The Sun God grants us the vital energy and radiance which provides us with enormous abundance in life. This illuminating star suffuses our lives with heat and light and consequently energizes our mind, body and souls. Ayurveda extols the virtues of the Sun as the provider of health . Hence the worship of the Sun assumes tremendous significance. The worship is performed through Mantra, Japa , Namaskar and Pranayama.
Sun salutation or Surya Namaskars is more than a mere physical exercise. It exorcises fear from our body, mind and soul .As per Ramayana , Lord Rama was imparted this esoteric knowledge by sages Vashistha and Vishwamitra. As a result he attained the necessary strength to vanquish Ravana.
A practitioner needs to be in total harmony with his breath ( prana) , sound and the physical movement while performing Sun salutations.
Regular practice of Sun salutation increases our intuitive ability. The focus is on all parts of the body but particularly the solar plexus. The solar plexus which is normally the size of an almond enlarges to assume the size of a human palm through methodical and faithful practice of Surya Namaskar.
The physical exercise is an obeisance to the Sun and takes the form of twelve yogic postures, which are performed in a sequential manner of movements and flow. Breath and sound simultaneously flow rhythmically while performing this Yogic practice and the practitioner receives bountiful cosmic energy.
The practice should not be associated with any religion or a ritual. It has a deep spiritual connect with the cosmos and opens up frontiers of profound dimensions of awareness and mindfulness. Meticulous and punctilious practice has a salutary effect on the human mind and body which results in startling benefits and changes us from within and without.
A fifteen to twenty minute practice of sun salutation augments the vitality and beauty of the yogic practitioner and makes him joyous and radiant. Most importantly it enhances bliss , compassion and love in the individual and one discovers the eternal truth.
However it should be remembered that this is more than a mere physical exercise. It is a Sadhana to the life giver of this planet.
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