About Mrs. Meenu Ananthh

Meenu Ananthh has been brought up in a highly spiritual family. Since her childhood, she was always inclined towards Spirituality and Energy Medicine. Meenu's says that she owes her life to holistic healing. Not long ago, in the year 2012, she was diagnosed with Psoriasis, an Auto-Immune disease. She tried treatments and medications for over a year and did not see any improvement. She decided to try Alternative Medicine. In about 6-8 months, her Psoriasis almost disappeared as if it never existed in the first place. She was thrilled with how much Alternate Medicine worked. This experience triggered her to learn more about this field. After recovering, she read several books on Alternative Medicine, to expand her knowledge and interest in Energy medicine. Her first step in becoming a healer was after attending the Theta healing workshop conducted by Vianna Stibal. Theta healing gave me an insight into the universe of Spirituality. Here, she picked up tips and techniques on how to use the spiritual energy to heal people. She started practising this technique on herself, and her friends and family. Soon enough she was flooded with extraordinary experiences in every healing session. At the same time, due to limitations of people's spiritual beliefs; she had to complement Spiritual Healing with Energy Medicine, such as Acupressure, Quantum Touch, and Reiki. She learnt that the human body is made up of a life-force element "Pranaa" and when there is an imbalance in the life-force, a disease occurs. Thus, her Energy Healing techniques-under the umbrella of Spiritual Healing- made her more serviceable as a healer. Meenu experiences immense joy in being a practitioner, as she feels that this is the right path for her. She has already dedicated her life to helping others prevent and heal diseases.


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