July 2016 Vastushastra is a science that deals with the eternal process of subtle energy manifesting as material space or form. In short, it is the science of manifestation of energy into matter. If a part of the free space is confined into a four-walled structure called a building, it becomes a living organism and starts vibrating in a particular order. “When inner and outer space resonate together in harmony, then peacefulness, vitality, health, prosperity, and creativity become an effortless experience. To enable people to experience this supreme bliss in a mundane house is the main purpose of vastushastra,” said Dr V Ganapati Sthapati – the legendary vastushastra expert. Jiten K Panddya, a certified Bio-Energetician from the International Institute of Bioenergetics, Paris, took the se words as his gospel truth. Originally a mechanical engineer and an industrialist, Jiten’s keen interest in energies took him to ACMOS – Paris. ACMOS is a 21st century, innovative, systematic method of neutralising harmful interference fields in a space and restoring proper signalling throughout the body for optimal natural healing. The ACMOS Method™ is based on extensive research by Dr Rene Naccachian, PhD, since 1986 on eclectic topics such as traditional Chinese medicine, ayurveda, biophysics and quantum physics. A trainer of the ACMOS Lecher Antenna, Jiten has always been interested in Vastu energies. “Whenever people used various correction remedies like pyramids, yantras, crystals, types of plates, and gemstones, the engineer in me would always ask for the proof of energy change via pre and post corrections. This is measured by the ACMOS Lecher Antenna. Thereafter, I started to evaluate the resultant energies obtained after placement of the above-stated remedial objects and found that there was a lot to be desired,” he says. Jiten also studied a lot on geopathic stress and evaluated the products in the market that claimed to balance the said stress. “I found that the claims lacked solid proof. I felt we needed something that worked genuinely and researched and developed my own products therefore,” he says. His perseverance and deep interest led him to manufacture authentic products under the name ‘Divine Earth’. He has developed two variants _The Dynamic Box and The Super Energy Box. The Dynamic Box This product resonates with vaastu energies at more than 40,000 on the Bovis scale. (Bovis scale is the scale for measuring the quantum of energy.) It also negates every known geopathic stress. “The best thing about this product is that when it is placed in a habitat, it not just neutralises the geopathic stress from that space but also neutralises the entire building and area within the minimum radius of 200 feet around the building. At times, if the electromagnetic stress is less or minimal then the radius increases to 500 feet or more, and similarly it may reduce to 50-100 feet,” says Jiten. Talking about a particular mathematical term prominently used in Vastushastra – The Golden Ratio (1:1.618) – he explains how any space would resonate to the Golden Ratio only if it is built to the mathematical proportion of 1:1.618. The Egyptian Pyramid of Giza is one known example. “The Dynamic Box once placed in any habitat, even if the shape is circular or triangular, will still make the space resonate to the Golden Ratio. This is because looking from a vaastu perspective, the box enables all cuts and extensions to be negated and the space start resonating to the Golden Ratio on a high Bovis scale value. Someone who dowses with a pendulum or a Lecher Antenna can easily verify this,” he adds. According to Jiten, the ACMOS Lecher Antenna can gauge the frequency of bewitchments, voodoo, and black magic activities and easily negate the frequency not just from that particular space but also from the person resonating to that frequency by providing a powerful shield of protection. Describing other aspects of his manufactured product, Jiten says, “The Dynamic Box creates ley lines in any space upon placement, and I go one step further and amplify these Ley Lines into a matrix of Positive Ley Lines.” Ley Lines are invisible meridians running across the planet and are found at sacred spaces and power spots. “Once the matrix is created, the vaatu energies are elevated from being in the 40s to 59,000 Bovis units. Same applies for the Golden Ratio energies. The reason is that these highly positive energies raise the quantum of the energies as a direct result of the elevated ley line energies,” he explains. The Dynamic Box also transmutes the negative Ley Lines (Earth energy lines which were previously positive but got transmuted due to negative activities in that particular space), into positive ley lines upon placement. Hence, natural and positive energies are utilised and not wasted. The Super Energy Box This product is an extension of the Dynamic Box with certain enhanced features. “When the Karmic frequency of any space is ‘on’ in a particular space, it means that there has been some wrongdoing during the paperwork or the transaction of the said property, and the land registered has a karmic frequency. The Super Energy box negates the karmic frequency and does away with the ‘bhoomi dosh’,” Jiten explains. He also adds that once placed in any habitat or space, the box charges its vaastu energy with a minimum of 30 lakh Bovis units. “Ditto for the value of the energies of the positive Ley lines,” he adds. According to Jiten, this product not only negates all the known negative frequencies but also provides a powerful shield of protection. “This is most important when we are dealing with both the habitat and the habitants,” says he. Jiten stresses that the energies of the inhabitants also need to be addressed since it is the homeowner who is the reason behind an energy correction, and it is the human energies that are actually corrected by correcting the home energies. Moreover, the Super Energy Box aligns and activates all the chakras of the body, and also protects the body from cell-phone and laptop radiations. “If placed in a car, it protects against geopathic stresses which are at times responsible for accidents on highways,” adds Jiten. It is widely known that sitting or sleeping below a beam is hazardous to our health. Once any of the above boxes are placed in such a habitat, the negative effect is neutralised which can be verified by various dowsing tools. The ‘Marma Vedha Dosh’ if any from a constructed dwelling is also negated. For further details, contact Jiten K Panddya at 09920589784 or email at jitenkpanddya@gmail.com
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