Seva se meva
I started deep abdominal breathing just three months ago, and now, having read the article Breath Well, Live Well in the March 2022 issue of Life Positive, I am reaping the benefits mentioned therein. Thank you for connecting us to our ancient practices. I strongly believe, as said in the article, that if we can do deep breathing for just 15 minutes daily, we will remain healthy and free of a host of diseases of the current times, namely, stress, anxiety, and sleep disorders, and it will ensure calmness of mind. Due to calmness, my spiritual journey has become smooth and centred. I really appreciate the great work Life Positive is doing. Please continue this seva.
Sarla Reddy, Bengaluru
‘Being’ with Life Positive
How lucidly Charles Sahar has explained the Art of Simply ‘Being’ in the March 2022 issue of Life Positive! It is commendable. I know it is an experiential piece from the way he explained everything about ‘being.’ It takes years of sadhana to reach here. I resonate with and truly appreciate what he has to say. It is the daily diligence over time of just sitting with oneself or meditation that creates the space where we can truly experience the Self without focussing on the onslaught of pouring thoughts. I truly feel blessed to get Life Positive at my home. Your other articles have helped my family members deal with the current times we are going through. Thank you Team Life Positive.
Himanshu Barola, Haldwani
Karmic concepts clarified
The article Seek and Ye Shall Find by Vanitha Vaidialingam in the March 2022 issue of Life Positive was extremely well-written. All the interesting concepts which boggle many people were explained deftly. It helped me in my struggle to understand these fundamental precepts of Hinduism. It is all the more commendable as she managed to encapsulate ‘karma and free will’ and ‘karmic vortex and how to break it’ in just a few hundred words. I really admire Team Life Positive for coming up with age-old wisdom month after month.
Naresh Solanki, Mumbai
A change for the better
From spiritual wisdom to self-transformation content, Life Positive has given so much to me and my family. There is a welcome change I am noticing in your recent issues. It is truly a personal and spiritual growth companion. Until recently, the content was consumed only by me, but now things are moving in a different direction. The articles Happy Job-Hunting and Say Hello to Your Hard Feelings in the March 2022 issue have opened up windows for many young readers to take guidance from. They are so relevant to the young minds of today. I have been reading Life Positive for the past couple of years, but recently, my family has started reading it too. We as a family truly appreciate this shift. Thank you Editor Shivi Verma and Team Life Positive.
Sunil Kaul, Bengaluru
Life Positive marches ahead with the March issue
Say Hello to Your Hard Feelings by Navni Chawla was a very truthful article that I read in the March 2022 issue of Life Positive. The uncomfortable emotions that we all go through in our lives are like the devilish attacks we are faced with from within ourselves and, yes, we do succumb to them in our weaker moments. But if we recognise them for what they are and why we confront them at times, then that awareness itself helps us to let them go. Thank you for such a thought-provoking article.
I thank Shivi Verma for the insight she gave us through her article, The Wo(man) Within, on how important it is for us to balance the masculine and feminine traits in our lives to live peacefully and contentedly with one another.
Gossipmongers beware! Professor Rao enlightens us on the nature of gossipers and the ill effects that wilful gossip creates.
Once again, congratulations on a complete issue!
Gitika Kaji, via email
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