June 2007
By Prabhat P
Can alternative therapies disarm and defeat cancer? here we compile experiences and assertions from patients and therapists across the spectrum, which confirm that healing is possible, especially if you opt for alternatives exclusively
Retired Major General Niranjan Singh Kullar, an 86-year-old cancer survivor, still works 18 hours daily as advisor to the CEO, Imperial Hotel, New Delhi, after more than three decades of army service. His twinkling eyes, upright gait and trim appearance exude energy and vitality. Who would guess that he is a veteran survivor of not one, but two forms of cancer? Or that he cured cancer through holistic, natural methods exclusively, without chemotherapy or radiation? His healing journey proves that miracles indeed happen to those who create them.
In 1971, he had myocarditis, and in 1981, his kidney was removed. In 1984, brain tumour was detected. He had an enlarged prostate gland since 1986. Prostate cancer was diagnosed in 1998 at the age of 77, when the Prostatic Specific Antigen (PSA) test showed a level of 54 ng/dl (normal 0.00 – 4 ng/dl). It was the third stage of cancer. His elder brother and sister had died of cancer.
Major General Kullar advises, “Do not
operate on the cancerous area. I have seen generals dying because of such operations. If you touch the knife to the cancer, the cells multiply and spread like wild fire.”
He used a herbal anti-cancer medicine prescribed by Mangilal Tanwar from Madhya Pradesh. He also followed the nutritional therapy devised by Captain Kailash C Saigal of Interocean Foundation, explained in the book, Down, Down Cancer. “There is scientific proof that certain components in food can provide significant protection against cancer. Food is your medicine and medicine your food,” he explains.
“Exercise, for cancer patients, is medicine. They should walk in the morning and evening for one hour or half an hour. I once had two telephones at the office. I kept them on the floor – one on the right, one on the left. I used to bend and pick them up for exercise,” he adds. He also underlines the importance of positive thinking. “I am never under any stress or tension,” he says.
Major General Kullar’s brain tumour remains harmless due to the anti-cancer regimen. He has been free from prostate cancer for the last six years. Now his PSA test reading is zero.
Cancer encompasses a class of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell proliferation that can affect all organs. In metastasis, cancer cells multiply and travel through blood and the lymph system to the rest of the body. Cancer in any form remains a dreaded diagnosis, not just because of the looming shadow of death, but also due to the severe side-effects of allopathic treatments like chemotherapy and radiation.
Why Try Holistic Therapies?
According to a Los Angeles Times report, “Over 75 per cent of the oncologists polled said that if they had cancer, they would never use the same chemotherapy they prescribe for their patients, because of the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy, and its unacceptable degree of toxicity.”
Chemotherapy and radiation kill cancer cells, but harm the immune system. The temporarily suppressed cancer often reappears, since the body cannot defend itself with weakened immunity. “How much better it is to nourish the immune system directly by the use of natural therapies to assist it in getting you well, instead of destroying it by the use of these therapies! Then the immune system itself can kill the cancer cells without any side-effects, and heal your body at the same time,” writes Dr Loraine Day, M.D., who cured her breast cancer naturally.
Modern oncology (study of tumours) is based on the Halstead theory by W S Halstead. He focussed on treating and removing tumours to cure cancer. But cancer mortality rate remains unchanged despite advanced surgical techniques and aggressive modern treatments. Halstead’s theory is inadequate because it ignores the patient as a whole living organism.
“While conventional medicine primarily treats cancer as a focal disease with localized symptoms, naturally oriented physicians…view the body as a closed internal ecosystem, and believe that the dysfunction of this ecosystem leads to the development of cancer,” writes Dr Michael Lam, a top US-based physician and author of the book, Beating Cancer With Natural Medicine.
Deepak Chopra, the apostle of Ayurveda and https://lifepositive.com/Mind/body medicine, in his book, Quantum Healing, asks, “Why, when your body mends a broken arm, is it not considered a miracle, but when your body rids itself of cancer, it is?” Blending advanced physics with ancient Indian Ayurvedic insights, he shows that the human body is governed by a ‘network of intelligence’ grounded in quantum reality. This intelligence exists in our 50 trillion cells, and a cell can heal itself of even cancer. Strengthening of immunity, healthy lifestyle, diet, exercise and access to the Divine consciousness within, through yogic and meditative disciplines, can correct the wrong information that triggers uncontrollable cell multiplication, and cure cancer from the quantum level of the body.
