A shift towards humanity
Only if we consciously transition from a world controlled by inhuman gadgets to one filled with compassion and love for our fellow beings, can we truly move towards spirituality, says Mohanji
The world as we know it, is a human world which is grossly insensitive and also indifferent to other species on earth. As long as we do not care about exploiting helpless beings around us and think it is natural, spirituality and humans will remain poles apart. Compassion and kindness make us truly human. So, let us talk about the human world.
We live in an automated world controlled by gadgets. So what is the role of spirituality in this kind of existence? Gadgets are providing us with much information, whether we need it or not. This is indeed clogging our hard drive—our brain. Therefore we should consume only that which we can digest and keep the ‘stomach’ of the brain reasonably clean for the sake of good spiritual health. Hence, following one master, one practice, and one path is vitally important. We must also trust our own faculties rather than others’ words or opinions.
When we look around, we see ambitious humans struggling to excel in what they do not understand without a roadmap. Supremacy and visibility are what everyone is looking for, and this has nothing to do with spiritual stability or maturity, which has a lot to do with self-acceptance and our ability to express kindness and compassion at all times, against all odds.
When we establish in spirituality, we will only express kindness, compassion, and unconditional love; we will not spill blood ever. And this makes us human humans–this is the need of the hour!
Let us keep this simple. Much more than people who shrink into their own cocoons and allow the world to go by, today, we need a consciousness alliance of human humans. We need to create a world of love and genuine inner peace. We need a world that cares beyond boundaries. We do not need a ‘talking peace’ world. We need a ‘doing peace’ world to reach a ‘being at peace’ world.
How does spirituality come into this movement? When a man establishes himself in the compassion and kindness frequency consistently, he will soon shift to the frequency of the masters. This means he will automatically shift to the awareness: “Nothing belongs to me, and I belong to nothing.” Freedom dawns within him at this stage.
No ownership means perfect freedom. Then over time, he will steadily shift from a saint human to God human frequency, where the awareness rests in the clarity that “I am everything—aham brahmasmi. There is nothing apart from me.” This is the state of God Human.
Hence, we need to create human humans now. This means a shift in awareness that there is nothing to compete with or compete for. Life has to be kept simple and there begins our freedom. There begins LIFE.
Founder of Ammucare Charitable Trust, Mohanji is a contemporary spiritual master who delivers the most profound truths with laser-sharp clarity, simplicity and humour.
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