Inner thought and outer thought
Shivi Verma discriminates between the two types of thoughts we all get and listening to which one can save us a lot of grief
I often get foxed when I hear the statement that life is uncertain. However, the outer world testifies to the validity of the above observation each moment. Externally, everything seems shaky, unstable, and tumultuous. COVID is lurking around ready to swoop down and claim one more of its unsuspecting victims, financial stability is a chimera, and no one knows what the future holds for them.
Yet, it is difficult for me to believe that life is uncertain. In all its crests and troughs, sorrows and joys, losses and achievements, I have always felt internally held by a strong and stable force which is always there, no matter what the situation. This force keeps guiding me on how to navigate a challenge and what steps to take to overcome it. All that I have to do is listen to it and take concurrent action.
Humans get two kinds of thoughts in each situation: the outer thought and the inner thought. The former is the thought of the mind, which mostly likes to take the easy route, believes in the best, and does not listen to alerts, warnings, or intuitions. The latter is slightly quieter but mostly points in a direction that the outer mind is not willing to look at. And the more we listen to the inner thought and act on it, the fewer the chances of us being stumped by life.
‘The wife is the last one to know,’ goes the adage. However, the wife becomes the last one to know only because she ignores the red flags, the obvious signs of infidelity, and the constant neglect by her partner. Paying heed to this inner thought would mean disturbing the illusion of a stable life one is enjoying. In such cases, when calamity befalls, the outer mind is unable to handle it and falls into despair. However, if only we had paid attention to the inner thought, a lot could have been salvaged.
Similarly, the body gives plenty of signals before falling critically ill, but we like to dismiss them as minor problems, deliberately ignoring the little voice that says that we need to get thoroughly examined. A case in point is film director Raj Kaushal’s recent sudden demise. He kept feeling unwell all through the day but chose to dismiss the symptom as acidity until it was too late.
Inner thought is based on intuition, while outer thought is based on rationality. Often, when searching for a misplaced item, after having rummaged through the whole house, we choose not to search one particular place because, in our minds, it is unlikely that the object could be there. Only much later do we discover that the possession was indeed lying in the corner we had left unexplored.
Inner thought does not let us take anything for granted. It does not let us slip into laziness and procrastination or weave fanciful stories. What it does is it makes us more agile, alert, careful, and hard-working. We ignore it because we do not want to make the effort, face reality, or disturb our peace of mind. But if you do not want to get disappointed by life, train yourself to catch your inner thought.
Editor of Life Positive, Shivi Verma is a devotee who found all her answers in loving God passionately.
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