February 2024
Meet your facilitators
Four special interviews curated just for you. Get to know your favourite facilitator
through their insightful conversations with
bright LP writers.
Life Positive is holding an International Healing Festival on 24th and 25th of this month which will be studded with star facilitators from across the country.
We have workshops on Reik healing, Money Consciousness, Emotional Freedom Tech nique and Divine Union – Marrying Shiva and Shakti.
Each year we give an extensive account of the modality and a detailed description of the facilitator’s expertise. However, this year we changed the pattern and interviewed all four of them to give you a glimpse of their inner world and how they aim to empower you through their special modality. Below are the highlights of the interviews:
Dr N K Sharma clears all the doubts related to Reiki healing and shares the powerful secrets of this popular healing modality with Dr. Bijal Maroo
Dr N K Sharma came across as a paragon of confidence and humility in his interview. He will be holding a workshop on Reiki Healing in the International Healing Festival being held on February 24 under the aegis of Life Positive
Foundation. His forte lies in demystifying the esoteric sciences. His logic won over my scientific mind. Below are the highlights of his enlightening interview with Life Positive.
Please explain about Mind Powers, especially Reiki.
God has given each of us many psychic powers which are our natural gifts. The Reiki master works with you at an energy level after your initiation or attunement. He connects with the Universe at will and makes an intention for the Reiki to heal you. He just touches the person who needs it. The Chakras (Energy Junctions) and the aura (Electromagnetic field) get recharged. The Reiki will automatically get absorbed till it is needed and stop when it is no longer needed. The hands of the Reiki master feel a vibration while the energy flows.
Which kind of problems can you heal via Reiki?
When the vital force or prana is weak, diseases begin. When it is strong, oxygenation, healing, regeneration and recovery happen fast. Prana is needed to heal all diseases, including auto immune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and myasthenia gravis. Even severe ailments like cancer can be cured through a strong vital force. Recently in a flight that we were in, a woman began to suffer from fits. My wife gave her Reiki for about 15 minutes. Before this, the crew was planning to divert the flight, but the situation improved within 15 minutes and there was no need to do it. Reiki provides instant healing in cases of heart attack because the main issue in such cases is exhaustion and only two-four per cent of energy remains by the time the person reaches the hospital. If you give Reiki immediately, the person gets recharged. In cases of coma when doctors give up, the only thing that can work at a subtle level is Reiki.
Reiki resets the flow of Prana in the body
Can Reiki be given only in person or can we heal people remotely too via Reiki? Even Quantum Physics proves that telepathy is possible. So, everything is here and you are everywhere. We use telepathy to enter a person’s energy field in his subconscious mind. Like this we can project thoughts and change the energy anywhere and in any mind. I visualise that the client has become normal, that he is doing his job and that he is more positive. What I create here, gets deposited there. If he is too negative, I will have to do it daily and increase his strength. By sending Reiki in this way, changes happen. We have prevented divorces and healed businesses through distance healing. We do an average of 400-500 healings daily.
Thoughts travel faster than light. When we send Reiki at a distance, the session might be over in two-four minutes whereas physically, it might take 10-15 minutes. At a subtle level, we are all connected.
Can everybody learn Reiki and other techniques of mind power such as ESP, astral travel, telepathy, activating the third eye and intuition?
Intuitive powers are universal wisdom. Anyone can go into a trance and connect with the Universal consciousness. Most musicians, poets and scientists create from intuition.
One uses inner vision while doing crystal ball gazing. The body is very sensitive in that altered state. In tarot and astrology, the sensitivity of the reader is high and they connect with the Universe to obtain the answers. All good astrologers use their intuition rather than plain mathematics. They connect with your energy and can read your past, present and future.
All these are natural gifts. We teach certain breathing exercises to children and their third eye gets activated. The pineal gland is what activates the sixth sense. Now, the third eye can pick up anything from the subtle world. We have trained 10,000 children to read with blindfolds on. Anyone can activate the subconscious.
But it is a very difficult task for ordinary people, isn’t it?
It is all a matter of habit. Everything is habit and practice. Suppose you ask me, how long will it take me to learn to write with my left hand? I will ask you to practise it for 8-10 days. Slowly, you will be able to do it easily and a time will come when writing with your right hand might seem uncomfortable. It’s all a matter of practice. You have trained your mind to jump around like a monkey, then how can you be peaceful? Whereas, the Buddha had trained himself to be peaceful. It’s all about practice.
