About Mrs. Gurnaam Kaur

Gurnam kaur has been interested in anything spiritual. she has learned many modalities like Reiki, Money reiki ,Bach remedies ,Angelic healing, Hypnotherapy, Sound healing, Past life regression, and S.C.H.H

What is S.C.H.H?

It is soul centre healing hypnosis. We can do these things with SCHH 

. Clear energetic attachments or parasatic energies or earthbound spirits from your body and energy field and even from your home. 

. Experience Quantum travel  (Past life regression )

. Connect with your higher self for healing and ask any questions you want to. 

. Release trapped and blocked energy and density from this lifetime and past lifetimes. 

. Receive powerful healing energies and frequencies for physical and emotional healing. 

. Send healing energy to a friend or a loved one by connecting with their guides and higher self. 

. Receive a message from or connect with a loved one or pet who has crossed over  (died ).

Sessions are conducted online through zoom in English and Hindi. 

Duration of session :3.5 to 4 hrs , which includes 

Pre session chat -1 hour

Entity release, Past life regression and higher self questions -2 to 2.5 hours 

Post session chat -15 mins 

Contact :

Email :kaurgurnam76@gmail.com 

WhatsApp :9512751975


Past Life Regression :

Duration: 1 to 1.5 hr 

Charges: rs.2220 /

Session will be conducted online through Zoom 

Languages: Hindi ,English


WhatsApp: 9512751975

Mail: kaurgurnam76@gmail.com



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