Ayurveda Against Cancer
North and South Indian schools of Ayurveda offer time-tested treatments against cancer. As per ayurveda, the human body is governed by the tridosha – vata, pitta and kapha. According to Dr Partap Chauhan of Jiva Ayurveda, Faridabad, “Cancer is the result of the body’s reaction to what aggravates the tridosha.”
Ayurveda suggests sticking to swastha, which includes regular seasonal routines of proper diet and natural lifestyle. When individuals ignore it and indulge in improper food, late nights, overwork, daytime sleep, stimulants, intoxicants, chemical drugs, stress and anxiety, the dosha imbalance starts triggering disease. This weakens the digestive fire (jataragni), causing formation of ama (toxins), which circulates in the body blocking channels (strotas). This causes deformation of channels. “This vicious cycle of aggravation of doshas and ama formation, coupled with deformation of channels, triggers abnormal cell growth, causing cancer,” says Dr Chauhan.
For cancer treatment, Dr Chauhan recommends the following Ayurvedic holistic methods:
• Abstinence from root cause: The first step is avoiding a harmful diet or lifestyle that aggravates the root cause, tridosha imbalance.
• Eliminating aggravated doshas: They are eliminated by flushing them out of the body through panchakarma, involving purifying therapies to enhance metabolic processes. Panchakarma includes five techniques:
Vamana – emetics,
Virecana – laxatives,
Basti – medicated enema,
Nasya – nasal administrations,
Rakta moksana – blood-letting
• Treating jataragni: Jataragni controls digestion and nourishment. It helps the formation of nutritive fluid (ahara rasa), physical elements (doshas), tissues (dhatus) and waste (malas). Treatment maintains healthy jataragni functioning.
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• Morning: Gargle with salt water first.
• Five bitter apricot almonds in the morning.
• Morning walk 5.30-6.30, eat 7-10 neem leaves, breathing exercises.
• Lemon tea with honey (no sugar, milk)
• Breakfast 8 am: Porridge/cornflakes. Two dates and bananas mixed in it. A teaspoon haldi, one tablespoon Isabgol.
• 11.30 am: One glass anti-cancer vegetable juice (cabbage, lauki, carrot, beetroot, garlic, cucumber, spinach).
• Lunch 1 pm: One besan roti with fresh mint (pudina), pepper, ajwain and dhania. Or one cup lauki raita, with one bowl mixed fruit.
• 5 pm: one bowl red papaya
• 7-8 pm: evening walk
• 8 pm: One mint chappati with one small bowl vegetables (soybeans, green beans, peas), followed by lauki kheer/ carrot halwa/fruits (orange, apple, grape, grapefruit, watermelon, strawberry, tomato, potato).
• 9 pm: Anti-cancer medicine made of neem leaves 7 parts, mint 5 parts, pepper 5 parts, amla 2 parts, rock salt 1 part, anar (pomegranate) 1 part, jeera half part. Dose: One teaspoon in a glass of water, with one lemon or one medicine pill. (This is the medicine prescribed by Mangilal Talwar.)
• Avoid ghee, butter, whole milk, fried/heavy food, red meat like mutton, smoking, alcohol, stress.
• Remain calm and relaxed.
• Gargle with salt water before sleep.
Dr Partap Chauhan’s Guidelines
Oxidants formed during metabolism can produce cancer. Ayurvedic anti-oxidants like turmeric, ashwagandha, amla, neem, triphala, brahmi, protect from oxidation.
Vegetables and fruits containing bioflavonoids and carotenes provide dietary anti-oxidants. Eat minimum five portions of fruits and vegetables daily. Cancer incidence among individuals who avoid vegetables and fruits is double compared to those who consume them daily.
• Eat proper quantity when hungry.
• Eat in a pleasant environment without distractions.
• Proper pace (eat not too fast or slow).
• Eat according to constitution.
• Eat freshly prepared foods. Don’t eat leftovers more than a day old.
• Avoid contradictory food combinations – hot and very cold; raw and cooked; milk and fish; milk and meat.
• Avoid microwave cooking.
• Drink spring or purified water. Avoid distilled water, which weakens bones, teeth, hair, nails, and skin. Add mineral formulations to distilled water to rectify this problem.