Everyone is not meant for every field. You do things that you have been interested in for lifetimes. Many people come to me and I tell them to learn Reiki. They never knew about Reiki, but now they are masters. Everyone has the ability to do it. However, some have low sensitivity. For example, if they are highly stressed, they might take more time to activate it. I am a logical and scientific person. I am majorly left brained, rational, critical, and doubt things easily. Hence, I could not feel the Reiki energy easily. However, my wife is very sensitive and as soon as she looks at a person, she comes to know many details about them for eg which chakra is weak, their negative and positive sides. I have taken 40,000 people into their past lives, but I could see my own only in the eighth attempt.
There is a common belief that people who give Reiki suffer the after-effects of giving Reiki in terms of depleted energy and depleted health. Is this true?
If the teacher is not good, it can happen. Suppose you are learning a martial art such as Karate or Kung Fu but doing it without protection. It is hazardous. Therefore, it is advisable to learn to cut your cord with the healee and create a protection shield around yourself. In Reiki, you feel the client’s energy, as you get into their aura or energy space. It’s akin to entering someone’s house and if their house is full of smoke, you too will have trouble breathing.
Precise and correct instructions are needed as we are dealing with energy science. We teach all our students how to clean their hands with energy and cleanse their aura after giving Reiki. None of my students have ever had any problems.
The more you heal others, the more you also get healed. When you give Reiki to another, it first flows through you, so it will benefit you first. You become a channel for the Reiki.
You said you enter people’s aura. You don’t have their permission. Is this allowed? When some tantric unleashes his black magic on some person, does he ask for that person’s permission? Then why do we need permission to unleash white magic? Even some spiritual gurus say that you should not give Reiki as you are interfering in people’s karma and thus going against nature. If someone is dying, should the doctor not save his life? No permission is needed as there is no negative intention. If someone can give curses, then what is wrong with sending prayers?
Enchanted by the theme of the workshop being conducted by Hitesh Vashisht at the IHF, Navni Chawla, interviews him to understand the profoundness of the topic, the ‘Divine Union Within.’
Hitesh Vashisht is the author of the bestseller Sundaram Speaks— Conversations to Awaken Your Soul’s Wisdom. He is an internationally certified and licensed consciousness coach with a decade-and-a-half experience in the field of human behaviour. He is also trained in many complementary healing modalities, such as Past Life Regression, Inner Child Work, Life Between Lives Regression, Family Constellation, Ancestral Healing, and Rebirthing Breathwork, to name a few. With more than 500 plus workshops, he, along with his wife, Shubhangi Sharma, has worked with the masses to find balance in their lives.
Hitesh will be conducting a workshop called ‘Divine Union—Marrying Shiva and Shakti Within.’ This workshop is for those men and women who are striving to create a balance between Shiva and Shakti energies. It will assist them in moving into more fulfilling relationships within themselves, their fellow men, and the Earth. It is an endeavour to harness the power of these energies by learning to work with our shadows—the hidden and disowned part of us. This could be a transformational workshop to help one integrate their feminine and masculine aspects, thereby blessing one’s life with magical wisdom and a sense of nourishing balance within. So, ladies and gentlemen, let’s dive straight into this interesting rendezvous of questions and answers!
What do Shiva and Shakti stand for? What are their primary elements? How do you explain them to a non-religious person?
Shiva means your masculine self and Shakti means your feminine self. These energies are present within every individual and interact with each other all the time. All our actions are just the extension of their interplay.
Balancing these two energies within guides our relationships and responses to life positively. For example, if a person is too much in their logical body then they are more rooted in their masculine energy. And, when these two energies are not in harmony, then many issues arise in a person. Another example is if a woman complains a lot then she is in her toxic femininity.
What is toxic femininity?
We can say that there are two aspects of femininity: divine and toxic. When our femininity has fully blossomed, it takes the form of divine femininity. And, when it is blocked, it’s called toxic femininity. The same goes for masculinity as well. The basic quality of the masculine is to give and the basic quality of the feminine is to receive. To quote an example, if one has a problem receiving or taking any help from another, then it is a case of toxic femininity. And if someone is very proud of the fact that they are giving, that means they are operating from toxic masculinity. To give another example, men taking pride in thinking that they are running the world also indicates toxic masculinity. Someone who is unable to control their emotions and bursts out easily in front of others is overly moving into their toxic femininity. Conversely, if someone is unable to open their heart, hardens inside like a stone, or develops a shell, then that person is operating from toxic masculinity.
