About Mr. Amit Monga

Redikall Crystalline Mind, Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression Therapy, LBL, Migraine, Weight Management, Smoking cessation, Self Esteem, Fears, Phobias etc.
The secret to a jubilant life, filled with success and happiness is a healthy mind. To change your current reality, you need to shift your state of mind, your belief systems, which create your perception and your reality. Irrespective of your genes, your current circumstances, it is possible to create a brand new you. The road to evolution starts with understanding the power of your mind. I use well balanced fusion of several kind of therapies like Redikall Crystalline Mind, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression Therapy,  which help the clients to overcome all the challenges which behold their happiness and to put their life on a trajectory of fulfillment and joy.

My journey started just as member of a common middle-class family. From being an IT professional, IT Project Manager, and working for the United Nations for several years to a passionate Hypnotherapist has been a rollercoaster ride and I have had my share of ups and downs.

From Childhood, I had a keen interest in spirituality, in finding out the reason for everything, the reason for people’s behaviour, fathom the depth of Karma theory, how diseases come into our body and why do we get sick, why do people go through repeated patterns of emotional suffering in their life and above all, how do we overcome these sufferings in a holistic way! This quest took me to various modalities of Healing and it ended with Redikall & Clinical Hypnotherapy. The happiness derived out of being instrumental in the transformation of people’s life is phenomenal and that’s what keeps my passion towards Redikall & Hypnotherapy growing day by day. Life is not just responding to us, it is mirroring us, it is reflecting our innermost thoughts and belief systems. Redikall & Hypnotherapy is the surest way to work on those constricting belief systems which withhold our happiness and instil what can make it a joyous life.


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