October 2024
A young man joined the Buddha as a disciple. He had a very inquisitive mind and was constantly asking the master many questions. One day, when he approached the Buddha with another question, He listened to him and said: “I will answer you, but you have to wait a year. This is my condition and promise: in a year, I will answer your question.”
Hearing this, Ananda, who was sitting next to him in the shade of a tree, burst out laughing. “What’s the matter?” The young disciple asked. “Why is he laughing?”
“Ask him yourself,” the Buddha replied. “What are you laughing at?” the young man asked.
“I’m laughing at the fact that a year ago the Buddha told me the same thing: ‘Wait a year in silence, discard unnecessary thoughts, and then ask me again.’ If you really want to ask, ask now, otherwise, you’ll never ask again!”
“This is my condition,” the Buddha repeated. “If you ask in a year, I will answer. If you don’t ask, I won’t answer.”
“All right,” the young man agreed.
A year later, the Buddha asked this man, “Well, a year has passed by. Do you have a question to ask?”
“No,” the young man replied, “You asked me to wait for a year. I did so in silence and threw away all my thoughts. But when the thoughts disappeared, there were no questions left. Now I understand why Ananda was laughing. He was laughing about the fact that I wouldn’t be able to ask questions when I wouldn’t have any.”
• Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
• Happiness depends on what you can give, not what you can get.
• Silently hear everyone. Accept what is good. Reject and forget what is not. This is intelligent living.
• Leave aside your regrets of the past and anxieties of the future, and focus intelligently on the present. This is the best way of ensuring a positive future.
• What we have is a gift from Him. What we do with what we have is our gift to Him.
• To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness.
• The result of action depends upon the very quality of the action.
• The real guru is the pure intellect within, and the purified, deeply aspiring mind is the disciple.
• The really poor man is not the one who lacks money but the one who lacks the joy of the heart.
• Prayer, in its truest sense, is an attempt to invoke the mightier potential that is already in us, through mental integration.
• The spirit of Advaita is not to keep away from anything but to keep in tune with everything. • In all adversities, there is always in its depth, a treasure of spiritual blessings secretly hidden.
Progress won’t always be linear
Fasten your seatbelt, O dear!
Let the gusty winds blow
It counts as progress even though slow Be anchored by your own intention Take a step back and analyse the situation Being hopeful is a must-have trait
Kickstart with a clean slate
Stop giving people discounts
Strive for a balanced karmic account Your worth is not a negotiation
Cease the hunt for outside validation Wipe away the frosted glass
Upgrade your dreams to business class Savour the delicacies life has to offer Navigate cautiously, you being the chauffeur Pass over the dead past and unborn future The present is the only gift to nurture You are the epitome of perfection
Let the magic flow like a work of fiction —Sneha Aggarwal
Even though it was the master’s day of silence, a traveller begged for a word of wisdom that would guide him through life’s journey. The master nodded affably, took a sheet of paper, and wrote a single word on it: ‘Awareness.’ The visitor was perplexed. “That’s too brief. Would you please expand on it a bit?” The master took the paper back and wrote: “Awareness, awareness, awareness.”
“But what do these words mean,” asked the stranger helplessly.
The master reached out for the paper and wrote: “Awareness, awareness, awareness means AWARENESS.”
—Anthony de Mello
“A little foolishness, enough to enjoy life, and a little wisdom to avoid the errors. That will do.” — Osho
A man was swimming in a river when he heard shouts coming from a drowning man up the river. He swam to the man and managed to save him. Afterwards, the man found out that he had saved Joe Biden, the President of the USA.
“Now,” said Biden, “you can ask of me whatever you want.”
The man was nervous. He looked about furtively and whispered to Biden, “Just do me a favour. Don’t tell anyone that it was me who saved you.”
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