About Mr. Samarth Garg

Samarth Garg learned Reiki to improve his business; but he became so fond of the power and feeling of Reiki that within a few months, he learned many degrees of Reiki and became a Master in Usui Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Seichim Reiki, and Money Reiki.

Soon, Samarth started healing a few family members and friends and found a great demand for this spiritual & holistic healing method in society. People were suffering a lot in their businesses, professional life, and financial life. There is also a great demand in the field of health and relationship.

Understanding this, Samarth also leaned Crystal Reiki Healing and created especially for business people “BUSINESS CRYSTAL GRID MONEY REIKI HEALINGS. “ This is also his specialty and is in great demand today not only in India but also abroad.

Samarth also started “CRYSTAL HEALTH GRID REIKI HEALING SESSION “for serious health patients.

Also on demand, he created “CRYSTAL FERTILITY GRID REIKI HEALING” for couples suffering from fertility issues and childless couples.

Samarth handles other issues of life like exams and jobs, for the highest good of professional life, smooth money inflow, for the highest good of the business, and more.

Samarth handles all these issues with Kundalini Reiki's situational healing and relationships with Kundalini Reiki karmic band healing.


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