Be Aware of Karma
Let us never forget that our sojourn on earth is temporary and that each and every action is monitored and accounted for, if we wish to lead happy and prosperous lives
Though many people doubt the theory of reincarnation, a belief or rather the knowledge of it can save us from many misfortunes later on. Sadly even though most Buddhists, Jains and Sanatanis know about it, not many seem to take it into account while living their daily lives.
The body or our incarnation in this life is not the final reality of our lives. Yet most people act as though they are never going to die or undergo a change of reality.
When as a man someone humiliates or abuses a woman, he acts from the belief that he shall always be a male under all circumstances. If he could realise that the situation can flip in the next life – that he could be born as a woman and be made to undergo the same pain and trauma he is inflicting on the fairer sex thinking them to be weak and inferior, he wouldn’t behave under the influence of the male ego. When the rich ill-treat the poor – something we often see – they forget that nothing
is permanent in this illusory reality. Tomorrow they can lose their wealth or be born extremely poor in their next birth and be at the receiving end of the same treatment they are meting out to others. When young people mock and abuse older people, they forget that old age catches up with everyone and few decades down the line they might find themselves defenseless against humiliation from younger people.
When people in authority, misuse their power, to rob, snatch and oppress the weak, they forget that position is temporary, and the law of karma can switch roles in their next birth, making them undergo the same misery and helplessness they are subjecting others to. When humans abuse animals, torture them for food, hide and fun, they forget that this life is not forever and the law of karma acts unsparingly. They can meet a similar fate in their next life or even be born as an animal to experience the same pain they are giving them. When women from middle-class families, mentally torture their daughters in-law, they forget that they are creating karma for themselves. They tend to believe that bad karma only constitutes, stealing or killing, ignoring that fact that hurting others emotionally is also counted as a sin.
Almost all the cases of past life regression reveal that the healee had victimised someone or abused some form of power and authority because of which they are suffering in their current life.
Even though I embraced spirituality much later in life, I was intuitively aware of this law and could never take others for granted like many. A few days ago my husband asked me if I had eaten sea-food while living in Mumbai. I said no. He asked me why? I told him that animals were meant to be loved, not eaten. If I was born as an animal I would love my life as much as I love it as a human and would never want to end up in someone’s stomach. I cannot willfully ignore this truth and eat flesh simply as just another food item. Human hubris about his invincibility, power, entitlement, and privilege can anyday be shattered by the cold hammer of divine justice.
It doesn’t take long for the wheels of fortune turn against you. To show you your real place. Instead of complaining and wailing about how cruel life and fate are in those moments, it is better to live in intense awareness of our thoughts, speech and action so that such a situation never arises.
Editor-in-Chief of Life Positive, Shivi Verma is a devotee who found all her answers in loving
God passionately.
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