By T.K.V. Desikachar
March 1999
A physician with a magic touch—that, in essence, defines Dr P.G. Kurup. But, unlike other doctors, the word ‘magic’ has more than a symbolic meaning in his case. For Dr Kurup has actually healed impossible cases through aura diagnosis and surgery, baffling the medical community. A distinguished allopath who opted for alternative healing systems, Dr Kurup discusses his unique method of aura healing and his own spiritual growth in an exclusive interview with Indian yoga exponent
Despite an excellent background in modern medicine, why did you turn to other systems?
The more you advance in modern medicine, the more you are convinced of its inadequacies. When faced with such inadequacies while treating my patients, I began seeking other therapeutic systems. To my surprise, I found that India has had a glorious and scientific medical system in existence for thousands of years in the Rig Veda.
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How did you learn the Vedas without going to a teacher?
The knowledge of the Vedas and the Upanishads has always existed in the cosmos. They were revealed to ordinary people for whom spirituality and meditation was a way of life. When I realized this, I began concentrating on meditation. Even though I do not know Sanskrit, I have been able to memorize many Sanskrit shlokas. I did not have a personal guru. My ideals were the rishis to whom the secrets of nature were revealed. Medicine and science are based on rationality. Spirituality, however, can’t be explained… These differences are only apparent. When you go deep into the rational and spiritual way of thinking, you will find that the more advanced your understanding of science is, the more profound will be the similarities between the two. For example, Nataraja is a mystical and spiritual god for the East. But the tandava (cosmic dance) is actually perceived as the dance of atoms. It is now an approved part of physics.
How do you analyze patients?
We first conduct an aural diagnosis, which is very simple. We raise our perceptual ability to appreciate finer vibrations and stand before the patient, concentrating on his aura. In the aura, we detect almost everything that can be measured by a CT scan, X-rays or an angiogram. Once the diagnosis is done, we discuss what approach would be best for completely curing the patient. Most medical people get rid of only the symptoms. But in the aural system, we probe into the cause of the cause. It may be related to this life, the childhood or even to past lives. After studying many people, I found that certain behavioral patterns contribute to certain diseases—they affect the cause, the progress and even the nature of cure. For example, if the cause of a disease is greed, we advise the patient to change his character accordingly. When people understand, they try and follow what we have told them. In such cases, there is total cure.
Is your prescription based on the condition of the patient or on your own meditations?
I do have revelations while meditating. For example, I came across diabetics who were too poor to afford expensive medicines and hospital bills. So I meditated and realized that our ancients used honey to treat diabetes. I was not aware of the chemistry of honey at that time. But I cleansed the wound of a diabetic and covered it with honey. To my surprise, he started improving and was cured completely in three weeks. This inspired me to start research on honey and I found that it has powerful hygroscopic properties—it can absorb water from everything. Probably it absorbs water from the bacteria so that they cannot survive.
What role does chakra adjustment play in your treatment?
Chakras, which take in cosmic energy, are crucial in the management of diseases. In aural diagnosis, we check abnormalities in the chakra: whether the chakra is congested or depleted, rotating clockwise or anti-clockwise, whether the petals are offering protection or are torn. Once you have analyzed the chakras and come into the cosmic field, you can locate and repair damages and thus heal a person. Sometimes, the cause of a disease may lie in discord between the patient and his parent because of childhood trauma. If the parent has expired, we bring the soul of the parent down and then improve the relation bond with the patient. This can be done in a state of deep trance. There are, however, some difficult cases where the seventh layer of the aura is damaged. One such case was a patient with Alzheimer’s disease. After repairing the seventh layer, his teeth grinding stopped. Gradually, energy permeated into deeper layers. Once it reached the physical body, we repaired the first layer along with all the chakras.
How do you conduct spiritual surgery?
One does not do spiritual surgery on the physical body. It is done on the aura. But there is a cell-to-cell representation of the physical body in the aura. I wear red clothes while doing surgery so that I don’t damage the main arteries and nerves. We start with a prayer and proceed in the same manner as any surgeon would. The only difference is that we do it on the auricle rather than the physical body. It is easier, quicker but not painless. Once, when I removed a stone from a patient’s pancreas, I distinctly heard her groaning.
Speaking of prayers, you generally conduct Vedic rituals. Does this not constrain the system?
All rituals are based on scientific concepts. Idols are actually patterns. Each pattern has its own powers of absorption, retention and release of energy. Each pattern emanates electromagnetic energy. Rituals are intended to transfer some energy from that particular pattern to the person concerned. So we use the medium of flowers or sandalwood paste—all good absorbents of energy. When you chant a Vedic mantra, its ultrasonic components are absorbed by flowers or sandalwood paste and you submit this to the pattern.
How do you envision spiritual growth in the world?
The best century would be that of Indian spirituality. The West has begun to understand Indian spirituality as it is fed up with materialistic science. But the West understands spirituality only if it is in scientific language. Indian spirituality must be translated into a scientific language.
To what extent does a positive attitude help in keeping healthy?
You must go to a healer with the intention of being healed. We advise patients to develop a positive attitude. It will work better than any other medicine.
The moment I recognize ahm brahmasmi (I am God), I am healed. Is that true?
God cannot be sick.
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