What is Yoga | Life Positive

What is Yoga - Symphony of Body and Mind

Living in a polluted environment and consuming large doses of stress on a daily basis leaves a lot to be desired with regards to one's overall health. Yoga is here to completely help you out with the issues related to your holistic health. This is an ancient spiritual practice that involves various types of activities like breathing, stretching, and exercise. Yoga means the union of human consciousness and the ultimate, infinite consciousness. Yoga simplifies and gives a solution for all the elements which challenge the misconception that getting fit and healthy is complex, time-consuming and arduous.

If you wish to solve all your health complications, Yoga is a one-stop solution for you. Life Positive offers professional Yoga sessions via it's trustworthy, verified and certified the best yoga instructor. 

What is Yoga and How old it is?

Yoga originated in ancient India. However, the exact origins of Yoga are debatable. Yoga finds mentions in scriptures and arts, that dates back to 3000 BC. There were several schools of Yoga. Soon, the practice of yoga became divided and scattered all over. Therefore, confusion between what is yoga and what does not emerge.

Maharshi Patanjali formulated the Yoga Sutras about 2000 years ago. He was also known as the father of modern yoga. Yoga was introduced to the western countries in the 20th century.

Maharshi Patanjali founded the eight limbs (ashta-anga) of yoga:

  1.  Yama (conduct)
  2. Niyama (discipline)
  3. Asana (posture)
  4. Pranayama (controlled breathing)
  5. Pratyahara (withdrawal from cravings)
  6. Dharana (stance or concentration)
  7. Dhyana (meditation)
  8. Samadhi (union with ultimate consciousness)

Myths about Yoga

Yoga is related to religion
No one can claim any act of yoga as his or hers. Moreover, since yoga means union, therefore, it conforms to almost every religion in this world. Yoga is for the body and the mind. This body is made of the same material as of the earth. Since the earth has no religion, neither does yoga. Besides, every single individual on this planet, irrespective of his/her religion, craves for his/her well-being. Moreover, yoga helps in achieving that goal.

Yoga requires severe flexing and twisting of the body
Unless you are an advanced and absolute professional in yoga, there is no need for you to flex, twist or churn your body. In fact, for different body types, there are unique yoga exercises. The yogic practice which one can do may not necessarily suit another person.

Therefore, it is important to identify your body type and perform exercises accordingly. Additionally, one must always initiate with simple yoga that involves breathing and meditation. Gradually, as the body begins to get a grip on it, one can wish to pursue further discourses in yoga.

What is yoga good for?

  1. Yoga develops intuitive powers within us.
  2. It helps in the secretion of 'feel good' hormones.
  3. It enhances mental and emotional balance.
  4. Promotes alertness and focus.
  5. Improves decision-making skills.
  6. It helps to improve cardiovascular functions.
  7. Prolongs health and life.
  8. Yoga helps to ward off stress.
  9. It brings stability to life.
  10. It helps in alleviating anxiety and phobias.

We know that yoga is widely practiced all over the world. This is also the reason why defining the types of yoga is impractical. Whether you read books, join any yoga class or browse the internet, you will find hundreds of varieties of yoga.

Types of Yoga

However, if we narrow it down to the most sought after, famous, feasible and widely practiced than it is convenient to say that there are 5 types or classes of Yoga:

Hatha Yoga
For: Beginner
Incorporates Slow and gentle yoga. Deep Breathing and Postures. It helps to balance the mind.

Ashtanga Yoga
For: Intermediate and Advanced
Incorporates Fast movements from one pose to another. Strict and Difficult postures. Ideal for weight loss.

Kundalini Yoga
For: Intermediate and Advanced
Incorporates: This yoga is complex and difficult to perform. Basically aimed to awaken the dormant Kundalini energy that resides in the lower spine or root of the body.

Iyengar Yoga
For: Anyone with basic knowledge of postures
Incorporates: Postures with the help of props like belts, straps, and ropes.

Bikram Yoga
For: Beginner and Intermediate
Incorporates: This yoga practice has more postures (approximately 26) compared to breathing exercises. Additionally, this is performed in a hot environment for more than an hour.

How does yoga transcend in other forms

It's important to realize that the types of yoga are not exhaustive. There are several other types of yoga that are beneficial too.

One must always initiate with Hatha yoga and then they may proceed towards stricter forms of yoga. What is yoga and whether I will be able to perform it, these are not even questions anymore!

Moreover, yoga is an ancient practice of understanding our life. It's a source to transcend the limitations of human consciousness. Yoga doesn't belong to a specific country or people. It belongs to all. Moreover, we must realize that due to our awareness of yoga, it becomes mandatory for all of us to reap its benefits.

Are you facing any trouble while engaging with yoga? Now here a chance to adjoin and discuss with your preferred Yoga Expert today.