Mail from our readers, online fans and subscribers
The mind eclipse
In the excellent article The Inner Journey, in the February 2021 issue of Life Positive, the writer Puneeta Puri has rightly observed that we are so entangled in our maze of thoughts and emotions that we forget who we really are. This prevents us from reaching our real Self, the soul, pure consciousness, or the Source.
It seems that it is the mind, full of thoughts and emotions, that acts as a thick cloud to hide the sun of our real Self.
A S Dandekar, Mumbai
The B category
I have been a subscriber of LP for five years. I regularly classify articles after reading into three categories: A—Very Good, B—Good, and C—Need improvement. Recently, since the last few issues, lead-story articles lose steam in the middle and authors try to expand the article by repeating the concepts with ordinary examples. Most of the lead-story articles belong to the B category. But most of the one-page articles belong to the A category! Because of the space constraint, there is no scope for dilution.
S N Kedilaya, Puttur
‘Feb-ulous’ issue!
I loved the February 2021 issue of Life Positive. It had so many useful articles. The Inner Journey by Puneeta Puri was excellent and very soothing to read. I felt as if I could see my life laid out before me.
The poems Sum of my parts and Value of life by Ajay Kalra were moving and thought-provoking. I especially liked the article Therapeutic Art by Badal Suchak. I love to paint and get so absorbed in it that I often forget my most pressing troubles. However, I have never painted under the watchful eyes of a healer. I think I should try doing it because I can get to know a lot about my inner world by doing so.
Keep up the good work, LP.
Priyaranjan Kumar, Indore
Closer to the Divine
Accept my congratulations for coming up with a lead story on loving God in the February 2021 issue of Life Positive. It’s so true that we look at God as the provider and the solver of our problems. We bargain with Him with the promise of either offering or giving up something we like in exchange for what we want from Him. But we never offer our love to God or seek to experience His love when we pray to Him. I felt a wave of love for my Ishta Devata, Sai Baba, after reading this article. He has saved me from so many troubles and is my guiding light, but for the first time, I told him (his picture) that I loved him after reading this article. Thank you, Life Positive for taking me closer to God.
Sunayana Rathi, via email
Calm amidst the chaos
The January 2021 issue of Life Positive was thought-provoking.
Are we really at the brink of stepping into the divine age? The disruption of peace, order, and everyday life everywhere seems to indicate this. The interview with Maitreya Dadashreeji was so uplifting to read. As though there was a huge scope for saving yourself from all catastrophes that are befalling the human race. Somehow, the chaos is now making sense, and if we align ourselves to divine guidance, we can safely enter the new era without undergoing much harm.
Thank you Dadashreeji, for showing us the bigger picture and letting us know where we are heading.
Sunita Rajgopalan, Bangalore
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