July 2009
By Abhishek Thakore
Ramblings at a T-group* lab
Water colour on paper by Derek M |
Facilitator: “So where are you right now?”
Participant says: “I feel a sense of peace and calm within me.”
Participant thinks: You fool, can’t you see I am right in front of you!
Facilitator: “Are you willing to let go of this?”
Participant says: “Yes I am.”
Participant thinks: Let go of what? Maybe let go of the concept of letting go.
Facilitator: “Don’t think – feel – share at the feeling level.”
Participant says: “Hmm, so I must share what I feel and not what I think.”
Participant thinks: I feel I should not think. I think I should not feel. I feel I should feel. I think I should think.
Facilitator: “Come here – to the here and now.”
Participant says: “Yes, I have been dwelling in the past and future.”
Participant thinks: Maybe I should go to him, on his lap, and maybe I should do it right now.
Facilitator: “Give each other a hug.”
Participant: Hugs
Participant thinks: Ye Ye! Hugging this pretty woman on the pretext of some emotional gyaan rocks!
Facilitator: “Tell me what you are feeling physically right now?”
Participant says: “I feel a sense of release – my upper body is relaxed.”
Participant thinks: And my stomach grumbles for the want of food, when is the lunch break?
Silence in the lab
Participant thinks: Have I paid such a steep fee to listen to this silence?
Facilitator: “Society for Applied Behavioural Sciences.” Participant thinks: Session for Appalling Behaviour and Stupidity.
*A T-group is a non-structured process in which participants are encouraged to share their reactions, responses and other mental stuff from the feeling, not thinking level, and to relate it to the present situation. Since there is little or no guidance, the procedure can be chaotic.
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