Abhay Kumar Shah helps women relieve their gynaecological ailments with the practice of certain effective mudras
In this article, we will address issues which concern half the population roughly — women.
Since these issues occur every month, often, women are negligent about addressing them and don’t take them seriously enough. Their partners are unable to understand these problems. Besides, it is difficult to visit a gynaecologist frequently. A ‘not a big deal’ or ‘chalta hai’ attitude is also responsible for the delay in timely treatment which is put off till the matter becomes problematic.
Let us address some of these gynaecological problems with the help of mudras.
• Scanty, infrequent, and light menstruation
Varun Mudra: This mudra increases the Water Element in our body, thereby increasing the menstrual flow. When the Water Element is less, the flow decreases, and the menses become scanty.
Method: Touch the tip of the little finger to the tip of the thumb. Keep the remaining three fingers comfortably straight. Place the back of your palms on your knees or thighs.
Practise for 30 minutes, twice a day.
Jal Surabhi Mudra: This mudra balances tridosha in the body and the hormones, and corrects the endocrine system as well as water metabolism.
Method: Touch the tip of the ring finger of one hand to the tip of the little finger of another hand and vice versa. Touch the tip of the middle finger of one hand to the tip of the index finger of another hand and vice versa. Touch the tip of the thumb to the root of the little finger of the same hand. Keep this gesture pointing the tips downward, resting the back of your palms on your thighs.
Practise for 16 minutes, twice a day.
• Menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding)
This is also a common condition, especially during the menopausal process.
Apana Mudra: This mudra cures this problem very effectively.
Method: Touch the tips of the middle and ring finger to the tip of the thumb. Keep the remaining two fingers comfortably straight. Place the back of your palms on your knees or thighs.
Practise for 30 minutes, twice a day.
Yoni Mudra: This simple yet effective mudra is very useful in healing gynaecological issues.
Method: Clasp the middle, ring, and little fingers of both the hands with each other. Rest the clasped fingers on the back of the other hand. Now join the tips of both the index fingers to each other. Join the tips of both the thumbs to each other. Point the tips of the index fingers downwards and by stretching point the connected tips of the thumbs upwards. Place the gesture between the thighs.
Practise for 16 to 30 minutes.
• Leucorrhoea (white discharge)
This is another common disease faced by women. Mudra Science has a good remedy to offer.
Apana Mudra: Please refer above.
Shankh Mudra: We have discussed this mudra in another article, but let us learn it again.
Method: Put the thumb of one hand on the palm of the other hand. Place it on the hill below the thumb of the left hand. Wrap all fingers of the left hand around the right thumb, except the thumb. Now turn the right thumb, which is wrapped in the left fist, to suit the position. Then touch the tip of the left thumb to the tip of the right index finger. Rest the three remaining fingers of the right hand on the back of the left fist.
Practise for 30 minutes, twice a day.
Please share this knowledge with your female friends to help them with their problems.
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