By Robert La Pierre
November 1998
The true miracle story of a radiation-striken youth who got a fresh lease of life with sound therapy
Before my birth, my mother was working as an X-ray technician in a clinic in Canada. She was confident then that the lead shielding she wore at work was sufficient protection against radiation. She did not know then how radiation exposure would change our lives.
When I was five, my glandular system broke down completely. As a result, my body was unable to produce critical growth hormones and I stopped growing. The doctors diagnosed me as having a growth hormone deficiency and a glandular shut down. The treatment was nothing short of a death sentence—if I forgot to take my medication, I would die. At the age of six I was informed that I would have to live on drugs for the rest of my life.
I could not play with other children and children could not relate to me because of my size and weakness. Often, I had to be pulled back from dangerous situations, as I was unable to gauge the speed of objects or people. In order to survive, I developed a strong defensive attitude. I began to use words as weapons against my peers and nurtured an unreasoning ego. All through these years, my mother and I actively sought alternative avenues to heal my body. But with little success.
When I was 20, my mother moved to California. She persevered in her search for a treatment and finally developed a technique using sound frequencies that have beneficial effects on different organs and glands of the body. Initially, I was hesitant about being a guinea pig. However, when I visited her, I showed some interest in her work. We experimented with her voice analyzer software to determine frequencies that I lacked in my body. One evening, she asked me if it was okay to play some frequency tapes.
When I agreed, little did I know what the outcome would be. Mother used sub-woofers to transmit the frequencies. My first impression of the sound was that of a gentle wave rolling down every inch of my body, bringing with every rise and fall a wealth of soothing energies.
One of our greatest hopes was realized in the following days. Both mother and I were struck by a wave of miracles. First, I began to cry, and I mean really cry. I realized how deeply I had hated myself, both physically and emotionally. I felt my heart open wide.
Most of my life I had had difficulty sleeping. Sometimes it would take me hours to fall asleep as I could not breathe properly. But weeks after I began using the sound tapes, I was able to sleep deeply and restfully.
Soon, my glandular system began to work. I felt a greater sense of energy in my body. I also stopped taking drugs altogether.
The thing I like most about sound therapy is that it is easy and effortless. I assimilate the food I eat much better, I am healthy, I have harmony in my relationships with others, I can deal with stress with greater ease. In fact, I sincerely believe that without the help of my mother’s work in the form of Sound Wave Energy tapes and CDs, I would not be alive today.
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