June 2012
By Aparna Sharma
Landing up at a meditation session instead of a Christmas party changed the author’s life, as she found her guru
The confluence of the seeker’s aspiration and Divine Grace is how I would define a master or a guru. A guru is a consciousness that propels from within and calls from without. You never really know whether it was your aspiration that called forth grace in your life or the grace that ignited your aspiration.
I first wondered about it in 2010, when by the quirk of fate, I found myself at a meditation session run by someone called Mohan, instead of a swanky Christmas party in Delhi. An hour and a ‘shaktipat’ later I wondered, “Did I find this experience or did this experience find me?” But one thing I was sure of was that I had come to the right place.
Mohanji says, “The guru is not a form or a person. Guru is a principle. It could take human form and talk, or it could come as a message from nature.”
Who is Mohanji?
Mohanji is a normal human being with a high profile corporate job in Muscat, a wife, and a daughter. On another level, beyond the physical plane, he is a Siddha, a spiritual master.
“There are two powers that alone can effect in their conjunction the great and difficult thing which is the aim of our endeavor, – a fixed and unfailing aspiration that calls from below and – a supreme Grace from above that answers.” – Sri Aurobindo |
Despite that, he remains introverted and unassuming. It is amusing to see him arriving at a gathering organized in his honor, dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, disappointing many who expect him to fit into their glorified image of a ‘guru.’
To know his spiritual aspects, one needs to connect to the consciousness that is the guru – the guru tattva or guru principle, which is operating from within us. He says, never connect to the physical form of a guru. “Marry the consciousness, which is permanent and unshakeable. Never marry any guru. They are crazy people. Believe me.”
Mohanji was born on February 23, 1965, a smiling infant in Palakkad, Kerala. “Perhaps I refused to cry because this birth was chosen, this body was chosen, the parents were chosen, and landing on earth perhaps did not give me the expected shock after all,” he speculates.
Coursing through education, work, and personal life, he reached Muscat in the Middle East. Until 2000, he coasted along. And then the upheaval began. He lost his precious child, Ammu, to a nasty road accident. But it did not end here. Soon after, his marriage broke, he lost all his earnings, investments and belongings in India and abroad and eventually lost his job too. Suddenly, he was stranded and virtually on the road. And if that was not enough, he developed a painful skin infection, which was especially unbearable in the hot desert sun of the Middle East. Forsaken by friends and family, Mohanji experienced human suffering at its worst.
A different perspective
However, from a higher perspective, things looked completely different. His isolation, agony, pain, and suffering eventually led him to deep inner exploration and a genuine search for the very meaning and purpose of life. “One by one, God removed everything that I was attached to and placed me firmly on the path of spiritual evolution. We must lose a lot to gain somewhat,” he says of that period.
He made the Himalayas his second home and found solace in the wisdom and unconditional love of the Masters, which opened up his inner channels fully. It was during this time that he had his profound ‘Shiva experience’
Shiva experience
In February 2007, he was at an ashram in Kerala, when he was overcome by an unexplained sickness and nausea. So the swami of the ashram took him outdoors for a walk in the fresh air. They walked up to a house, about 500 yards away, went inside, and just as Mohanji sat on a chair, he lost his physical consciousness, slipping into deep samadhi.
The guru is not a form or a person. Guru is a principle. It could take human form and talk, or it could come as a message from nature. | ||
Sacred ash (vibhuti) started pouring out through the top of his head, slowly falling down his body. In the Dattatreya tradition, they say that sacred ash gushing out of the Sahasrara (the head chakra), is a sign that the last remnants of karmas are being exhausted. Along with the vibhuti, he became incandescent, a bright light glowing from within him, radiating through his body and clothes. His body seemed transparent, his eyelids turned golden and his consciousness expanded beyond description. He felt everything was within him.
“Mohan did not exist There was no time or space. There were no gunas (attributes) such as sattva, rajas, or tamas, there were no identities. Everything was erased in a split second. The need to return or come back was also not there. I do not know for how long I existed in that state. All I heard after some time was the voice of swami shouting to other ashramites – ‘Shiva is here! Come fast. Bring the camera.’”
As he slowly regained body awareness, he found himself surrounded by people, some taking photographs. The swami later explained that initially, the light was so bright that he could not allow anyone to enter the room, as their nerve endings would not be able to withstand the high levels of energy.
