January 2007
By Life Positive
This extract from Lise Bourbeau’s listen to your body, highlights the intimate correlation between food habits and attitude to life
The physical body is the most extraordinary machine ever imagined! No human being has ever been able to develop anything remotely similar in function and efficiency. In theory, if we were to build a computer that could assume all the functions of the human brain, that computer would be the size of the earth itself. Presently, human beings only utilize between 5% and 10% of their brain capacity.
…There is an interesting correlation between our eating and drinking patterns and the way we lead our everyday lives.
How do you feed yourself? Do you have a fixed routine for your meals? Do you eat unconsciously, without asking your body what it needs at the time? We are so programmed to eat a certain way, that it doesn’t occur to us that there may be another, even better way to do it…
Eating by habit will also show you that you are probably very rigid in your judgment of right and wrong and are dogmatic about your opinions. You decide that this is wrong and this is right when, in fact, there is no right or wrong. What may seem wrong to you may seem right for someone else. Let go of what others are thinking and doing in their lives, regardless of whether you think they are making “good” or “bad” decisions. I cannot stress enough the importance of “LIVE AND LET LIVE” – let others live their lives the way they need to and get on with your own. Get in touch with what YOU need inside to make your life a success! …
Satisfying the senses is another reason for eating. This is eating with “appetite” (Webster defines “appetite” as the natural desire for satisfying some want or need especially for food). Appetite does not stem from hunger. For example, the smell of popcorn, whether you are hungry or not, is almost irresistible to most people. When your senses consistently have the upper hand, you can get yourself in some trouble…
…Once you notice that you act by appetite, it is that you are receiving a message from your God Self. Rouma is telling you that one or many of your senses are psychologically unsatisfied. It can be sight, hearing, smell, taste or touch.
• SIGHT: You are letting yourself be bothered by something you are presently seeing…
• HEARING: Something you hear, whether at home or elsewhere, is bothering you…
• SMELL: Is there someone or something that you just can’t take any more? It could be a friend, a family member, a co-worker…
• TOUCH: You’re not getting enough affection? Who forgot to sow some? You only reap what you sow. Affection can be expressed in many simple ways – a kind word, a card, flowers, a love note or a smile… Remember, start sowing some and you will reap some.
• TASTE: If you are eating out of appetite, it may be that your sexual appetite is not satisfied. It is up to you to bring about the necessary changes…
…The physical body has a responsibility to notify the brain of its needs. It is not the role of the mind. For example, someone who is on a “diet” is dictating to his body what and when it is to eat. This goes against nature. When on a diet, you send the following message to your body: “As of today, I will decide what you need, when you need it and how many times a day I will give it to you. “Do you think you know your own physical needs better than your body? LEARN TO TRUST YOUR BODY!
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