The NGO GIVE was founded by His Grace Shri Vrindavanchandra Das in the year 2007. It is a group of like-minded people, dedicated to spreading the eternal, age-old Vedic wisdom of India, summarised in the Bhagavad Gita, throughout the world. Vedic knowledge is original, authentic, timeless, and non-sectarian. It will bring peace, happiness, and holistic success in every individual’s life believes Manisha Moorjani, who found answers to her plethora of questions about life and spirituality after listening to Shri Vrindavanchandra Das in the year 2012.
At present, throughout the world, human society finds itself faced with daunting problems of hunger, disease, moral decay, and conflict. Disagreements, both individual and collective, quickly become violent confrontations. Society, and specifically the youth, is finding itself increasingly disturbed and misguided. Almost everyone is suffering from mental conditions like tension and depression, leading many to the verge of committing suicide. These are not signs of a healthy society.
The Vedas give the cause as well as the solution for this condition of society. They proclaim that all suffering and ills in an individual’s life are due to ignorance, and the right knowledge is the answer to all maladies. One can claim that human civilisation has advanced exponentially in terms of knowledge in the past few centuries. But then, why have our woes too increased by leaps and bounds? The Vedas state that a person with complete knowledge will have a complete personality which, in turn, will provide them with complete solutions. The Vedas also state that knowledge is made up of two aspects: the material and the spiritual. In the past few centuries, though material knowledge has advanced manyfold, the spiritual part of knowledge has been entirely ignored. This incompleteness has led to unbalanced or incomplete development of humans.
A dire need for spiritual education
In today’s society, there are innumerable schools, colleges, institutions, and universities imparting material education, but very few institutions are providing real spiritual knowledge. Due to this, society is full of people with incomplete personalities, leading to the present disastrous state of affairs.
So, the only answer is to provide non-sectarian spiritual education (not religious) to everyone and help them to complete their personalities. A person equipped with a complete personality will very easily overcome and find answers to all the challenges of life.
The Gaurannga Institute for Vedic Education (GIVE) has taken upon itself the task of providing spiritual knowledge to each individual in an easy-to-understand way.
His Grace Shri Vrindavanchandra Das, the head and Siksha Guru of GIVE, is an iconic speaker with a gamut of spiritual knowledge. Through his life-changing talks and discourses, he has been instrumental in helping thousands of people lead a holistic, peaceful, stress-free, and successful life. Vrindavanchandraji is adept at presenting intricate spiritual concepts lucidly, with practical, easy-to-apply examples in day-to-day life. Over the past 35 years, he has delivered more than 10,000 talks and has spoken for more than 25,000 hours on different topics related to spirituality, to multifaceted audiences around the world, ranging from educational institutes like IITs, IIMs, and AIIMs to corporates like Intel Corp., Maruti Suzuki, Royal Bank of Scotland, Rotary Club, Lions Club, CII, etc. He was also invited by the president of Mauritius, Sri Kailash Purryag, to deliver a spiritual talk.
His Grace Shri Vrindavanchandra Das says, “The goal of life is to know the goal of life.”
Graced by GIVE
My own life was drastically changed when I came in touch with GIVE. My husband Rajesh (a Gurgaon-based telecom specialist) and I were looking up information on good parenting, when we stumbled upon GIVE. Rajesh says, “We have two children (boys). We wanted to acquire the knowledge of how to become good parents by dealing with our personal problems and at the same time, take care of our children properly so that we could lead a positive, constructive life. We tried to find this knowledge through various channels—online as well as experts and counsellors in various organisations—but were not satisfied. Then, we came across GIVE, where we understood that completing our incomplete personality through spiritual knowledge was the solution to all the challenges of life. We did the 14-hour Bhagavad Gita course offered by GIVE. This brought about great positive and constructive change in our family. Today, the challenges of life are just like a puddle on the road, the size of a calf’s hoof. By this, I mean it’s so easy to surpass all the challenges. We thank Sri Vrindavanchandra Dasji and the GIVE team for this valuable knowledge. Now my wife and I are actively involved in spreading this great knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita, and I invite you to join in this great cause.”