How can someone integrate Shiva and Shakti, the feminine and masculine energies, for a harmonious balance?
I gave you the example of toxic femininity where one can’t handle their emotions. Conversely, one could learn to be still, sit with their uncomfortable emotions, or take a pause before expressing or responding to emotions. Witnessing or taking a pause is a Shiva or masculine quality. Whereas, all movement is associated with the Shakti or feminine aspect. So, if one is too hyperactive and moving a lot, then they can sit down, introspect, and practice awareness. And, if someone is too lethargic and does not move at all, then they need to exercise regularly. That’s how Shiva and Shakti are balanced. For example, when discipline and free flow or spontaneity are integrated into one’s life, that is also a balancing of the feminine and masculine. Another example is when one is working on a project, both masculine and feminine elements have to be brought together like strategy and awareness (masculine), and creativity (feminine).
What does the divine union or marriage of Shiva and Shakti within mean?
If we look at Shiva and Shakti beyond their forms, we observe that Shakti is a formless energy sitting right at our root chakra or Mooladhara. And, Shiva sits at the third eye. When they meet, we become Ardhanarisvara, which means we marry our inner mate. Shakti has to do a lot of Purusharth (make many efforts) to rise upwards and reach Shiva. Most of the time, our energy is located at the root chakra, where we do not know ourselves, and only after doing lots of parishram, or hard work, does that energy move upwards to meet the real Self. That’s where the marriage happens, and once both these elements (Shiva and Shakti) are merged inside of each other, one feels complete within. Until then, we seek others to complete us and keep searching and struggling.
Can you give an example that explains the interplay of these masculine and feminine forces in a corporate setting?
We have all heard of companies that are highly masculine in nature. This means that employees working there are highly focussed and goal-oriented. However, there is no scope for feeling, understanding, or sensing human emotions in such environments. So, even
though the company has a team to accomplish tasks, the softness of living is missing. And, if there is a work environment that has complete flexibility, going by the emotional way of doing things, and no discipline, then that organisation is also bound to fail. Therefore, the balance comes when an organisation brings both a goal oriented approach and sensitivity together.
What are the true signs of being in one’s divine feminine or divine masculine? The quality of a divine masculine or feminine is to have the maturity to embrace one’s light and dark with total acceptance. If one is able to integrate both their strengths and vulnerabilities, then they are established in their true divine Self. Have you seen the Yin and Yang symbol? There are two portions: one is black and the other, white. But the black portion has a white eye within and vice versa. To be a divine feminine, you must grow the eye of masculinity. This implies that it is important to have both elements within. The divine feminine must acknowledge their mind (masculine element). The divine masculine must grow enough heart and emotions to empathise with others (feminine quality) and have compassion.
A true divine masculine sits at the back like Shiva, being present, but allows the divine feminine, or Shakti, to come in her full blossomed form. The ‘ee’ sound in Shiva stands for Shakti.
More than how much money we have, what is important is how we tune our consciousness to handle it with the right attitude, says Dr Raman Deep Kaur in an interview with Jamuna Rangachari
Dr Raman Deep Kaur is a PhD in Metaphysics, an International-Coach-Federation-certified
Holistic Transformation Coach, a Master Spirit life coach, an NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) master trainer (Richard Bandler), a reiki master, and an Access Consciousness facilitator. She has trained with Louise L Hay, Robin Sharma, and Dr Joe Vitale. Dr Raman is also a past life regression practitioner, certified by Dr Brian L Weiss, and has completed her Diploma in Psychology and Mental Health recently.
Dr Raman emphasises the power of the mind and invents her own processes and programmes, engaging all the seasoned knowledge she has converted into wisdom over the last eleven years—using quantum physics, metaphysics, life-coaching skills, healing, and genetic memory reprogramming—and which is also backed by science.
She will be conducting a workshop on money consciousness at the Life Positive Spiritual Festival in February 2024.
Below are the excerpts from her interview: D
How important is money in one’s life? The importance of money is directly related to how you envisage your life. Money is just a tool; it is a frequency. Once you are in tune with that frequency, you can create abundance in all spheres of your life. The importance of money becomes evident when you are clear about your objectives, goals, passions, and desires in life Essentially, when there is clarity, it works well. If you are not clear, then there is confusion, and money is not in a happy space. Money is a tool that wishes to multiply. We need to have a good approach to money and need to work on our paradigms. It shall work well only with a positive mindset of welcoming it as a friend.
