August 2016
By Shruti Jaiswal
A few years ago when I started the journey to explore my inner self, I took up the practices of Reiki and Sudarshan Kriya. These practices greatly benefitted me not only in terms of my physical health but also my inner well-being and vitality. However, later, lethargy set in and life took over.
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I was always present to what I was missing, yet lack of discipline kept me confined to my comfort zone. There was always a convenient excuse resulting in latent guilt, accompanied with perennial inaction. Somehow I found it very difficult to break the shackles of procrastination. It was challenging to get my act together.
However, a few weeks ago, something changed. I decided to take the plunge. It was a minuscule step, but in the right direction. I committed to a weekly spiritual practice. I began hosting the weekly satsang that is organised in my complex.
Every Thursday people in my housing complex come together for an hour to sing bhajans, read and discuss spiritual knowledge. Merely hosting this activity has brought about a paradigm shift in the energies of my home. It has touched my family in more ways than one. I see my family members doing things that were unimaginable a few years ago. We can all sense the difference in our home’s vibrations.
Simple, small acts like these have a ripple effect. Not only have I found my elusive discipline but I have also started doing things that were always in the ‘wishful thinking’ compartment of my mind. Now I am regular at practicing Reiki. The altered positivity at home is visible to all.
Three weeks back, I started a Food Bank in my complex. It’s amazing how things have magically come together. Once a week, a group of women contribute fresh, home-cooked meals for street children. Singing had always been one of my favorite hobbies. Now, I’ve got into the discipline of learning that art too.
Initially, take baby steps
Hands down, one of the most challenging aspects of sticking on the spiritual path is to maintain discipline. Life has a natural ebb and flow. It’s the ebb that can get us into trouble if we allow its persistent presence for too long. Building back the spiritual muscle requires willingness to get back into action. Small steps taken in the right direction help us to get centred in spirituality. This strengthens the processes of inner alchemy, which in turn aids us in remaining calm even in the midst of the stormy experiences that life offers. The shift may be gradual, but the calmness in our demeanor is here to stay. Slowly and steadily we find the mind getting fecund and our soul at peace. So next time lethargy sets in, don’t go on guilt trips, simply mull over the cause, decide to take small steps, and get set go. You will find your way back.
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