, my constructive desires are always easily fulfilled and I am always in the flow of good fortune.
A clear perception of possibilities
What else can we do to live more effectively? At the soul level, we can intuitively ‘see’ and acknowledge the reality of our ideal future. With our intelligence we can make right choices. With our mind we can engage in possibility thinking and imagine ideal circumstances.
With our energy, abilities, and skills we can perform actions which will produce desired results. There are no external forces or influences which can permanently determine our experiences or circumstances.
If our circumstances are oppressive or unsatisfying, they can be changed by choice, an adjustment of viewpoint, visualization, faith, and constructive actions, we have only to change the way we think and act. Our experiences and circumstances will then be in accord with our thoughts and actions.
Affirm with conviction
Consciously established in vivid awareness of my true nature, knowing that I am included in the wholeness of the infinite field of Consciousness, sustaining my vision of ideal possibilities, I use my mind and abilities wisely and creatively.
Acquiring knowledge to live effectively
We can acquire practical knowledge from others who are wise and we can awaken and unfold our innate knowledge. It is fairly easy to acquire knowledge of how to be healthy, how to work, how to interact with people, and how to use money and resources.
When we know how to think constructively and have experienced a degree of spiritual growth, it is much easier-and more enjoyable-to live effectively. To acquire a spiritual education, it is best to learn from people who are spiritually enlightened and whose lives reflect their understanding.
Learn the laws or principles that determine desired results and willingly cooperate with them. Emotional maturity is essential to living effectively and successfully. We are emotionally mature when we cheerfully assume responsibility for our states of awareness, mental states, personal behaviors, and the results of our actions.
An emotionally mature person does not blame others or external conditions for the incidents of misfortune they might experience. They will acknowledge that their experiences and circumstances result from their states of consciousness and behaviors. If circumstances need to be improved, improve yourself.
Affirm with conviction
I enjoy learning and I learn easily. I am keenly interested in the skillful application of my innate knowledge that unfolds and the practical knowledge I acquire. As my knowledge increases and my skills improve, my awareness expands and I am increasingly competent and successful.
Personal involvement that allows us to be successful
We are immortal, spiritual beings. Ask these questions: ”How am I living my immortal life?”; ”What can I do to live my life flawlessly?” Many people wonder if it is really possible to live a God-centered life and have mundane needs satisfied.
Practical advice is found in The Gospel According to Saint Mathew (6.33): ”First, seek the kingdom of God and the way of righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.”
A modern interpretation is: First, seek knowledge and experience of God, and live in harmony with the universal, therefore reliable, principles of causation. Whatever you need, will then be provided for you. We do not need superior powers of intelligence to live correctly-we only need to learn how to live, and do it.
Affirm with conviction
I willingly participate in life’s unfolding processes, live with firm resolve, attend to necessary duties, act effectively and meditate regularly. Anchored in the Infinite, I am peaceful, productive, and successful.
Conviction that produces results
”Now faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things which are not seen. ‘By faith we [can] know that the worlds were formed by the word [creative power] of God [Consciousness]; that things perceived through the senses were not made of things which are visible.”
-New Testament / Hebrews 11.1 & 3
Faith is firm belief or conviction which is not based on external evidence. To a person who is unaware of the subjective side of life, who does not yet know that inner causes produce outer effects and that one’s point of view can be altered to allow insightful perceptions, faith defies logic.
It is considered mere wishful thinking, fantasy, or a superstitious rite indulged in, to nurture hope or pacify the mind. The exercise of faith requires that we be realistic, that we believe in what is possible to be manifested or experienced. As our understanding of Consciousness and its processes improves, heretofore undiscovered realms of knowledge are revealed.
We know more about soul-mind-body interactions: that our awareness need not be confined to the mind or body; that powers of perception and intelligence can be improved; and that Cosmic Mind is responsive to our thoughts and intentions.
It is a fact that our sustained beliefs can not only influence our health, the outcome of our personal endeavors, and the environment-they can definitely cause events, produce circumstances, and attract resources that are desired or needed.
Affirm with conviction
It is easy to live by faith. I know that I abide in the boundless field of Infinite Consciousness from which the universe is emanated and by which it is nurtured. I know that what I clearly visualize and can firmly believe to be true, I can definitely experience.
Unwavering dedication to the ideal
When resolved on a constructive course of action, persist until desired results are experienced. Many people begin worthwhile projects with strong resolve, only to quit too soon or give up too easily. Their faith wavers. Their concentration is faulty. Their will to prevail is weak.
When you know that you are on the right course, don’t give up. Ignore the negative comments of others. Do not let the word ‘impossible’ enter your mind. Think only about what is possible and focus your thoughts and energies on that.
Pray for strength and guidance, both of which will emerge from within the depths of your Being. Your consistent performance of wisely chosen, effective actions and the prospering influence of your ever-increasing awareness of the Power that nurtures the universe and you, will enable you to prevail.
Affirm with conviction
I know what is important and I adhere to it with unwavering faith and alert, skillful actions. With cheerful resolve and absolute trust in God I persist until I achieve my goals and accomplish my purposes.
The actions of the nurturing impulses of consciousness that make possible effortless unfoldment of our highest good.
By doing our very best to learn, live effectively, and grow, we unfold our innate knowledge, perfect our skills, and become more receptive and responsive to the nurturing actions of grace.
The enlivening, redemptive actions of grace are impelled by the evolutionary impulses of Consciousness that maintain the orderly processes of the universe, contribute to our spiritual awakening and growth, and support our constructive endeavors. Because grace flows freely, it is available to everyone. Its actions are effortless and its effects always result in the highest good.
Affirm with conviction
I am prosperous. I live effectively. I am receptive to my unplanned good that the universe provides. I am always compliantly responsive to the freely expressive actions of God’s nurturing grace.
Life always provides us with what we ask for and are able to accept. If life seems to be denying you the good fortune you desire, perhaps it is because you are consciously or unconsciously withholding yourself from life.
Examine your mental and emotional states and your behaviors to discover whether or not you are limiting yourself. If prosperity seems to be avoiding you, perhaps you have not yet asked for it. Perhaps you have asked, but were not able to receive.
Fearlessly ask life for that which you deserve. Expand your capacity to receive. Remove all obstacles to fulfillment and you will surely be fulfilled. Let the Infinite Life flow through you. Prosper in all ways and share your light and your good fortune with others.
Extracted with permission from The Spiritual Basis of Real Prosperity, by Roy Eugene Davis, (New Age Books)
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