Septmber 2015
Homoeopathy : A Spiritual Science
Life is a mystery to all of us .Humans have the urge and tools to unveil this mystery.Exploration of life’s working mechanisms through research on the outside world with the help of ever evolving technologies is science.
Exploration of its mysteries by going inside oneself through meditation , yoga etc is spirituality. The new age is ushering and showing us newer horizons with the aid of both science and spirituality like never before. It is a rare pinnacle in the history of time. Homoeopathy as a curative science is a perfect example of this ideal combination of spiritual and scienctific facts , the two sides of the coin of life.
Homoeopathy was discovered in the year 1790 by Dr Samuel Christian Fredreich Hahnemann .
Himself an allopathic physician by profession he was never satisfied with the result of allopathic medicines on the chronic ailments he used to treat .All diseases symptoms were relieved for a short period of time and used to usher back with increased vengeance every time and along with addition of new symptoms.
Allopathic system of medicine works on the Principle of Contraria Contraris curanter . that is opposite cures.
Eg. diarrhea can be cured by producing constipation.
Running nose by creating stuffy nose etc
Also that the medicine acting mostly on the superficial tissues of the body suppressing body’s diseased areas and also the hindering the normal functioning of the body.
Most medicines acted superficially and did not permanently cure the diseases.
Dissatisfied with this Dr Hahnemann started taking crude medicines himself to find out the true nature of medicines and their way of cure.
On doing this he found that medicines produce the same set of symptoms in a healthy individual that are cured by the cinchona bark produces the same periodic type of fever in the healthy individual which it cures .thus leading to discovery of the law of Similia similibus curanter,i.e like cures like.
Also he discovered that all living beings are animated by a non physical energy or force which responds to medicine and is ultimately responsible for total cure .This he termed as vital force. He found out that before the disease attacks the physical body this non physical vital force is the first to get effected.
He also found out that all medicines have latent or hidden energies similar to energy of vital force which got developed by the process of potentisation. All crude medicines can be potentised to very high level of energies by slowly decreasing the material amount.
When we administer the potentised medicines to the diseased individual then it acts on the vital force by increasing the energy of the individual thus helping the individual to fight with the disease.
He stressed on the fact that human being is just not a physical entity but a whole organism comprised of the vital force at the core ,his mentality comprising of mental characteristics and finally the physical body matching with concept of body,mind and soul .The human being thus should be treated as a holistic being and not just as a physical entity.
At the time of discovery of homoeopathy the modern day allopathic was not even nearby to the founding of bacterial organisms but Dr Hahnemann pointed this fact that there can exist miniscule organisms which are responsible for certain infectious diseases.
All these discoveries are compiled under “Organon of Medicine” an important philosophical subject in the study of Homoeopathy. This subject forms the very core foundation in practice of homoeopathy.
Now all these findings were made by Dr Hahnemann by simply observing the internal mechanisms of diseases and medicines .He was visionary in himself and foresaw that the future of the health of the world lies the most simple and profound truths of life
which are mainly spiritual in nature and only energy based treatment methods can permanently relieve the persons from their diseases.
‘It is all in the mind’. This age old saying is being resonated more increasingly than ever. The world is day by day knowing that mind and its thoughts can generate positive and negative effects on the body depending on their very nature. Negative emotions and thoughts are being proved that they can produce various chronic ailments extending even upto diseases like cancer , TB, Aids Joint pains etc.
Homoeopathy stresses on this fact very much.
.It is discovered that along with the physical symptoms produced in the diseased states there are changes in the mental make up of the patient and vice versa too .i.e. mental alterations can produce physical ailments of both acute and chronicnature.
E.g. A frightened child can go into convulsions or severe diarrhea or high grade fever.
Infertility can be resulted from prolonged suppression of expression o f sexual desire etc.
Some patient exhibit alteration of the physical symptoms with mental symptoms.
Most of the medicines have a ‘drug picture’ consisting of Mental symptoms and also physical generalities. Mental symptoms include the
• Patients ability to cope up with different situations in life.
e.g. A patient of Natrum mur (medicine made by potentising common salt) when scolded or made angry suppresses the anger and broods over it leading to various ailments.
• A patient of Pulsatilla will cry very easily on being scolded.
• Dreams and sleep states of the patient eg .The Patient of Lachesis (medicine made up of snake venom) will have repeated dreams of snakes.
Thus we see that how close the mental make up of the patients is to the the diseased corporeal body.On the basis of these mental symptoms different medicines are applied to cure various chronic ailments on somatic level and also of mental alterations like Anxiety ,Depression, Lack of Self Confidence, Bed Wetting , Schizophrenia, Sleep disorders etc.
Our ancient seers categorized the lifestyle and quality of a human being into three categories namely Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic depending upon their behavior eating habits and way of life.
Sattvic points to the highest order which survives on vegetarian diet is balanced in nature and lives in harmony with the nature.He is seldom prone to diseases.
Rajasic enjoyes all that is good and joyousin life i.e highly seasoned food , wears good clothes and lives a life of luxury and lives with clevermindedness.He will always suffer from disease due to the overindulgent lifestyle.
Mostly people in the world are of this nature.