This experience tilted his consciousness, taking his awareness to an entirely different level. Thenceforth, he started floating in and out of different awareness levels, receiving guidance from Ascended Masters. It was during one such communion that the voice of the unseen beckoned and ‘Power of Purity’ (or ‘Bless the World’) meditation was ‘given’ to him. At first, Mohanji did not know what to do with it. “You must teach,” the guidance continued.
Now he was perplexed. “Immediately the introvert in me objected, ‘No Baba, I am not cut out for such a thing. You know that I am an introvert. Moreover, I am not a guru material. I am an ordinary man.’”
Nevertheless, the guru principle was at full play. Immediately, the answer came, “That’s not your problem. We will send people to you. Understand that those who come to you are sent by us. Others will not reach you. Nor will they understand you. Your strength is your subtlety. You are empowered. You will represent our tradition.” Thus, the meditations started, and quickly spread all over the world.
With the Power of Purity meditation, came ‘shaktipat.’ This is a transfer of the master’s energies to the recipient. The experiences were powerful and varied. People started experiencing heavy cleansing, communions with the masters and having other life-transforming experiences. In Baba’s words, “Understand that those who come to you, are sent by us.”
For Mohanji, spirituality is priceless. Therefore, all meditation sessions are held free of charge as are all workshops and classes. His meditations are available for free downloading at his website:www/mohanji.org. He says, “One cannot buy enlightenment in shops.”
His aim, he says, is simply to elevate as many people as possible to higher consciousness. “I am performing my dharma, duty, as a citizen of the universe. I am giving forth everything, unconditionally!” says he.
There are no dos and don’ts. Doing meditation is an internal call. The operating platform is unconditional love. Each shaktipat received during meditation has the power to change one’s constitution.
Peter Mohammad Langille from Canada was suffering from a combination of prostatic hyperplasia and severe sleep apnea. After ten months of sleeplessness, he had reached a point where the drugs had stopped working, and he had accepted that he would soon die. The practice of the Power of Purity meditation and the grace he received through shaktipat healed him and gave direction to his life.
![]() photographer, and above all, a seeker. An educational consultant by profession, she is based in Chandigarh, India. mail:aparnasharmachd@yahoo.com |
In my own experience, one day after I received my first shaktipat my mother had a heart attack. The great protection was that there were no palpitations and no pain. She did not even know that she was having a heart attack when she walked into the clinic for an ECG test. The doctor was shocked. Her main artery was 100 percent blocked and the second was 40 percent blocked. With only one artery functioning he wondered why she had not yet collapsed. He immediately sent her to the emergency ward. I had never met Mohanji in person but I could see that this was, in fact, a heavy cleansing happening for my entire family. I wrote a mail to him introducing myself and my mother’s condition and simply affirmed to the universe, “I love you. I trust you. I thank you.”
Within minutes, I received a reply from him in which he asked me to surrender all my thoughts, worries, anxieties to Baba (that is what I called Sai). He further assured me saying, “I am with you. I am with your mother.”
These words were enough for me to trust that everything would be taken care of. I sat down to chant, mentally connecting with the eyes. Within an hour the second ECG was done, the finances were arranged, the operation was performed, and my mother was out of the operation theatre after successful heart surgery. (‘The masters will take care of everything’, they always say.)
So how do you repay the debt of gratitude? Through money? However, this guru works for a living. He does not seek students, disciples, power, or fame. He does not even use his name in his articles, signing them as simply ‘M.’
How, then, do you repay? “Through selfless service to Mother Earth,” advises Mohanji. “Social service or selfless action of any kind will relieve you from the accumulating dues.” “Feed the hungry, clothe the poor, spend time with those abandoned by society, feed the mute birds, and animals. The size of seva does not matter, the intent does. Have the intent and do whatever you can, every day. In the current shift of times, the energies of the earth are so tumultuous, that pure sadhana is extremely tough. Therefore, selfless service gives us the required purity to do the sadhana,” he says.
This is the reason that the charitable organizations, Ammucare Charitable Trust, and now Mohanji Seva foundation, founded by him have spread across the globe. Sumit Partap Gupta, an initiate from Jammu explains, “The reason is that this is not a branded exercise. It is a universal cause of humanity. Therefore, it is bound to touch anybody’s heart.”
There are no promises of abundance or manifestation. Healings and elevations of consciousness happen, but they, again, are purely individual experiences. No enticement, no dependency. Mohanji does not invite anybody, and he does not stop anybody from leaving. “If the guru binds you, leave him. If meditation binds you, drop the meditation, because this is the path of liberation, not a path of binding,” he says.
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