June 2023
In addition to joining your hands in prayer to beget offspring, join them to form mudras too, says Abhay Kumar Shah
Nowadays, we see a lot of young couples Lack of sleep along with stress, wrong eating habits, and wrong eating hours, all affect the quality of reduce stress, improve concentration, and generate mindfulness. The other four mudras are for improving sperm and eggs, increasing libido, and enhancing the ability to enjoy sensual pleasure.
All these mudras are to be practised by both spouses for three months before trying to conceive.
• Jnaan Mudra
Practising Jnaan Mudra with
dhyaan (concentration) will
help immensely.
Touch the tip of the index finger
to the tip of the thumb. Keep
the remaining three fingers
sperm. In yogic physiology, amongst all the Sapta Dhatu (seven bodily structures), the most precious dhatu is Shukra, i.e., the sperm or semen. One can
comfortably straight. Place your palms on the thighs.
Jnaan Mudra
Obtain it only as a last product in the process of digestion and assimilation. After producing Ras (plasma), Rakt (blood), Mamsa (muscle), Medha (fat), Asthi (bone), and Majja (bone marrow), the finest one, Shukra, is produced. Today’s lifestyle doesn’t allow us to follow the ideal yogic rules, and that results in various disabilities. Weak sperm is one of them.
For couples desiring to have a child, Mudra Shastra offers help. The first one, Jnaan Mudra, helps
Practise for 48 minutes, early morning.
•Kundalini Mudra
Make a fist with the left hand and keep the index finger straight, pointing upward.
Wrap a fist around the left
index finger with the right
hand. Place the tip of the right
thumb on the top of the left
index finger. Kundalini Mudra Mudras 63
Hold your palms in front of the abdomen.
Practise for 16 minutes, thrice a day.
• DharanaShakti Mudra
It is a dynamic mudra. One has to perform it in three stages.
1. Form Jnaan Mudra with both hands. Take a deep breath.
2. Slide the index finger downward on the thumb up to the first joint of the thumb. By doing so, one can feel some more space in the lungs to breathe. Fill it with your breath.
3. Again slide the index finger downward on the thumb up to the last joint of the thumb. This will create a little more space in the lungs. Fill that too.
Dharanashakti Mudra
Now start exhaling slowly, simultaneously sliding the index finger upwards on the thumb. No breaks while exhalation. Keep repeating it.
Practise for 16 minutes, thrice a day.
•SahajShankh Mudra
Engage the fingers of both hands with each other and clasp them. Apply some pressure with the fingers resting on the back of the opposite palms. Press the palms against each other. Place the thumbs straight on the side of the clasped index finger. Hold your
palms between the thighs.
Practise for 16 minutes, thrice a day.
• Apaan Mudra
Touch the tips of the middle and the ring fingers to the tip of the thumb. Keep the remaining two fingers comfortably straight. Place your palms on the thighs.
Practise for 16 minutes, thrice a day. SahajShankh Mudra
Apaan Mudra
Even if a couple does not intend to conceive, they can follow these mudras for better sexual health and experience.
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