Tamasic the lowest order eats mostly non vegetarian food , is reckless in behavior and destructive in nature .He tries to overpower other by wickedness and is not in harmony with himself .such people or beings will be prone to destructive diseases like cancer , aids sclerosis etc because what u create u also suffer.
Miasms in homoeopathy is the tendency or disposition which an individual caries in relation to diseases.The Miasms are mainly categorized into Psora ,Sycosis or Syphillis.
Physically Psora is most superficial of the three miasms and is said to be developed from suppression of the “itch”. Itching or skin diseases are said to be the oldest in man and thus Psora is said to have been believed to be developed from that.
Sycosis developed from suppression of the venereal disease of Gonorrhoea.
Syphiliis from suppression of venereal disease of syphilis.
All the above reasons cited are only one of the reason for developing Psora Scosis and syphilitic predisposition .
On a deeper level these three miasms can be corresponded with the three gunas, there causes lying deep in the psyche or the mind of man.
• Psora can be corresponded to Sattvic personalities.
• Psora can be divide in to two subdivisions one the healthy one
I .e total health but the psoric disposition still remains.When the immunity of the sattvic person goes down he can suffer from ailments occasionely but of the most superficial organs like skin, external organs like eyes, nose, extremities serous membranes of organs etc. and are readily and easily curable by not very deep acting remedies
.Psoric patients on the mental level can have inflated egos and status problem oin the diseased form as they excel the most
.eg of psoritic remedy-sulphur(made from element sulphur)
• Sycosis can be corresponded rajasic personalities.Their nature of brooding ones as they are worried about their losses and gains in every sphere of life. Because of this they suffer from out growths of tumours and deposits(stones etc) and effusions etc. These class also suffers from depression anxiety and other psychosomatic ailments. Slowly the disease becomes chronic and can also lead to destruction of the organs.
eg of sycoyic remedy-Natrum Mur (made from common salt)
• Syphilitic personalities are corresponded to tamasic nature as they manifest destruction both on the physical and t he mental plane. Mentally they carry lots of grudges, feelings of revenge hatred and jealousy thus leading to destructive manifestations on the physical plane and that too of the deepest organs in the body.They are likely to suffer from ulcers, tuberculosis of organs, corrosions , sterility , bone cancers and cancers of other types too .Because of their destructive tendencies they are capable of homicides and suicides .They are always treated with deep acting remedies .
Eg of syphilitic remedies-arsenic(made from metal arsenic)
Thus we see that depending upon the physical and mental disposition of the person various diseases arise and thus are correspondingly treated with the similar acting drugs.
This classification of miasms corresponding to the three gunas is also found in other systems like ayurveda, naturopathy yoga,, acupressure etc .Acupuncture , reiki and chiropractic and other eastern method focus on ying and yang.
The underlying philosophy of all the alternative therapies practiced today is energy based as the at the root of everything is energy only .This enegy manifests itself in different forms by vibrating at different speeds and levels .Whenever the flow of this energy is disturbed by internal or external influences disease ( read as dis – ease) is created and the disturbance can be corrected by applying more potent energy in the form of medicine or other application which helps the organism to fight the dis- ease and be healthy again.
The medicines used in the practice of homoeopathy are obtained from vide variety of sources like Plant , Animal and Mineral kingdoms .Venoms and stings of various animals and insects are used t o make medicine by the process of potentisation. Minerals like Gold and Silver are also used.
Another source of medicine is the unhealthy discharges of various disease when potentised also yield medicinal properties which are called as nosodes. eg . Tuberculinum made from bacterial discharge of tuberculised lung tissue .Variolinum made from small pox pustule discharge.
Drugs are also made from healthy discharges of the body namely the hormones and other healthy discharges and are known as cholestrinum made from gall stone bile juice.
Nowadays some allopathic medicines are also potentised to make homoeopathic medicines the branch known as aspirin , pencillin etc potentised to administer as homoeopathic medicines.
Potentisation is a method of increasing the latent medicinal power of any drug or drug like substance by the process of dilution and succusion.
Most medicines made in homoeopathy are first diluted either with alcohol(in liquid form) or by sacrum lactis in solid form.Here the crude medicinal substance is taken in a part and the diluted substance can be the nth part part(nth here can be 10, 100 , 1000 or any number in between also), thus diluting the drug upto great level .Then the drug is succused meaning either shaked vigourously in a particular manner or potentised in a mortal pestel by the processes of rubbing. This process of dilution and succusion releases the energy at the nano molecular and sub atomic level thus changing the properties of the drug to heal and cure diseases.The higher the potency of the drug the least amount of crude drug it contains.
A lot of research is going on world wide to prove this theory by the use of nano techonolgy , quantum physics and energy reading devices so that we can actually see the change occurring in the body after taking homoeopathic medicines.Many experiments done show that the electro magnetic field of the body commonly called as aura goes under considerable change (changes colours) after taking homoeopathic medicines.
I see a light shing in the horizon
I know I will reach there someday
I take everything in my stride
The pain the pleasure
To reach the ultimate wisdom
To reach my ultimate goal
That is pure bliss and consciousness.
These lines some up that practicing this energy based system of homoeopathy I as an individual and we as society will reach to the ultimate source of all knowledge and wisdom and make our lives truly worthy.
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