Mail from our readers, online fans and subscribers
Destiny matters
Apropos of the column Staying sane in Covid times in the June 2021 issue of Life Positive author Suma Varughese has provided very useful advice on how to preserve our sanity during these dreadful times. However, I felt a tone of helplessness in her description of the situation. I am 77 years old and I have recently had COVID but I did not let helplessness overcome me. I just did practical things: consulted a physician promptly, got certain tests done and took the medicines as prescribed. I am glad to say that I made a quick recovery. It’s not one’s destiny to get COVID or die of it. A lot depends on one’s actions. Lack of discipline in using a mask, washing hands, and safe distancing can invite COVID. Correct action on the other hand can save one’s life.
God too sends help. My daughter, staying in the neighbourhood, sent me lunch, and my brother, whose house is behind mine, handed me dinner packets over the boundary wall everyday.
I wish Sumaji had mentioned the usefulness of yoga and pranayama in raising one’s immunity.
COVID affects the lungs, so pranayama can help in avoiding the illness.
Ashok Tiwari via email
Dear Ashok,
It is very good to hear from you and am glad to see you respond to my article. First of all, I am very happy to know that you have had a smooth and quick recovery from COVID. God be praised.
Now as far as your critique of my article is concerned, the thing to keep in mind is that destiny does not equate with helplessness. Destiny is the unfolding of our lives according to our karma, or if you want to see it from another point of view, according to the will of God. Now this does not mean that you should not do anything about it. You have to do everything you can about it. But when you keep in mind that unless you are decreed to die from this ailment, you will not do so, you will be freed from unnecessary fear and anxiety and can focus on combatting the ailment.
As far as you are concerned, it was your destiny to heal from COVID, which is why you did. It was your destiny to have supportive circumstances, like your own dynamic nature and the loving support of your daughter and brother. Were you not destined to live, maybe these favourable circumstances would not have existed. Even if they did exist, you may not have made it. We all know that life and death is not in our hands. Sometimes, no matter how hard the patient, the doctors and family members strive, life slips away. And it is also equally true that not everyone gets COVID and everyone does not die of it even if they get it. What makes the difference? I would say it is destiny. Life works out the way it is meant to work out. This knowledge is not helplessness, but in fact the essence of Advaita. Ramesh Balsekar used to say that his teaching could be summed up in four words: Thy will be done.
I do hope I have made myself clear.
Warm regards,
Suma Varughese
Fortunate disciple of Dadashreeji
Roopa Rani’s article Living with the Master in the June 2021 issue of Life Positive made for very interesting reading. She is fortunate to have met him in person and attended his retreat. What is most magnificent is that now she feels the protective and guiding presence of Shri Dadashreeji in all her activities and is able to seek his help for people in distress.
At a Life Positive retreat at Zorba: the Buddha resort, I had the good fortune of attending a session conducted by the disciples of Dadashreeji. In the positive ambiance created by them they conducted a meditation and then transmitted energy from Dadashreeji to each person. I wonder if I can regard that as an initiation into Dadashreeji’s teachings. However, I appreciate their emphasis on love for fellow human beings as well as all creatures.This powerful emotion can definitely transform a person into a very positive personality and make society a better place gradually, and our lives more peaceful and contented.
Ashok Tiwari via email
Ahead of times
Life Positive magazine is ahead of its time as the essence of life is shared very well in it. I enjoyed reading; Raise your sattvic quotient and Living with the Master in the June 2021 issue. The cover article- The Rise of the new panthiest sheds light on the huge shift in our paradigm when it comes to following religion. Clearly gone are the days when people followed only that religion they were born into. A Hindu by birth, I find deep joy in following Buddhism too. I enjoyed reading the articles; From pain to perfection, A journey in yoga and The power of surrender. Each time I have read Life Positive, it has affirmed that my inner peace is the most precious thing as it gives me the faith and courage to take life head on.
Annie, via WhatsApp
A moving article
A dog’s tale by Nikita Mukherjee in the May 2021 issue was very impressive. Infact it made me cry while reading it. It was a wonderful teaching story.
Raghav, via email
In the article Ozone therapy: the gentle healer, Dr Mili Shah has been wrongly referred to as the vice president of the Ozone Forum of India. She is the President of the organisation. The error is regretted.
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