February 2017
By Shivi Verma
Many a physical ailment can be healed faster if we released the person of attached spirits that may have taken accommodation in his body because of a weak aura or an untoward incident, says Shivi Verma
I was visiting a friend’s house in Bengaluru last year. Both she and her husband are left-brained, IIT graduates given to rational thinking. So when I started a discussion on spiritual subjects they asked, “Do spirits exist?” Keeping in mind their logical bent of mind, I replied, “The spirit form is our actual form. It is the body which is temporary. Therefore, we are more unreal than the spirits.” Once this understanding set in, the remaining conversation became a song.
Interestingly, around then a healer friend of mine was also coming across cases of spirit possession while healing her clients. If spirits exist, it follows logically that spirit possession can also exist. Certainly, I cannot deny their existence because of my personal experiences in this zone.
Fuelled by a single-minded obsession to find God, and without a legitimate guide to help me navigate this unchartered territory, I would experiment with anything and everything that came my way. As a result I landed in quite a few pitfalls and trenches. I realised that something was amiss, only when I began hearing strange noises which only I could hear, and which definitely weren’t encouraging, to say the least. Sometimes they could get deafening, and no matter where I ran, they would follow me. My troubles ended in 2009, when I resolutely visited the shrine of Shirdi Sai Baba against tremendous odds and surrendered my problems to Him. Ever since the strange happenings that surrounded me, stopped. I was no longer possessed.
But I thank God for that experience. Without it I would never have considered the possibility of spirit possession. Like many others I would have dismissed it as a psychological disorder, and compelled a victim to stay in misery instead of considering an alternative way of treatment. Not every sickness or crime can be attributed to spirit possession, but when looking to resolve a complicated issue there is no harm in checking out for this angle too, so that the patient can recover more quickly and completely.
What is spirit possession?
Says Anshoo Srivastava, a past-life regression therapist from Benguluru, and founder of Reborn, a holistic healing centre, “Souls reincarnate to learn certain karmic lessons on earth, and at a predetermined time leave the body and go back to the spirit world. But unfulfilled desires, the family’s attachment to them, a brutal or sudden death which they are unable to reconcile with, may stop the soul from moving on to the spirit world. Such marooned souls may possess another living human being who is at the same emotional/mental/physical frequency as theirs.”
Research in this field has become so advanced that there are now gadgets to detect the presence of spirits or tramp souls in an environment.
Says Anu Mehta, master trainer of Meta Health in India, “The spirit has an electric and magnetic field just like humans and animals, which can be measured by a ghost-o-meter, lecher antenna, or a dowsing rod.”
Jyotika Chhibbar, a Mumbai-based psychic-intuitive medium, therapist and founder of The Light of Life institute, underwent a unique experience vis-a vis spirit possession.
A lady, Suparna Dey, called Jyotika from Kolkata on September 28, 2015. She wanted to communicate with her recently deceased young daughter called Srishti and find out if she had any message to convey to her family, and if she had any unfulfilled desires.
Jyotika connected with Srishti’s soul the next day. The reading was completed and Suparna’s son Tathagat ended the call with a request to pass on Srishti’s message as and when she conveyed one.
Srishti continued to stay with Jyotika a little longer because in her she found a deeply empathetic soul who was moved by the passing away of a girl so young. Jyotika also felt bad for Srishti’s surviving family members consisting of a paralysed father, a struggling mother and her son. Srishti told Jyotika that she liked her pink toe nails and also confided in her about her boyfriend.
Strangely, Jyotika’s life began changing from the next morning. Her left foot swelled up and she developed a nasty headache. By 11 am she was vomiting profusely and by evening was collapsing. The doctor discovered that her BP had shot up beyond imagination. He called for an ambulance, since she could get paralysed or slip into a coma. Jyotika began screaming, “I will die in the ambulance itself, doctor. I will die on the way.” The ambulance reached the hospital carrying her with an oxygen mask, but was directed to a more advanced one at the gate itself, as the hospital lacked an ICCU, which the patient was in urgent need of. By then, the BP had skyrocketed even higher. Within minutes she was surrounded by a network of choking cables making it difficult for her to breathe. The doctors checked the BP once more. To their utter disbelief, it was normal this time. Astonishingly, the treatment had yet to begin. The entire night and the next day, Jyotika went through a series of investigation and medical tests but nothing could be diagnosed. Consequently, she was discharged late that evening.
On her way home, Jyotika saw Srishti’s soul stand before her again and smile. The fact that she had felt sorry for Srishti and her family members had made her pick Srishti’s energy that was yet to be released from the earthly realm. On returning home she had a conversation with Suparna who told her the following things.
Jyotika later set up an appointment to release Srishti’s soul and help her attain bliss finally. Says she, “I believe that even though I was capable of avoiding this possession, this happened so Srishti could convey to her parents her need for release from the earthly realm, which otherwise would not have happened because of their deep attachment to her soul.”
Who is vulnerable?
Some healers feel that all of us are prone to possession since we are pervious energetic beings, always busy exchanging energy from our surroundings. Says Jyotika, “So commonplace is this phenomenon that more than 95 per cent of us absorb alien energies at any given point, but we aren’t even aware since most may not cause any violent symptoms. Headaches, stomach aches, mood swings, infections, fevers, fatigue, can be caused by such energies.”
Others beg to differ. Meta healer, Anu Mehta, says, “Everything has a reason. Entities are exactly like viruses and bacteria in the environment. If your immunity is strong you will not catch them. You will get affected only if your immune system is weak. You will attract possession only if you are weak and susceptible mentally or emotionally.” She adds, “If you can effectively handle your life situations, even if you are in a room full of spirits you will not get possessed, and on the other hand you can be in the most positive environment and still get possessed if your aura is weak.”
