July 2023
'Mudras for the monsoon
Cheer yourself up this rainy season and be in the best of health by practising mudras suggested especially for this weather by Abhay Kumar Shah
Every season affects human health in its own way. Our pineal gland, which runs our body’s biological clock senses the weather, brightness of the light, temperature, and humidity, and adjusts its secretions and that of other glands as per the climatic conditions.
For instance, the secretion of our digestive juices reduces after sunset; i.e., when the light reduces and the secretion of melatonin, the sleep hormone, starts and increases with the reduction in the
• Soorya Mudra
Practising Soorya Mudra will regularise the flow of the digestive juices.
Touch the tip of the ring finger to the base of the thumb. Press the thumb on the back of the ring finger. Keep the remaining three fingers comfortably straight. Place your palms on the thighs.
Soorya Mudra
brightness of the light. Again, during the rainy season when it’s cloudy, the pineal gland takes note of the reduced light. It reduces the quantity of digestive juices, which hampers our capacity to digest food. Undigested food creates cough and constipation. That’s why Ayurveda and most religions insist on having light food and that too in the evening or before sunset during the rainy days.
The low light throughout the day confuses the pineal gland. It increases the flow of melatonin, which slows down activities and causes lassitude. The disturbed secretion of melatonin upsets the
Practice for half an hour before meals for 16 minutes.
•Chandrakala Mudra
Chandrakala Mudra reduces the cough caused by undigested food.
Stretch the index finger and the thumb forming a 90-degree angle. Place your palms on the thighs.
Practise for 16 minutes, thrice a day.
secretion of serotonin, making one melancholy and
• Apaan Vaayu Mudra
Chandrakala Mudra
dull. Many people feel depressed during this time of the year.
All these problems can be handled by practising the following mudras:
Apaan Vaayu Mudra decreases the gases produced due to undigested food and relieves constipation. It also clears congestion in the chest region.
Mudras 63
Touch the tip of the index finger to the root of the thumb. Touch the tip of the thumb to the tips of the middle and ring fingers. Keep the little finger comfortably straight. Place your palms on the thighs.
Practise for 16 minutes twice a day.
Apaan Mudra
Apaan Vaayu Mudra
Apaan Mudra
Apaan Mudra helps in the digestion of food and the excretion of waste matter. It helps in reducing acid reflux.
Touch the tips of the middle and ring fingers to the tip of the thumb. Keep the remaining two fingers comfortably straight. Place your palms on the thighs.
Practise for 16 to 30 minutes as per the need, twice a day.
Vyaan Mudra
Vyaan Mudra keeps you active and prevents sleepiness.
Touch the tips of the index and middle fingers to the tip of the thumb. Keep the remaining two fingers comfortably straight. Place your palms on the thighs.
Practise for 16 to 30 minutes, twice a day.
Caution: Avoid the practice of Vyaan Mudra after sunset.
Mushthi Mudra
Vyaan Mudra
Mushthi Mudra
Mushthi Mudra improves digestion and excretion, reduces cough, and elevates your mood.
Make a fist with all four fingers. Place the thumb on the back of the fingers, excluding the little finger and touch the ring, middle, and index fingers. Place your palms on the thighs.Practise for 16 minutes, twice a day.
I hope this information will ease the effects of the upcoming season for all of us. Your feedback, as usual, is always welcome.
Abhay Kumar Shah is a mechanical engineer, who has learnt Mudra Shastra from experts and established his own method of using this science correctly, and in the modern context. He can be reached at: mudramiracles@gmail.com
We welcome your com
Cheer yourself up this rainy season and be in the best of health by practising mudras suggested especially for this weather by Abhay Kumar Shah
Every season affects human health in its
own way. Our pineal gland, which runs our body’s biological clock senses the weather, brightness of the light, temperature, and humidity, and adjusts its secretions and that of other glands as per the climatic conditions.
For instance, the secretion of our digestive juices reduces after sunset; i.e., when the light reduces and the secretion of melatonin, the sleep hormone, starts and increases with the reduction in the
• Soorya Mudra
Practising Soorya Mudra will regularise the flow of the digestive juices.
Touch the tip of the ring finger to the base of the thumb. Press the thumb on the back of the ring finger. Keep the remaining three fingers comfortably straight. Place your palms on the thighs.
Soorya Mudra
brightness of the light. Again, during the rainy season when it’s cloudy, the pineal gland takes note of the reduced light. It reduces the quantity of digestive juices, which hampers our capacity to digest food. Undigested food creates cough and constipation. That’s why Ayurveda and most religions insist on having light food and that too in the evening or before sunset during the rainy days.
The low light throughout the day confuses the pineal gland. It increases the flow of melatonin, which slows down activities and causes lassitude. The disturbed secretion of melatonin upsets the
Practice for half an hour before meals for 16 minutes.
•Chandrakala Mudra
Chandrakala Mudra reduces the cough caused by undigested food.
Stretch the index finger and the thumb forming a 90-degree angle. Place your palms on the thighs.
Practise for 16 minutes, thrice a day.
secretion of serotonin, making one melancholy and
• Apaan Vaayu Mudra
Chandrakala Mudra
dull. Many people feel depressed during this time of the year.
All these problems can be handled by practising the following mudras:
Apaan Vaayu Mudra decreases the gases produced due to undigested food and relieves constipation. It also clears congestion in the chest region.
Mudras 63
Touch the tip of the index finger to the root of the thumb. Touch the tip of the thumb to the tips of the middle and ring fingers. Keep the little finger comfortably straight. Place your palms on the thighs.
Practise for 16 minutes twice a day.
Apaan Mudra
Apaan Vaayu Mudra
Apaan Mudra
Apaan Mudra helps in the digestion of food and the excretion of waste matter. It helps in reducing acid reflux.
Touch the tips of the middle and ring fingers to the tip of the thumb. Keep the remaining two fingers comfortably straight. Place your palms on the thighs.
Practise for 16 to 30 minutes as per the need, twice a day.
Vyaan Mudra
Vyaan Mudra keeps you active and prevents sleepiness.
Touch the tips of the index and middle fingers to the tip of the thumb. Keep the remaining two fingers comfortably straight. Place your palms on the thighs.
Practise for 16 to 30 minutes, twice a day.
Caution: Avoid the practice of Vyaan Mudra after sunset.
Mushthi Mudra
Vyaan Mudra
Mushthi Mudra
Mushthi Mudra improves digestion and excretion, reduces cough, and elevates your mood.
Make a fist with all four fingers. Place the thumb on the back of the fingers, excluding the little finger and touch the ring, middle, and index fingers. Place your palms on the thighs.Practise for 16 minutes, twice a day.
I hope this information will ease the effects of the upcoming season for all of us. Your feedback, as usual, is always welcome.
Abhay Kumar Shah is a mechanical engineer, who has learnt Mudra Shastra from experts and established his own method of using this science correctly, and in the modern context. He can be reached at: mudramiracles@gmail.com We welcome your comments and suggestions on this article. Mail us at editor@lifepositive.net
ments and suggestions on this article. Mail us at editor@lifepositive.net
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