October 2003
By Armgard Traulsen
Bruno Gröning became known in Germany in 1950s for his astonishing healings. Today, physicians from 50 countries join hands to extend the benefits of his spiritual healing to people worldwide
`Only God can Heal`
Dr Gerhard Blättner, Director, Medical Science Group, talks about his experience with Bruno Gröning`s teachings
Why do you, as a physician, commit yourself so strongly to spiritual healing through the teachings of Bruno Gröning?
It is my firm belief that all physicians today have a duty to help their patients. But if his knowledge is not enough, then a physician should consider, without prejudice, other ways that could help his patients. I heard of Bruno Gröning and the Circle of Friends years ago. When, through verification of reported healings, I saw that even severe chronic ailments have simply disappeared, then I knew that I can`t and shouldn`t remain silent about what is happening here.
There are many other directions in naturopathy as well as in the area of spiritual healing. Why opt for the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends?
For me, personally, this isn`t the only path, but the best one, because it is so simple. My goal is to be able to impart something simple to people free of charge by means of which they can help themselves. That is what we need in today`s health situation. My colleagues and I also notice this in particular during our lecture trips to the poor countries of the world. In the lectures we explain to the people how they can open themselves up to the Healing Stream according to the teachings of Bruno Gröning. Many people in the audience immediately feel the power in their body. We see the first healings during the lectures themselves. Local groups are then formed and they develop a momentum of their own-they grow on their own because it really helps.
What is it about the teachings of Gröning that is for you, as a physician, specially important?
Besides the simplicity and the fact that it doesn`t cost anything, its naturalness and clarity are very important to me. I always emphasise in my lectures that reputable spiritual healing, whether here in the Circle of Friends or elsewhere, is open and clear, not mysterious and mystical.
Gröning emphasised time and again that he doesn`t say anything new, but that it is merely an ancient knowledge in today`s terms. This knowledge should really be common knowledge. But it was forgotten or falsified. All religions and physicians of earlier times knew it. This force has definite laws; whoever knows them can use them.
In verifying the healings within the Circle of Friends we see it confirmed again and again how the healing power works on people, if they let it. Here, thoughts and feelings are of great significance. Spiritual healing is more than a mere absorption of energy-the person seeking healing must also do something. For example, it is difficult to become well if you still hate or are envious of others. It is also necessary to bring back to people an appreciation for these processes of adaptation and cleansing. How difficult it is for many people to realise that pain, diarrhoea, fever, or other reactions in the body can be a part of the healing! The person who wants to become well in this way must finally learn to take over the responsibility for his own health again.
However, healing is and remains-and this can`t be emphasised enough-in the end a gift of God.
Do you, too, feel like a healer now?
For heaven`s sake, no. No human being can heal; only God can heal. As Bruno Gröning said: “I don`t heal; the divine power helps and heals.“ The person seeking healing experiences on his own accord with God`s help, when he opens himself up to the Healing Stream. Our task is merely to give him the instructions.
Are the teachings of Gröning a new religion?
When God or divine power is spoken of, many people think they are in church or in some kind of religious splinter group. That is how far we have strayed from the natural. Actually, knowledge of the existence of a supreme being, a supreme spirit that is the single and greatest physician, should be obvious to every physician. Physicians and healing practitioners can only be his helpers. It is important for medical specialists to experience again His existence and His way of working and helping-in our everyday practice as well. The teachings of Gröning, I believe-this must be clear-are `supra-religious`. Physicians from all religions are members of the Medical Science Group. The Muslim remains Muslim, the Christian remains Christian, the Jew remains Jewish, and the same with the Buddhist or Hindu. Here, too, no one places himself above the others. It is a matter of people, not religion.
This power isn`t concerned with `Catholic` or `Protestant,` doesn`t differentiate between Christians and Jews, Muslims and Buddhists-the only thing that counts is a person`s heart and his will to do good.
For many, modern medicine is in some ways headed for disaster; for others, it is only a matter of adequate funding and the necessary research-particularly in genetic engineering-for illness to be conquered. Meanwhile, many physicians are perplexed. They have often faced limitations of the medical system. They have lost belief in the salvation that is supposed to come from unlimited research and they can hardly carry out their calling any more.
Patients who have been informed that there is nothing more that can be done, start to wonder whether there is an alternative to `incurable`. But what would it be? Physicians, too, seek ways to really help their patients. But they hardly learn anything in their medical training about alternatives to conventional medicine. They hear something about the `vis vitalis` or `life power` in their lectures in the `History of Medicine` discipline. But this knowledge is not a part of what medical students learn today. They usually have no access to the power of life and they no longer know its laws.
‘True science and true religion are one,’ a great thinker once said. Man cannot be separated into soul and body. They are deeply intertwined. The significance of the mental-spiritual link for a healthy body is becoming clearer through psychosomatic medicine and the findings of a new sub-discipline of medicine, psychoneuroimmunology. Nevertheless, these fundamental relationships are often ignored, and patients are beaten with diagnoses and baneful prophecies concerning the course of illnesses.
However, Matthias Kamp, a physician from Hamburg, who was interested in increasing his knowledge of alternative methods of healing, concerned himself with the subject of spiritual healing. At a meeting of the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends he learned how one could be in touch with a force called the `divine healing power`.