Empaths are also vulnerable because their natural empathy creates porous and poor boundaries.
According to Anu, possession does not give us the right to write off responsibility for our actions: “An entity will enter your body and make you do harmful things only if you already have such thoughts in your mind. So instead of blaming the spirit, introspect to detect what kind of thoughts you harboured to attract such a spirit.”
Symptoms of possession
Therapists outline a few symptoms which include feeling extremely exhausted or fatigued most of the time, sudden onset of irritability without any reason, chronic illness, alcohol or drug dependence, mood swings for no reason, sudden behavioural or personality change, speaking or doing things which do not match the person’s real personality, getting angry for no reason, bizarre dreams, feeling heavy all the time, having a negative approach towards life, feeling futile and disappointed most of the time, horrible dreams, increased appetite, weight gain, sleeping more, moving pain in the body, a sudden onset of anxiety or bouts of depression, a lot of uneasiness near full moon or no moon.
Difference from mental illness
Though most symptoms of possession match those of mental illness, healers point out certain telltale signs that are indicative of spirit possession.
Says Anshoo Srivastava, “In mental diseases like schizophrenia, psychosis mood disorders, psychosis depression, psychosis mania, patients have delusions and hallucinations. They start hearing, seeing or sensing things without a stimulus to cause them.”
She says, “This happens in cases of spirit possession also; however, there is a thin line of difference. In spirit possession physical changes such as weight gain, weight loss, and change in eating habits are also observed.”
Says Anjana Barot, occupational therapist and clinical hypnotherapist from Mumbai, “Mental illness can be treated most of the times with counselling and medications. The symptoms are trait specific, while a possessed person would behave the same even after being treated medically. In fact, entity possession can push someone into a mental illness.”
Therefore, it is advisable to take a patient to a psychiatrist or counsellor first in order to be sure. Only if you find no change in the symptoms after treatments and medications, should you consider going for a spirit healing session.
How to heal from spirit possession
Thankfully, there are reliable, safe and scientific ways to get rid of spirit possession through certified healers and therapists.
Techniques like hypnotherapy, advanced clearing energetics, entity clearing through access bars, Prana Violet Healing (see page 36) and prayers are ways to heal a person from spirit possession.
Says Anshoo, “In hypnotherapy we take the client into a deep trance and connect to their subconscious mind. With the help of certain request-based questions we identify the location of the spirit and try to establish a communication with it. Once it is done we try to find the reason why the spirit has possessed the patient and if it has any unfulfilled desire. The patient strives to fulfil it, which is then communicated to the spirit with a request to leave the patient. Then we help the spirit to move into the spirit world. The whole process works on the basis of a request. Spirit possession happens to protect us and teach us something. Once we learn what we need to learn from the spirit and it gets its completion, it will leave you and go.”
Recounting a healing session, Anu Mehta says, “Once a young man suffering from intense acne had come to me for consultation. After therapy one side of his face cleared up, but the other did not. As I took him deeper into a trance he started behaving like a six-year-old boy, bawling, crying, and rolling on the floor. He related the trauma of being locked up in the toilet by his parents for a whole night as punishment for being mischievous as a young boy, and the fright and horror he had felt at being alone. At that moment an attached spirit admitted that it had felt deep empathy for the boy, and had entered him to give help and solace. Since the spirit was that of a weak and submissive man, the boy too showed diffidence and shyness in his general behaviour. I explained to the spirit that the boy was no longer a child, and that his presence was doing more harm than good, because his actual personality was getting overshadowed by him. As soon as the spirit understood it, it left the young man. Immediately, he got up from the floor and looked a totally different person. He looked bold, cheerful and happy and had no memory of what had happened earlier.”
Shielding from spirit possession
Prevention is always better than cure. It is advisable to seal our aura before stepping out of our homes. When done on a regular basis it can up our confidence and energy level considerably, and shield us from unsolicited energy assaults.
Jyotika recommends a few measures. “Visualise a gentle violet flame lit within the centre of your body and spreading within and around. Next imagine yourself getting filled with silvery, pearly, peaceful white light, letting it spread into your aura and finally sealing it with the most powerful crystal available in the universe. You must affirm that only positivity will enter this shield and everything else will go back to its sender or wherever it has come from, after being converted into positivity through God’s love and light. Crystals like black tourmaline, labradorite, blue kyanite, tiger’s eye are useful in protecting your aura. Drinking water kept in a glass tumbler and charged with Rose Quartz elixir at night and in the morning, creates an internal environment of self-love and peace.”
Using the Bach Flower Remedies such as Crab Apple in the bath along with crystalline sea salt or Pakistani rock salt are also helpful.
As souls on a human journey we have the choice to create our reality through the thoughts we think, deeds we do, and feelings we nurture. The loftier our thoughts and ideals, the higher the beings we will attract to aid us in our growth, and the lower our thoughts and vibrations, the lesser the beings we will draw to ourselves.
Often many possessions are karmic in nature. You might become a victim of the evil eye or black magic without ever having done anything to attract it to yourself. In such cases, the attack simply is fulfilling the purpose of slowing you down, to help you in pacing and going deeper within yourself. It is also a question of balancing karmic equations. Because along with the victim the near ones also suffer due to the intensity of pain. But once awakening happens even in one person, and hands go up in prayer in search for a solution, doors open, help arrives and greater realisations are achieved. It is easy to blame a foreign spirit for your upheavals, but a wiser move would be to do a self-assessment and look within to find the emotional reasons responsible for such incidents.
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