Ayurveda emphasizes exercise, which kills cancerous cells. Ayurvedic therapy includes pranayama, yoga postures and meditation for immunity and alleviating stress.
Naturopathy Routine, Government Nature Cure Hospital, Varkala, Kerala
1st stage: Detoxification – eliminative diet: Only vegetable and fruit juices (juice of banana pith, ash gourd, sugarcane, raisins, musambi).
2nd stage: Purification diet: Raw seasonal fruits/vegetables (organically farmed carrot, cucumber, tomato, coconut, sprouted green gram, pomegranate).
3rd stage:Constructive diet for developing the body – boiled vegetables and cereals.
Eat twice or thrice daily. Avoid fried food, non-vegetarian food and milk.
Breakfast: 7-9 am: Rice or chappati
Lunch: 12 noon-2 pm: Rice, boiled vegetables.
Dinner: 5 – 7 pm: No cereals, raw fruits and vegetables.
Other treatment methods
Sunbath: Rising sun rays up to 7.30 – 8 am. Setting sun rays from 4.30 pm.
Enema: A cup of plain drinking water is injected into the rectum to clean the bowels. No soap water or glycerine.
Fasting: Patients fast on water, tender coconut water or fruit juices. Fast once or twice a week as a lifestyle.
• Wet pack: Wet cloth (hot, cold, hot and cold) tied on affected areas for blood circulation.
• Foot and arm bath: Feet and arms are immersed in hot and cold water alternatively.
• Hip bath, spinal bath: Hips immersed in water in a bath tub. Spinal bath immerses the back area. These therapies are good for prostate, rectal and bone cancer.
• Mud therapy: Fine mud from 3-4 feet below the surface is dried and applied in paste form, stomach, head and whole body for detoxification.
• Yoga: Simple asanas, breathing exercises.
• Counselling: For right mental attitude
DR Brij Bhushan Goel’s Naturopathy Routine
• Fast on juices of wheat grass, grape, pineapple, carrot, orange, spinach, tomato, cabbage, mint, cucumber, green vegetables, lemon, coconut water.
• After juice therapy, uncooked food such as fresh seasonal fruits, vegetables, coconut, soaked raisins, black raisins, figs.
• Daily eat one gm turmeric, five tulsi leaves, five neem leaves.
• Hot, cold fomentation and mud pack on the belly followed by water enema daily.
• Daily hip bath for 5-10 minutes.
• Twice a week wet sheet pack.
• Once a week steam bath.
• Daily morning sun bath.
• Walking and slight asanas according to the disease level.
• On affected areas, keep ice-cold water pack to reduce swelling and pain.
• Open air, mental and physical rest.
Contact Details of Healers and Organizations
Major General Niranjan Singh Kullar
Ph: 011-26106201
Mob: 9910122330
Interocean Foundation
Ph: 011-29912991
Jiva Ayurveda
Jiva Marg, Sector 21B, Faridabad, Haryana.
Ph: 91-129-2431198, 2429640
E-mail: info@jiva.com
Ashtavaidyan E T Divakaran Mooss
Thaikkattu Mana, Anandapuram P.O.,
Thrissur- 680323, Kerala.
Ph: 0480 – 2881397
Email: mooss@satyam.net.in
Dr K R Jayakumar
Govt. Nature Cure Hospital, Varkala – 695141,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
Ph: 0470 – 2600510, Mob: 9846031791
Email: drjkvarkala@yahoo.com
Dr Brij Bhushan Goel
All India Nature Cure Federation, BM-7,
West Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi – 110008.
Ph: 011-27482211
Dr Girisanker
Ph: 011-2793111
Dr V Stanley Jones
Mob: 9846012034
Email: dr.stanley@siddhaphysician.com
Ramneek Wig
Ph: 9810178140
Email: ramneeklwig@gmail.com
Dr. Prasanta Banerji,
PBH Research Foundation,10/3/1 Elgin Road, Kolkata -700 020.
Ph: 033 – 22472845 Email: pbhrf@vsnl.com
Vaidya Chandra Prakash Cancer Research Foundation
Mandir Marg, Turner Road
Clement Town, Dehradun – 248002
Ph: +91-135-2640909,
Email: info@padaav.com
Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal, Kerala
Dr S P Kaushal
Ph: 011-25169500
Cancer websites