However, he quickly noticed that what was easy for children presented difficulties for him as an intellectually oriented adult. But when he realised that this power, which you can`t see or touch, isn`t to be perceived through the head, but through the heart, he could also experience it. A pleasant, strong flowing, a tingling in his whole body became more and more perceptible. It was something that caused a feeling of invigoration and well-being to rise in him. Never before had he experienced such a thing.
The divine power
Bruno Gröning, who became known in Germany in the 1950s as `Miracle Doctor` for the astonishing healings that occurred during his lectures, called this force that can heal and help people, the `divine power` or the `Healing Stream`. It is supposed to be abundantly available for everyone. You just have to learn how to open yourself up to it. You can`t see or touch it, but it is perceptible through feeling. Gröning didn`t want to be regarded as a healer, and emphasised time and again that no human being can heal. According to Gröning, ‘God is the great physician,’ and a human being can only be a mediator of the force that brings about the healing.
Convinced through personal experience, Kamp investigated, with a colleague, the healings that had been reported in the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends. Mr R. (70) suffered from continuous headaches for 25 years. He also had severe chronic lumbago due to the degenerative process of his invertebral discs, heart pains, angina pectoris after the slightest physical exertion, pains from a lung contusion-an old war injury-a chronic gastric ulcer and a disturbed sleeping pattern.
After making contact with the teachings of Gröning and absorbing the healing stream, he was spontaneously healed of all his complaints. In the post-investigation, all signs of a circulatory disturbance of the heart had disappeared in the stress-test electrocardiogram.
This and other inexplicable regressions of illnesses became the basis for starting an international specialists organisation. In 1992 Kamp founded, with several other physicians and medical professionals of the Circle of Friends, the Medical Scientific Group. Now over 5,000 members of various healing professions, including hundreds of physicians, participate in this group. In 2000 the volunteer physicians and healing practitioners reported their experiences with spiritual healing through the teachings of Gröning in over 400 lectures over 60 countries, including India.
The physicians of the Group also record, verify, medically document and scientifically evaluate the healings in the form of `Success Reports`. However, the possibility of a healing can neither be arranged nor promised. It is always only a matter of `can be`. The time spans leading up to a healing also vary. While some healings are spontaneous, others take weeks or months. In one case the illness may disappear immediately; in another it may take years. In some cases there may be no healing at all.As important as scientifically-based research in this area may be, most of the knowledge about the `why` of an occurrence or non-occurrence of healing remains accessible only to a spiritual, intuitive, higher discernment. In the final analysis, man will never be able to be the `doer` here, for the gift of healing lies in the hands of the Giver of Life.
The laws of healing
Gröning always pointed out that the effect of the healing power is subject to certain laws. Thus, reactions can occur that seem to be like a worsening of the earlier symptoms. He spoke about a cleansing and reversal process that he called `regulations`.
Interestingly, Paracelsus, the great physician of the early modern age, knew this cleansing process, or healing crisis, as an early sign of healing: ‘He who wants to become well must realise that it doesn`t happen without pain… and just as we obtain our food through our sweat, it is the same here…in our sweat, we are cured of illness.’
Spiritual healing, as it occurs in a large number of people in the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends, has nothing to do with mysticism. There is nothing mysterious, nor any miracles. People receive the connection to a force that was always there for them-they have only forgotten about it.
Matthias Kamp founded the Medical Science Group with fellow physicians
A successful case
Ms Gertraud F. (69) of Munich had been suffering from increasing pain in her back, finger joints and knees since 1993. A computer tomographic densimetric analysis (bone density measurement) in August 1994, showed manifest osteoporosis (average spongy bone mineral salt content 64.2 mg CaHA/ml). A therapy with estrogen had to be discontinued due to a thrombosis. Calcium couldn`t be tolerated. The only medication given was in the form of vitamin D preparations.
However, at the next examination in November 1995 a clear increase of the osteoporosis (51.7 mg CaHA/ml) was observed. Her complaints had meanwhile increased so that she was dependent on a cane while walking and complained of continual pain.
In April 1996 she heard of the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends. Thereafter she regularly absorbed the Healing Stream. In the course of a few months the pain receded and she was able to walk without complaint and without a cane.
At an examination in April 1999 a bone density of 80.1 mg CaHA/ml was shown, typical for her age group. Since then Ms F. has remained complaint-free. Such a rise in bone density in manifest osteoporosis without adequate therapy is, from the medical point of view, inexplicable.
In cases of osteoporosis in old age there is usually a continual increase in the loss of bone mass. As for medication, at the present time a certain remineralisation can be obtained only with bisphosphonates, but an increase in bone density, such as in the case of Ms F. has never been described earlier even with this therapy.
According to Kamp, for thousands of years and all over the world in advanced civilisations and in every religion, there has been great awareness of the existence of a higher force. Many physicians in past centuries also knew about this force. In Europe they call it the vitality, `Vis Vitalis`, in India they call it `Prana` and the Chinese physicians named it `Chi`. In all the world religions it is called the `Divine Force`.
‘Unfortunately, in modern medicine, mainly in western countries, there is only little awareness of the existence and the chances of healing of ailments/illnesses through this force. Only for the last few years interest has grown since the limits of treatments for chronic ailments, with regards to the modern `High-Tech` medicine, have become more and more obvious. Trust and believe the divine force helps and heals. God is the greatest physician,’ emphasises Kamp.
(The author is a member of the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends)
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