The life of Nitish Gupta (20), a student of Delhi University, took a positive turn after receiving spiritual knowledge from GIVE. Nitish says, “In college, I was always suffering from anxiety, unable to bear study stress and peer pressure. My parents were worried about my future. Slowly, I was drifting away from reality and moving into the dark world of intoxication. But when I heard Shri Vrindavanchandra Das, I understood the purpose of life and became capable of facing challenges with great courage. Now, I always remain happy, no matter what the situation is. The Bhagavad Gita reveals the secret for achieving everlasting happiness, and I thank GIVE for showing me the way.” Nitish has now volunteered to spread this knowledge and inspire thousands of students who are entangled in the world of darkness with no hope in life.
To facilitate this change, GIVE offers a unique course that has brought positive changes in the life of many people.
WWW—World Wide Wisdom
GIVE has designed the world’s first-ever audiovisual course on the Bhagavad Gita (shortest course in the world—just 14hrs!) which one can study at their own pace and convenience either online or in offline downloadable mode. The course presents the knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita systematically with practical examples from day-to-day life. A dedicated team of Gita educators are assigned to every registered individual for their entire lifetime. Individuals can post their queries to the assigned Gita educator to understand and apply the principles effectively in real-life situations. The course has helped thousands of individuals from all walks of society to face and tackle the daunting problems of life and achieve holistic success.
His Grace Shri Vrindavanchandra Das says, “Intelligent people read the manual of life, while others read the manual of the body.”
Rajan Arora, VP at Royal Bank of Scotland, says, “If one is serious about yoga, karma, and spirituality, one cannot afford to miss the talks by Shri Vrindavanchandra Das. His explanations are so simple to understand that my 10-year-old son and I both love to hear him, as we can easily relate to his teachings in our daily lives.” He is now actively involved in the online preaching of Bhagavad Gita principles and organising seminars for corporates.
Spreading the spirit of the Gita
Shri Vrindavanchandra Das (Vivek Kaushik) was born to an army officer. From the age of 14, he had a keen interest in spirituality. Actively involved in social welfare activities since college days, he worked as a general manager of five-star hotels before delving full time into spiritual pursuits. He read almost 48 translations of the Bhagavad Gita. Having understood the essence, he started preaching the authentic representation of the Bhagavad Gita. He founded the Gaurannga Institute for Vedic Education (GIVE) in 2007 to spread spiritual knowledge systematically for the benefit of the masses. Ever since, he has been teaching the Bhagavad Gita and other Vedic texts to people from all walks of life, age, nationality, and specifically to the youth in India and abroad.
A 19-year-old nursing student (name and location not disclosed) was going through a failed relationship. Due to depression, he drifted away from his parents and was on the verge of committing suicide. He was counselled by one of the Gita educators and underwent the 14-hour course, which changed his life completely. He says, “I owe my new life to GIVE and will always be indebted to Shri Vrindavanchandra Dasji for teaching the real knowledge of life that every individual on the planet is looking for.” Similarly, GIVE has changed the lives of many students, suffering from depression, suicidal tendencies, and intoxication by empowering them with spiritual knowledge and completing their personalities.
GIVE brought positive changes in the life of Shri Rakesh Gupta, an IIT Kharagpur alumnus and an industrialist. Rakesh says, “I was on the verge of a breakdown. But understanding ‘Yogic techniques for life management’ from Shri Vrindavanchandra Das helped me to resolve my problems and lead a more positive, motivated life. I am ever thankful to him.”
Om Prakash Modi, Chairman, Okay Plus Builders, says, “I have been listening to Shri Vrindavanchandra Dasji for many years. I feel that he has a very strong command of the Bhagavad Gita, and his way of explaining is the best and easiest. The Bhagavad Gita has started making sense to me, and applying its instructions in my life has become very practical after listening to his seven-day seminar on it. He speaks the truth without any fear. Anybody who wants to understand the Bhagavad Gita must listen to his seven-day seminar.”
“All material problems only have a spiritual solution,” says Shri Vrindavanchandra Das.
GIVE invites everyone to take this life-changing 14-hour course on the Bhagavad Gita and make their life successful. The course is available in English and Hindi. Audiovisual as well as only-audio options are available. Once a person registers for the course, they can study at their pace and ease. Those who wish to study offline can download the course files. GIVE is also constructing a ‘Maha Gitalaya’ (International Institute for Bhagavad Gita Studies) in Kurukshetra, Haryana, India, where they will conduct short and long-term residential courses and yoga retreats.
See also
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