What is the best approach to take while dealing with money?
You do not deal with money. You need to be in a state of being with money. The best approach is never to feel insecure or see scarcity regarding money. Be in a state of abundance. You need to work on your paradigms first. Money likes to work for you, so make it your teammate. It shall then work very well for you.
You are an expert in many modalities of transformation. How does money affect people in your experience and observation? Money has a very good understanding; it has great consciousness in itself. This is why you need to understand money and its being there for you as your friend. Money has directly affected a lot of people. You must have heard the saying “Money does not grow on trees” in your childhood. This makes you feel worried. You develop a scarcity mindset, and that surfaces during your adulthood. You have dreams and plans, and work hard. But as you do not have a good relationship with money, things don’t work out for you.
As someone in the area of metaphysics, what is your attitude towards money?
As a metaphysician, I believe everything is energy. Life flows only through and with energy.
Money also has energy of its own. When I am in any relationship with money, I like to deal with it in the same way that I do with all my other relationships, such as those with my spouse, parents, children, or siblings. I work on them by understanding the people involved and their love language. I make an effort to be a loving partner to them, and this is what we all need to do even with money. This is what will make the other also work for us and not against us. In the case of money as a partner, we know that we need money to do all the things we wish to, like travelling, etc. and achieving all that we wish to do in life. This is why we should welcome it as a good friend.
How can we benefit from a better approach towards it?
A better approach to money means healing your patterns and limiting beliefs with money. Once you heal your relationship with money, everything changes. This is the language of energy and metaphysics. Money wants to do everything for you. Money loves you and likes you to be clear and honest so that it can follow the same path. When you practise this concept, money automatically grows on its own.
Money adds to abundance. It impacts you when you are clear about your goals and what you wish to do with the gifts you have. With this, it automatically becomes a partner in your life. Just like in all other relationships where you need to play a positive role in understanding each other, you need to do this with money too.
Does one’s attitude towards money affect the flow of abundance?
We focus on the positive and ignore the negative, though we are aware of our weaknesses. We should not be negative by using the other, for this is a wrong attitude. We don’t use people; we understand and respect them. The same is true of money too. We don’t use money; we utilise it. We respect money. We understand it. Energy flows where focus goes. This principle applies to money too.
Our beliefs aroud money influence our relationship with it
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How important is it to give priority to money in one’s life?
We utilise the power of money for its strengths. We are grateful for all that it has given us, and do all the things we wish to do without having a mindset of scarcity. This mindset is definitely to be discarded for money to come into our lives. For, as I said earlier, money too needs to be understood as a partner and friend.
How would participants benefit from attending your workshop on money consciousness? The abundance program helps people understand energy blocks regarding money. They will understand the chakras related to money and know how to activate them. By doing this, money shall automatically be attracted towards them. This is how the flow of energy works in general, so everyone would indeed benefit.
We invite everyone to attend the workshop and heal their relationship with money by developing an abundance mindset with Dr Raman Deep Kaur, thereby healing most issues that arise out of a scarcity mindset. We often have a budget for groceries, property, and many other aspects of life. Perhaps it is time to budget for a mindset of positivity through and with Life Positive. With this, many of our relationships and life in general could evolve. When everyone lives with an abundance mindset, the world too would become a better place to live in.
Hoping to see you there.
Dr. Bijal Maroo interviews Meetu Sehgal, famous EFT trainer, transformation and wellness coach to learn more about her and her approach towards healing.
Meetu Sehgal, Life Positive’s chosen facilitator for EFT workshop at the International Healing Festival being held this month came across as a very warm and compassionate person in her interview. She radiates the calming vibes of a healer. Her passion and belief in her work are evident from her elaborate answers and the unique metaphors she uses as she explains EFT, a modality she will be teaching in her workshop. Emotional Freedom Technique is a series of tapping along certain energy meridians in the body which release blocked energy and restore the flow of prana in the body, thus healing several mental and physical ailments.
Though I had used EFT as a modality before, I came away enriched from my conversation with her.
Why do you say that every problem is emotional?
We cannot separate emotions from life because as humans we ARE going to feel. If we look at a thyroid complaint, why did the thyroid malfunction? Ask yourself, “Are things around me flowing smoothly or are things in disharmony?” When I am not good emotionally, it will show up as a disease/disorder in my life.
