About Mr. Florian Meyer

Mr. Florian Meyer is from Germany and the creator, founder and owner of the MATATEC Transformative Technologies mechanical engineering company based in the southwest German Black Forest mountain area . He a regular visitor of India for the last 30 years following the call of his Gurus Sri Sathya Sai Baba and Her Holiness Mata Amritananda Mayi Maa Devi, has decided to settle in South India a new branch of his company for the Indian and international public.

Over 35 years, Florian Meyer has ( beside of several other - mainly water, agricultural, as well as medical topics ... )  researched on how to transform subtle energies and how to overcome Life blockages created by:

         ●   Geopathic stress-areas , - and other terrestric or cosmic energies.

         ●   Electro-stresses electronic devices and technologies.

         ●   High-voltage lines, underground oil, gas-pipelines or mobile phone transmitters.

         ●   Wrong and harmful design in today’s buildings.

         ●   Effects of ancient Karma, graveyards, ancient cultural places, black magic etc..


After many years of deep researches he found out and recovered again , that Nature, as divine Absolute, is transforming subtle energies through Its holy syllable “AUM”.  And that the “AUM”  is not only the highly special tone or key-note Sadya or Sa but also a fully forgotten and unknown vortex-structure.

Out of this knowledge, he developed, new waterpipes, new electrical wires, new methods for agricultural and medical use bringing a highly efficient technology according to its use.

With his collaboration over 13 years with the Indian scientists Mr. Dr. Mannem Murthy and Mrs Geeta Mannem from Hyderabad, also highly esteemed Vastu-researchers, they could discover together, by using their own method of measure and monitoring, that the MATATEC Technologies developed by Florian Meyer is highly efficient and annihilate all type of energy blockages indefinitely ...

Looking forward for an optimal device to help in all this Vastu and Vasaathi matter, Mr. Meyer developed the MATATEC DEVATMA Plate® which is able to bring all structure to its optimal pure divine resonance and vibrate at its highest potential.

With MATATEC DEVATMA ®  he could change the energetical behaviour pattern of a private residency to a full hospital or from a skyscraper or to a full farm or a to full natural reserve totally and at once as a whole - with everything inside and around - ( without of any need of changing anything on physical levels )  and unconditionally bringing peace, joy and tranquillity to the premises and to all their living beings.

He has conducted many work shop and seminaries in Europe and India helping many to focus on the reality of the AUM structure, and training them in the MATATEC AUM Energy Feeling®, which is a simple technique to ground oneself and have a clear view on reality, understanding the right and wrong, the correct and the false.

Mr. Florian Meyer is bringing all his knowledge to India through MATATEC India  based in Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, and offers his service of consultancy, seminaries or work shop to all interested.

His Love and understanding of Indian Culture and Philosophy participate to his joyous and enlightening presence during work session or consultation.


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AUM JAI SAI RAMA and NAMASKAR dear Ladies and Gentlemen

After several questions about booking our services , - here the procedure :

The Initial Consultation, which includes a brief overview of the most basic VASTU-specific problems and the actual Healthiness- or Vitality level of Your or our clients´ projects, also in relation to Your or their individual specific living– or working situation ( - along with proposed solutions to overcome them … ) and the potentials of future progress and overall prosperity on all levels , - is with MATATEC always free of charge !

For the preparation of a more detailed preliminary analysis including a plan of action and a cost plan or a cost estimate, - an additional fee will be charged according to the time and effort required ...

After passing on our cost estimate plus a plan of action, our potential clients are still free to decide however they like - on their further steps … and to decide either against - or in favor of further cooperation with MATATEC.

So - Thanks for Your understanding - and WELCOME to contact meet and booking our services , - as well as to attend our several ( - MATATEC VASAATHI -, or Healing – , - till to the more profession-according or science-specific MATATEC `Transformative Technologies´ - … ) lectures, work shops and seminars !

HARIOM NAMAH SHIVAAYA -  and All the Best  -  plus the full Blessings of The DIVINE ABSOLUTE  -  to All of You !


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