Mail from our readers, online fans and subscribers
Great experience
The Close Encounter story of Dr Chandrashekhar Udupa, Doctor divine, in the May 2020 issue of Life Positive was awe-inspiring. I have been a great fan of Swami Vivekananda and consider him my idol, but Dr Chandrashekhar is unparalleled in his devotion to Swamiji. When I read the description of Swamiji giving darshan to Doctorji after his deep implorations, I got goosebumps. Only the most sincere, pure, and earnest people get this kind of a blessing from God.
What’s more, Doctorji has been in constant communion with him eversince. This is a very rare phenomenon. I am sure he was connected to him in his previous birth too.
It was a delight to read this interview. Many thanks to Life Positive and Pradeep Krishnan for introducing such noble souls to the readers of Life Positive.
Sudhakar Rao via email
Being more responsible as a community
I was deeply touched to read the cover story Small sangha, big support by Shivi Verma in the April 2020 Anniversary issue. How true it is that, as a community, we believe more in others doing their bit to fit in the structure created by us, rather than focussing on how much the community can do to serve its members. We do need to rethink our idea of a community and make it more accepting and positive.
I was touched to read her personal account of benefitting from an intentional community at a time when she needed the support of empathetic people. I feel if we judge less and understand more, we can create a much healthier society.
We also need to be more mindful of what we talk about with each other while interacting. Our negative beliefs catch on fast, entrenching them in people’s minds, which often result in deep biases and prejudices about others.
Sumana Rathod via email
Ample time for contemplation
Apropos of the article Conversing with Mother Earth by Shivi Verma in the May 2020 issue of Life Positive, there have never been so many opportunities as of now to converse with Nature and, in the process, ourselves. We realise the importance of being positive, creative, compassionate, and being clean physically as well as mentally. Our ‘namaste’ has become more revered and relevant now. There is a lot of time for not only such conversations with Nature but also for those with great personalities for seeking enlightenment.
It is after a long time that I have been able to read an issue of Life Positive completely.
Dr TK Kundra via email
April issue inspires seva!
I enjoyed going through your April 2020 issue, which focusses on change-makers. This is real positive media activity which helps spread goodness and a positive feeling among the readers and inspires them to act on similar lines. Please make it a regular feature to cover at least one such inspiring and useful story in every issue.
It is one thing to discuss high falutin abstract spiritual ideas and it is another to know the practical aspects of spirituality,which is evident from the stories which inspire us to do something positive. It provides a much-needed respite from all the other negative news disseminated 24 hours by all the channels and newspapers. Your magazine is an exception and that’s great!
After reading the article Nourished by Naini, I feel that spreading awareness about right eating is very beneficial and essential for society as chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases, and obesity have become lifestyle issues today. They can certainly be reversed (as compared to only managed through medication) by our diet and physical activity.
I am inspired to start something similar in my city, Coimbatore. Is it possible to get the contact details of Kanchanji and Nainiji so that I can get guidance and advice from them?If your organisation can coordinate such an effort and help spread the good work, it will, in the truest sense, be a fulfilment of your magazine’s mission— to make ‘Life Positive’ through seva.
Once again, I express my deep appreciation for your organisation for their good-heartedness in continuing to publish such a quality magazine despite challenges. Please keep it up!
Manoj Kumar Tibrewal via email
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