Meetu Sehgal
EFT releases blocked energy from significant meridian points present on our face and body
As Indian spirituality explains, “As within, so without!”
EFT is about healing emotional blocks and self-sabotage. Please elaborate.
Emotional blocks are energy blocks as emotions are literally ‘energy in motion’. When there are a lot of blocks, it becomes self-sabotage. In simple terms, we are driving with one foot on the accelerator and the other foot on the brake. For example, “I want to lose weight, but…” The answer to this ‘BUT’ is a lot of subconscious beliefs. For eg, “It’s not safe or, it always comes back, or I won’t be loved or I won’t have the attention.” These beliefs were formed in response to intensely emotional situations. When we heal those responses, we unlock possibilities that were locked earlier. We unlock the reason why self-sabotage was there in the first place. Now we can release it and let it go.
Why do we start with a body scan?
A body scan brings awareness of what is happening inside of you. When I am not in the body, I will not know if I am feeling hungry. While eating, I will not know whether I am full or not. When I am in the body, I know if I am feeling okay or not. Similarly if there is fear or anxiety, where in the body do I feel it? The body is constantly talking to us. It’s just that we are not in the habit of listening to it.
Does one have to tap repeatedly or do issues get sorted permanently?
For acute problems, we can be done and dusted in just one session. But a chronic issue did not develop in a day and it won’t go in a day. EFT must take care of a lot of emotional triggers, and unpleasant memories formed over many years. Some clients may feel overwhelmed, “What if I have 100 memories to work on, will I have to keep doing this for the rest of my life?” No, if we work on 20, the rest will reduce in intensity or even disappear completely. Everything is interconnected. The metaphor that I always use is that of a pearl necklace. When you break it and release one pearl, the entire string of pearls will be released.
How does one tap discretely when in a public place?
We can sit with a hand under the eye or rub our forehead like we do when we are gathering our thoughts. Thus, the tapping point gets stimulated. It won’t be as effective since we are not doing the whole process, but some amount of relief is possible. Our hands have healing touch even if we have not learned a healing modality, so it works.
Why do we use the words, “I love and accept myself completely” in the Setup Statement? We cannot heal anything that we are not willing to look at. So first, acknowledge and accept that we have a problem and yet we love and accept ourselves. No matter what is going on in life, if we can’t love ourselves, we can’t heal. That is because the vibration of love is the vibration of healing.
Some people have resistance and just can’t say it. Gary Craig the founder of EFT said, “We are looking for comfort, not courage.” It’s not about distressing ourselves further. So, we ask them to say, “I’m still okay OR I’m still breathing OR I survived.”
Do we need to adopt a specific posture for the best benefits from EFT?
EFT is a very forgiving process. Even if we miss certain points or don’t get some of them right, it still works because we are bound to get some others right. Any posture works whether it is sitting, standing or lying down. We can tap anywhere - in the office, in a washroom, on a flight, or in a room full of people.
Is EFT recommended for daily emotional purging?
Yes, we face stressful events daily. So maybe we were subjected to lane-cutting in traffic, or the boss yelled. It is best to clear it before it gets bigger. If we have nothing to clear up, we can put in positive affirmations while we tap.
Do people report insights and breakthroughs as they heal?
Yes, many clients have lightbulb moments. They say, “I was giving away my power. OR I didn’t even realise this. OR It was not so bad. OR I misinterpreted the situation.” The client can then think from a new perspective as they are no longer locked.
What does healing feel like?
Clients often say, “It feels like a huge burden has been lifted.” They feel very light.
What message do you wish to share? EFT is such a powerful self-help tool that everybody should know it. I used to suffer from panic attacks. This was one tool that could pull me out of any situation. It was a Godsend. EFT and Inner child work brought a 180-degree shift in my life.
If EFT is a self-help tool, then what is the role of the therapist?
EFT helps handle the everyday stuff. But for a chronic problem, a lot of anxiety, a long history and many memories are the root cause. A therapist helps to untangle all of these. Also, if there is a goal that we are not able to achieve or if we are going through some crisis, the therapist can guide us to clear our way forward or to clear things in the back.
Anything you would like to tell our readers? A one-day workshop just teaches the use of EFT as a self-help tool. But, if you want to use it more deeply or use it to help others, then you need to do the three-day workshop. EFT not only helps to tap on a lot of things, it also helps to tap into the root cause of problems as well as peace.
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